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Socoder -> Concept/Design -> Accepting Suggestions For.... [JNKFighters]

Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 03:44

A single image, no gameplay, no sprites, just a bit of pixelart..

I have the title "Extreme Pixel Chucking Championships" to go with it, and am imagining a game where all my best characters go head-to-head.

.. but other than that, I'm not sure where to go with it.

Obviously, actual fights will be improbable, mostly due to 90% of my characters having tiny/none-existent limbs, so something else will need to be devised.

Any/all suggestions are welcome, and will be rejected based upon how much they resemble a MMORPG.

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 04:03
1. landscape screen.
2. less horrible background colours as not to clash with the characters.
3. Platdude would have those spears that shoot out from the walls, Greeny perhaps sticks of chalk or pencils... um... thats all i got.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 04:36
1. Obviously! This was drawn in SpriteSomething on my "Avatars" spritesheet, which is made up of 32x32 pixel sprites. A game would be at a more game-like resolution!!

2. I'll probably also add borders around the characters, too. I'm thinking of doing a whole host of silly game, and none-game related backgrounds.. Could be fun to come up with them all!

3. Mmmmm!
... "Finish Him!!"

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 05:22
1. Rock paper, scissors

2. Turn over cards (say each char has three random cards - one for each round), with damage details on cards. 0=miss 1=hit sort of thing

3. Judge chooses a number at random - players guess number. Whoever is closest wins that round.

4. Roll dice. Highest number wins round

5. Fruit machine. Dishes out punches, kicks, blocks etc. (each char has their own machine that spin at the same time). Same outcome cancels out attack.

All games are best of three rounds.
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 05:28
I do like those..
But people are whinging gits, and if I make a game "Too Random", I bloody well hear about it!!!

.. But I do like those.. Especially the Fruit Machine one!

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 07:05
I really like those, it could end up like that warioware style engine you were talking about that time. A handful of mini games based one your real games.

In fact, scrap that landscape idea, switch it to portrait, have the top half of the screen show the fighting animation and the bottom showing whatever mini-game is being used.

...Then port it to the DS

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 04:27
Current trail of thought... Spurred on by Rockford's idea..

Each character has their own graphic pack, and also a minigame.

Your selected character defines the graphic pack used, and your enemy, which minigame.
The characters are drawn at the top, along with power bars, and at the bottom is the minigame.
The minigames are tiny little playthings, like sliding block puzzles, or things like that, and you have to play them as quickly as possible.
Each "completion" forms an attack, and that appears on the fight scene...

... Still haven't started it, yet!!

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Mon, 05 Aug 2013, 16:20
Slow progress on this one!!
I've finally created the JNKFighters folder, and decided to start drawing a sprite.
I started, of course, with Spike.

Since it's the easiest sprite to draw, I figured I could get a nice spriteset going, as well as defining a few rules for how to lay out the many required spritesheets.

My required sprite frames are..
1&2 Stationary (breathing)
3&4 Punch
5&6 Kick
7&8 Jump
9&10 Get hit
11&12 Lose
13&14 Left Blank for future unplanned consideration
15&16 Win

.... Oh, FFS, now I want to make some sort of "Spike's Quest" adventure game, or something!
That guy's cute

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Sun, 15 May 2016, 22:20
Everybody's gotta have 1/2 special moves at least.

Sun, 15 May 2016, 22:28
Oh, man.. 2013..? Is it really that long since this idea popped into my head!?
That's not exactly AGameAWeek, is it!?!

I got that silly Spikes Have Rage game done, though. That's something, right!?!


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Sun, 15 May 2016, 22:52
Fighting is my favorite genre and I also loved the massive crossover appeal of JNKBombers so ever since I learned that you had this idea I've been all for it. I know this is one of your back burner/someday games but when that day comes... I'll be there!

Sun, 15 May 2016, 23:10
Some day I really oughta take some time out and get this done properly.
I'd prefer it to be a decent beat-em-up, though.
The fighting in Spikes Have Rage was minimal at best.

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Mon, 16 May 2016, 05:13
Maybe go for something along the lines of High / Mid / Low Attack / Projectile / Defense

with jump and duck.

Something like that could apply to most of the characters?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 16 May 2016, 06:12
Hm the brawler wouldn't have to be the same project. JNKBrawler or Spikes Have Rage 2 could be further prep work for Fighters.

EDIT: So as to not double-post here's more suggestions that crossed my mind:

-Modes: Arcade, vs. CPU, vs. Player. Shouldn't need any more than this. Maybe a Practice mode too if you want.

Arcade is just a series of fights against the computer and then an ending of some sort Doesn't have to be anything of substance... maybe a paragraph of what happened to the character after winning and a picture to go with it. Doesn't have to be any serious business either. Go as wacky as you want. It'd be cool if you could save the endings to look at later too. I hate when fighting games do that these days. Not sure who'd work as a boss but maybe that could be unlocked too if you have one.

vs. CPU and vs. Player are self explanatory. Many indie fighters forget the vs. CPU mode and they usually hear about it.

-Attacks Not everyone has to have a punch and a kick. Watch some footage or play some other fighters for ideas. Spike's physicals could be a lot like Kirby in Smash and he could even have just a "spin in place" move for a basic attack. Idigidragon could have a close-range fire-breathing move like Hothead in NES TMNT Tournament Fighters and then a projectile one for a special.
