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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek : 2017

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Fri, 24 Feb 2017, 16:06
I'm not 100% sure what game I'm going to make, this week, but I'll be getting Zelda on Friday, and my head's going "ZELDA! ZELDA! ZELDA!!!"

I spent more of today creating a world map generator, with a few rules.

Blue for Water, Yellow for Sand, Green for Grass, White for Mountains.
Steps should be 1 "height value"
Impassable walls should be 2 or more "height value"
And, world oughta be fairly complex looking.

The generator is so far giving me this sort of thing.

If you click here for the full map, you can see all the height lines, with the darker/thicker lines being impassable.

It's not 100% perfect, yet, but it's a nice enough map style.
Next will be adding paths and things like that, then creating a tilemap to go with it, before figuring out what the fuck will be happening in the game!
.. Woot!

(*Note : Don't save that, expecting it to be the final game's map.. The generator is entirely random!)

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Sat, 25 Feb 2017, 07:18

The art style isn't quite silly enough..

More work required..

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Sat, 25 Feb 2017, 10:31


Sun, 26 Feb 2017, 05:26
Added trees and paths!

Next up.. Bushes!! OMG!WTF!?

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Sun, 26 Feb 2017, 10:10

A little later, with some sprite resizing, a touch of recolouring, a rewrite of some of the drawing code to account for Z-buffer, and some bushes added.

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Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 06:15
Day One

Opened up game, started Windows video capture thing, played Blockman for a bit.
Copied resulting mp4 over to Mac.
Opened Mac with RealVNC on the laptop, and used iMovie on the Mac to make a trailer.
Added music.
Added logos.
Everything was golden!
Hit the export button, waited, copied file back to Laptop.

All done and dusted, and took roughly an hour.

.. At which point I noticed that the original Windows video capture had the mouse pointer in it..
.. Right in the fucking middle of the screen.
Through the entire pissing trailer.


Day Two
Started anew.
Played with Windows Xbox Capture options to see if I could get rid of the mouse pointer, but apparently that's not an option.
Moved mouse and recorded new footage.
Copied to Mac, used RealVNC, used iMovie on the Mac, yada yada.

Uploaded to YouTube.


Except I uploaded it as AL instead of me! FFS!
Reuploaded as me.

All is Golden!!

View on YouTube

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Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 10:07
I love the whole generated Zelda thing Jay, can't wait to give it a playthrough with the kids when it's released!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 14:27
I was going to draw "proper" monsters, but my first trial monster looked really odd when compared to the silliness of the main character.

Instead, then..

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Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 15:51
Is that... Mr Tickle?
Mon, 27 Feb 2017, 16:45
Just random scribbles that looked the part.
I've was just sat here for a few hours scribbling stupid little creatures.
I still have no plans for the combat..
I may need to remove the sword, since close combat makes no sense.. hmmm..

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Tue, 28 Feb 2017, 05:26
Reminds me I still need to finish my procjam game sometime soon!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 07 Mar 2017, 15:52
I've left my Switch downstairs, tonight, in the hope that it takes my mind off of constantly wanting to play Zelda!

Tonight's tasks.
1. Give tokens when the player kills an enemy.
2. Magic a treasure chest into view once all enemies are killed.
3. Return to map once treasure chest is opened.
4. Lock a castle once beaten.

Once step at a time.. Back to the coding flow!

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Tue, 07 Mar 2017, 17:11
1. Each enemy defeated spawns a pickup for a small time. Most are gems, 1 in every 6 is a health heart.

2. Didn't bother adding treasure chests, since the gems and hearts were plenty.

3. Castle->Map->Castle loop is looping nicely.

4. Castle locking works great, too!

All in all, all nice and working.

See what happens when you take away your Zelda!!!

Tomorrow I'll be tweaking the level balance, then adding sfx and maybe coming up with some luvly ALChoons to go with it.

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Fri, 10 Mar 2017, 04:56
SFX are in.
Game seems mostly balanced.
All is good!!

Now to fix up the map generator to allow for proper edges to the world.

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Fri, 10 Mar 2017, 05:02
I'm really looking forward to this one Jay, seems pretty awesome!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 10 Mar 2017, 06:18
Mmm... currently it's awfully repetitive, and in gameplay terms is just a bog standard shooter.. I need to find something interesting to add into the mix...

Or not bother, and play more Zelda!!

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Sun, 12 Mar 2017, 15:18
Had quite a battle with memory on Android, just now.
Seems that my old JuNKrunch() function is rather memory munching in it's current form.
Going to have to reconstruct that, I think.

After a good hour or so, I managed to get a different form working properly, so .. That's good!

I was slightly worried that I might need to reduce the size of the map, but stripping out the compression (ie, not compressing any of the map data, whatsoever!!) has seemingly fixed it.
The giant 1024x1024x5-byte map array now works a treat, once again!! Hurray!!

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Mon, 13 Mar 2017, 11:07
Jeffry84 on the OUYAForum suggested a Paperboy game.. The logic of "Everyone on the street gets a newspaper" isn't going to work, anymore!
So, instead, I started on a "Green/Matrix/Virtual" world vibe, and am making the delivery person into an email deliverer.

... or something.
Not sure.

God only knows what this game's going to turn out like!

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Sun, 19 Mar 2017, 16:19

The above game has turned out .. ok.. It's very repetitive, though.
Tonight, I decided to make a choon to go with it, and so began thinking about westerns and sheriffs and things, and trying to make a "synth/virtual sheriff" sort of Choon.
That didn't work out very well.

The resulting Choon is lovely, but it's not very sheriff'y!
I might try again..


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Sun, 19 Mar 2017, 17:13
... A little later..


Much better!

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Tue, 21 Mar 2017, 08:10
Been a long long time since I coded enough that the "10% battery" warning showed up!!
Would post a screenshot, but .. had to pop it on charge.

Game currently looks like a strange isometric Frogger. Not sure where it'll end up!

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Sun, 02 Apr 2017, 15:33

Right. Back to the task in hand.
Two weeks ago, I got this working.

"Alright! A good start!!" I thought, and then my Hard Drive crapped it's pants, and all went down the drain.

After half-solving that issue (by throwing money at the problem) I've spent the past few days working on that game, and finally got a nice little end-result out of it.

All is going nicely.
Level Complete/Bonus screen is in. Music is in. Sound is in. All is good!
Tomorrow, assuming this laptop doesn't crap itself, it'll be a simple case of adding a logo, double checking, then getting everything uploaded.

What a week it's been!!

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Tue, 04 Apr 2017, 14:32

And on we go with the next game!
Samurai Plat, although he currently doesn't look very Plat, nor does he look particularly Samurai..
But .. .. It's something!!

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Fri, 07 Apr 2017, 17:28
CHOON for Samurai Plat!

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Sat, 08 Apr 2017, 07:33
Still no baddies in yet, but the flame-flower-thingies, liberally stolen from 8-bit Bruce Lee, are in.

They're automated, though, not step-to-trigger. Step-to-trigger wasn't nearly deadly enough!

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Sat, 08 Apr 2017, 08:52
Anything stolen from Bruce Lee is good

I expected more of a Space Panic type game when you posted the screenshots. Now I'm not sure what to expect!
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