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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 10 November 2006

My Life

Where is the blog?

My blog can be found at nicksheets.com. Go there, because I know you're all interested in my life and it has a giant fish. His name is Fillet. What more could you ask for, eh?



Friday, 10 November 2006, 16:57
power mousey
Nick blanko,

I read some of your life blogs. Very interesting comments on Geeks and Nerds. As Ogre says in the "Revenge of the Nerds movies': 'Nerds!! I hate Nerds'. But in the final movie...his name is Stanley, and he befriends and makes friends with the Nerds. He actually is one...deep down inside.
Those are just movies...but, tell a simple moral that no matter what people think of you nor what they see and think of what you are doing is geekish,nerdish, or outright weird
you are still a person.
And that I might add this: it certainly works both ways and does indeed what goes around comes back around. A label is nothing more than a label. What is weird,nerdish,geeekish
to one and who does...is what is cool and normal to others.
There are no perfect people and even those who put up on a pedestal...if any...have thier idiosyncrises, bad and weird habits, along with their strengths and weaknesses. We all have ups and downs too. We're all human.

sheesh!!! who are they!?? I be me. too bad and their tough and bad luck..if they don't like me or uncomfortable with me. I like being weird..cause I'm different and creative and see things from other angles. Thats the way I am. yeah and yay!! for the mighty morphin cheese in my fur...that helps make me, the power mousey. ahhhhh!!!, true!

serious and cheers,
your bro,

power mousey