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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Smash Bros 3DS/WiiU

Tue, 30 Sep 2014, 09:00


This forum is a "developers" forum. Do NOT even bother to attempt to sign up, if you're only hoping to post about your stupid smegging friend codes.
"I KAN HAS FREND CODE" posters will be deleted, swiftly.

3 days until Smash Bros 3DS! Woot!!!

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Tue, 30 Sep 2014, 09:00
Mine (or rather, my son's) has been dispatched
Tue, 30 Sep 2014, 09:08
Awww, you jammy goit!

Mine's coming from Amazon...
"We've received your order but we haven't started preparing it for dispatch yet."

Knowing my luck, it'll probably turn up at some point on Saturday..

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Tue, 30 Sep 2014, 10:16
I've used GameCollection for the last six months or so and every pre-release game (Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors etc.) has arrived one or two days before its official release.

They are also cheaper than anywhere else.

|edit| Love the warning BTW
Wed, 01 Oct 2014, 05:14
Err, Jay -

See that hand? That's mine, that is. See that game? That's mine, that is (or rather, my son's).

Wed, 01 Oct 2014, 05:47
Wed, 01 Oct 2014, 06:08
My son's loving it so far. He says it's been worth the wait
Thu, 02 Oct 2014, 19:56
I can tell you now. He absolutely loves it. He's played it for absolutely hours now and unlocked a good number of characters. He says that certain button combos hurt his fingers, but that hasn't stopped him playing it. The only time he's taken a break is to recharge the 3DS!

Some of the characters he'd read negative things about have actually been very positive to him - he's liking characters he never expected or changes to the way they play. He loves the Villager (from Animal Crossing), although he admits he (or she) is rather over-powered.

Don't ask me about any of it as to me Smash Bros is just a mindless random button basher. I'm totally crap at it, although I did unlock all the characters on the GC version for my son. Pure fluke most of it was though!

It's a game I'd rather watch than play - one of only a couple.
Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 00:39
Really? Exact opposite for me. I find it totally impossible to watch, as it's FAR too chaotic!!
I'm a sucker for all the collectables in the game. I'm not sure why, since I'm actually usually not a fan of collectables, at all, but there's something about having a collection of little trophies that keeps me going on.
.. It's like those little toys in Shenmue.. They were just as bad!!

So, yeah, I'm looking forward to wasting hours and days and weeks, collecting every little thing that I can.
I'll probably find and print out a collection checklist, too. .. Not that I've done that, before... Honest!!!

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Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 00:55
Speaking to him just now: he's unlocked all characters and has over 100 trophies already. :S
Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 01:00
No fair!!!

Mine's currently "in transit", whatever that means..

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Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 01:44
means its in someones white ford van
Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 04:11

11:15 - GETS!!!!

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Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 07:22
..3 hours later....

Oh, heck.. I've not had a play session that long, in a long long time!!!

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Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 15:58
How's it going then Jay?
Fri, 03 Oct 2014, 16:14
Enjoyable, but a bit squinty! Not always sure wtf's going on, especially on some of the larger stages. .. But then what did you expect, Jay! It's on a handheld, with a ludicrously low resolution!!!
I've put it away for the night, and now trying to get to sleep, but am apparently wide awake, and reaching for the 3DS!!!

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Sun, 05 Oct 2014, 04:10
57 trophies so far.
Am having a whale of a time with the game, but trying not to spend "too" much time with it.
... No AGameAWeek, this week, though!!!

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Sat, 20 Dec 2014, 09:31
Spent a good three or four hours playing WiiUSmash, today, far much more than I planned to!!
That's the thing with Smash.. .. It keeps dragging me back, even if I do have certain complaints about it..
.. Like how, sometimes, (too often) you can lose a game because of the ways of the arena, rather than due to the battle.
This is something that's REALLY annoying during All Star mode, where you only have a single life, and need to battle your way through.. .. Um.. Many other characters.
You can make use of those bonus life containers between levels, but they're bloody well useless when, 3 seconds into a fight, the level decides it's going to randomly kill you for no good reason.
.. That MegaMan level with the big yellow robot bloke thing, that swooshes from side to side, destorying everything in it's wake.. Who the hell designed that??!

Anyway, that's pretty much all I've been doing, today.
LazyJay is enjoying December!!

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Mon, 22 Dec 2014, 03:45

Brum Brum!!

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