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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek : 2017

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Sun, 09 Apr 2017, 14:17
Drastically lagging behind.. Zelda's fault!

I've only just implemented the sword swing button.... About bloomin' time!

Now I need to only (!?) add collisions and scoring and lives and deaths and sounds and level completions and level progressions and more..
By Tuesday morning!


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Sun, 09 Apr 2017, 15:28
"collisions and scoring and lives and deaths"

Still to do..
"sounds and level completions and level progressions and more.."


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Mon, 10 Apr 2017, 04:40

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Still to do..
A couple of jingles for Level Complete and DEAD DEAD DEAD!!
A little more level difficulty balancing. The game feels a bit too easy, atm.
Test on Android.. Should be good, but.. You never know!!
I could probably also do with varying the background a bit, for a bit more variety in the levels, I think..

But .. Mostly done!

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Mon, 10 Apr 2017, 08:54
Looks good
Tue, 11 Apr 2017, 13:28

With Samurai Plat finished, it's time to think about the next game.

Coloured blocks are always a good start point.
Can I make a new and interesting Match-The-Blocks game?!

Only one way to find out!!

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Wed, 12 Apr 2017, 15:25
Game scrapped.
It wasn't fun, and rather than attempt to make it fun, I decided to scrap early and do something entirely different.

Now looking at a screen full of crates, and wondering what to do with them!!

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Wed, 12 Apr 2017, 16:33
Realisation that I know I've had at least once before..
To make a Sokoban level generator, you need to think backwards in your movements, including any collisions.

Complicated stuff, this is!!

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Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 06:40
Such a struggle trying to work backwards!
Have instead opted to work forwards, and add additional movement tracking along the way.
Much easier, but I'm now getting silly issues where the crates can be dropped into holes well before they're supposed to be.

Might need to add extra juicy puzzley-ness to this!

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Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 07:09
I didn't know what Sokoban was. After reading about it, looks like it can be very hard to design/solve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokoban#Scientific_research_on_Sokoban

Looking forward to the game.
Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 07:25
My old version of "Mini-Sokoban" uses a bunch of levels sourced from this site.

This time I'm randomly generating them, instead!

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Thu, 13 Apr 2017, 08:25
I think most seasoned coders have a Sokoban game in their portfolio. I've got two - one for pc years ago, and the other for the Nintedo DS/3DS using Petit Computer.

I made a few levels, myself, but most were based on other people's games.
Fri, 14 Apr 2017, 12:06
Had a nap, and have decided to scrap the lev-gen stuff so far, and instead do things pre-made.
I'm going to recreate the lev-gen in BlitzMax, and build it up in layers, so that.. rather than having Monkey do it rapidly between frames, I'll instead have a collection of premade levels.

This basically allows me to run each level through several passes, ensuring the levels are completeable, but also adding in extra complexity that won't really be doable within the timmeframe of a realtime generator.

.. Of course, I'll then also have to add a whole new menu system to account for all the levels, but.
Ho hum!!

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Fri, 14 Apr 2017, 13:56

New level generator's already working much better than the last.
The generator allows you to step through the level, frame by frame, and double-checks that all levels are possible..
Gud stuff!

Now I need to add an obstacle randomiser into the mix, too, to throw in.. .um...
*tries to think of a decent obstacle*

.. Spikes!!!

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Fri, 14 Apr 2017, 16:34
Sent the level generator doing it's thing for the night,
Should be plenty of levels in about an hour or so!

> Reveal 🔎

In the morning, I'll integrate the levels into the game engine, and hopefully it's not completely fudged!!

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Fri, 14 Apr 2017, 18:12
Kinda working, and not even morning, yet!



Having tweaked a few rules when remaking the level generator, I'll now need to change those same rules in the actual game. But it shouldn't be too hard, I hope!

I'll definitely have to redraw those spikes!! They were originally going to be collectables, but spikes ended up being the chosen item!!

Oh, and I need a player, too!

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Sat, 15 Apr 2017, 06:29
Is that gonna be like a Sokoban style game?, me likes Sokoban!
Sat, 15 Apr 2017, 07:09
All nice and box-slidey and puzzley!

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Sat, 15 Apr 2017, 15:07

View on YouTube
Sun, 16 Apr 2017, 07:23
Sun, 16 Apr 2017, 11:52
New menu integrated, with 100 packs of 5 levels..
But it's a very key/pad based menu navigation system.
If I ever want to release this on iOS, it'll need a whole bunch of tweaks to the menu, and control scheme.

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Mon, 17 Apr 2017, 17:23
Damn you, Level 71!!!

A quirk of having to recode the level generator at such a late stage in the game, and in a different language (Blitz Max vs Monkey!) meant that in a number of levels (first noticeable on level 71) the crates don't always move together in the level generator, whilst they do in the game.
Essentially, the generator was leaving behind one of the crates, thus making the game-edition completely impossible.


I've had to fix this issue and re-upload everything.
If you downloaded the game prior to this post, go get it again, and it'll be fixed!

Silly me, for not having tested 71 levels before releasing it!!!

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Wed, 19 Apr 2017, 05:40
..And so begins another game.

Started, yesterday, making a generator for the green grass tiles.
Today I got the game engine working, with nice smooth-ish flowing, randomly generated floors, which collide accurately with the player, as they oughta.

Next I need to come up with a main character sprite, and then a plan of exactly what type of game it is that I'm making!!

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Thu, 20 Apr 2017, 13:11

Been tweaking the floor collision for most of today.
Everything seems to be working well enough, now, that you can hop along the level reasonably well.

Next I need to add baddies to avoid, collectables to gather, and design a main character that isn't a blue hedgehog!!!

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Tue, 25 Apr 2017, 07:09
Gee Liz is done, now onto the next thing.
I'd like to do something totally off the wall, but am unsure how crazy to go...
... hmmm....

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Tue, 25 Apr 2017, 13:13

A Glitch-based WarioWare style minigame collection, in just a week?! How many minigames could I create!?

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Wed, 26 Apr 2017, 11:19
Gawd, it's taken all damn day just to get the first test minigame vaguely working.
All the "Wrapper" stuff is what took me so long. Creating a little template that can be reused for all the games, and things like that.

In many ways, the engine now feels a lot like my Advent Collexion engine. And bloody hell is it a mess!!!

Not long to go.. Going to have to start making games, next.

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