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Socoder -> Off Topic -> SpinalWatch

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Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 09:54
Just spotted this amongst Pi Hut's new products.

4" is a bit big for a watch, though.
If you fancy making an animated belt buckle, though....

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Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 10:21
In the 80s, chicks were wearing earrings that big.
Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 12:19
On the plus side, it's already better than every other DIY smart watch I've found. Not one of them does notifications.

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Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 13:05
It is definitely a step up from my last "homebrewish" watch. It looked just like this:

Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 02:00
Binary? no, no, no, no, no.

Hmmm, the clock seems to go wrong after a few hours. Time to try and figure out why. Perhaps its resetting because of low power.... perhaps a variable is overflowwing.... perhaps its gremlins... who know.

'Time' to log the millisecs() and current calculated time to serial out and see how long it takes to go wrong.

I've got a couple of weeks off work, so I'll either beworking more on this, or playing Zelda more...

apparently millis() shouldn't overflow for about a month...

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Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 08:17
Not sure this is of any benefit to you, but the firmware for this smartwatch is open source. Perhaps something in the code may be helpful?

Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 08:19
I was thinking maybe you could send the current Mills() with the notification from the phone, and if it's drifted too far, bump it back.

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Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 09:18
I have no control over what the phone sends. It sends the current time when it connects or reconnects only.

I'm guessing it might be the deep sleep attempt I'm using, perhaps it's pausing the milliseconds counter...

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Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 09:43
Oh, I assumed you were writing a companion app. So, is it "free" notifications being sent?

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Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 10:15
I'm using an app called gadget bridge, it's free and open source. I'm pretending the watch is a bangle.js because that's the on thing I can find communication info on.

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Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 12:05
Aaah, ok!
Wed, 09 Aug 2023, 14:00
Now I'm having trouble setting up a working timer.... apparently I'm doing it right though.

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Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 03:57
Ok, so it's been switched on for about 12 hours now and still the correct time. Not sure what changes I made, but undoing them got it going again 😋

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Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 03:58
Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 06:13
Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 07:49
hmmm, it froze about 20 minutes ago, no clue why. Switching it off and on again got it working again. That's odd.

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Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 07:54
No Windows "features" allowed! *big grin*
Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 07:58
How long had it been running before it froze?
Thu, 10 Aug 2023, 08:23
best guess, 12 to 14 hours, I never paid attention to the time I switched it on. I'll give it a full charge and set it away later today, making not of the start time.
One useful thing with the screen is, as long as it gets power, then the display stays.


OK, started it up, still charging but that doesn't matter. Set it off without setting the current time, so it's only using the milliseconds timer. Got the time converted, then the milliseconds reading under it. Hopefully this will indicate how long until it crashes.
I'm assuming it's an memory leak or an overflow somewhere.

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Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 03:08
Hmmmmm, nearly 5 hours ... How am I going to figure this out...

I'll give it a try today being plugged in and not battery, see if that changes anything.

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Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 03:13
Is there any sort of "If error goto..." function that you can make use of?
Something that trips when an error occurs, where you can spit all the debug info to the screen before it shuts down?

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Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 03:16
Got my fingers crossed for you
Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 06:45

3 and a half hours ... Still going.

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Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 08:23
We have faith in you!
Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 09:00
Ok, still going after more than 5 hours. It's not a time problem.

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Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 09:15
It might be a specific value. What time did you start it, yesterday?

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