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Socoder -> Web Development -> AGAW - Browsercade

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Sun, 28 Jul 2019, 22:35
I can not reproduce it. Not sure what happened.

I just tested with the microsoft xbox controller. Kind of difficult.

It automatically went into button prefs when I turned it on. Somehow the left/up/right/down stick works inside the menu but not in the game even if I set it up. When I use the regular left/right/up/down buttons they do work when set up.
Sun, 28 Jul 2019, 23:16
Yup, noticed that earlier.
Luckily that's only a game code issue, not a framework one! I keep defaulting to "Button" code, when I should be defaulting to "combined stick/button" code. Maybe I should tweak the framework to make Button code include Stick values.. Hmmm..

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Mon, 05 Aug 2019, 06:04

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Clusters of Hex is now part of the Browsercade.
Jump up and connect the clusters!

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Mon, 12 Aug 2019, 06:31

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Help Platdude get as far through the forest as he can, bashing all the enemies with his giant balls.


- Faster
- Jump
- Throw

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Mon, 19 Aug 2019, 08:44

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The classic invader-like dodge-em-up returns.
Destroy all the aliens, but watch out for their droppings!

Playable in the Browsercade!

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Mon, 26 Aug 2019, 04:57

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Another week, Another game.
This week, we revisit the tower of spikes in the imaginatively titled Spiky Tower!

Play it in the Browsercade!

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Mon, 26 Aug 2019, 06:48
Spiky Tower:
Spiky Tower is one of the ultra fast game that I have played from AGAW collection. Jumping on newer tiles every single jump gives boost to the speed and the combo points along with the high piteched jumping sound. Good thing is if the player is tired jumping and wants to slow down, relaxing on the same tile is allowed.
Is there a end point in Path A or B as in the older Spike dislike games. This is a vertical version of spike dislike game series, I had the same feeling of not breathing till the level is done or game over. A very good addition to the Spike Dislike and Browsercade games series.

Space Clusters:
Liked the enemy ship animations and the background music.
Mon, 26 Aug 2019, 06:51
There's no end to the towers, so be sure to keep breathing!!!

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Sun, 01 Sep 2019, 13:35

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Guide Platdude on his rocket, between the evil meteors, as he tries to gather up the Starfruit.

You can Play Starfruit Harvest in the Browsercade but will likely have to refresh the thing a couple of times before it shows up.
.. I really need to fix that, but the last time I tried, it got stuck in an endless reload loop.. Eeek!

Note : This is supposed to be tomorrow's AGameAWeek game, but I'd already uploaded it for testing on iOS, and figured, what the heck!
Sunday release, instead!

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Mon, 09 Sep 2019, 06:17

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This week's game is, honestly, more of a test than a proper game.
The test.. can I draw a landscape to an alternative canvas, as a buffer, draw that scaled to fit the actual canvas, then render changes onto that buffer on a per-pixel basis.

The answer is .. yes, but only minor changes at a time.

I used ImageData read, changing the array, then writing back out, to manipulate the landscape.
It falls gradually, one vertical line at a time, but I could only manage about 12 or so lines per frame before hitting slowdown.
I'm not sure if it'd have been quicker to do the whole thing at once, in one giant read/write, instead of line by line, but .. for the effect I was after, it's turned out fairly well..
.. I think!!

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Mon, 16 Sep 2019, 06:43

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Wanting to continue my experiments with my Buffer, I opted to redo the Petit Switch game I made this week, and see if I could add some nice effects.
Unfortunately, my experiments with Canvas Pixel Blurring were completely abandoned, and I ended up just drawing lines onto the canvas instead.

Sure, it's "possible" to do Canvas Pixel Blurring...
I did in fact manage to get a rather nice blurring effect to work.
But it was running at about 2fps!!

That's likely to the way I did it, and also the size of the buffer I was trying to do it on.
1024x1024 array * 4x4 surrounding pixel lookup averaging per pixel..
Yeah, that wasn't going to be fast, really, was it!!

I'll probably re-attempt blurring in future, but.. for now.. the game's turned out fairly nice looking.
I think..

.. Maybe!!

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Sun, 06 Oct 2019, 14:48

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This week's game is a simple Pang clone.
Nothing wrong with that!!

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Sun, 13 Oct 2019, 08:31

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Pogo The Fridge.
I've added a second off-screen canvas, so I can get some nice parallax scrolling going on.

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Mon, 21 Oct 2019, 14:01

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Alexandra Muffin
A good old fashioned retro platformer. Think "Blatent Mario Rip-off" and you won't be a million miles away!

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