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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Picard Season 2

Sat, 22 Jan 2022, 13:54

Picard Season 2

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I wonder what hoops we'll need to jump through to watch this one..?

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Sun, 23 Jan 2022, 03:38
We got 2 more streaming services here where we can subscribe to. Prime is going to remove a bunch of movies and series into the new hbo service. Then there is a new service for formula 1 and various movies and series.

I noticed the amount of good movies and series on prime and hbo and netflix has gotten less the last year or so.

I am not going to subscribe to a dozen streaming services.
Fri, 04 Mar 2022, 18:35
Oooh, aye, that's more like it!
First episode down, much more Trek like.
Gawd, after the dreary dullness that Discovery season 4s been, this is a breath of fresh air.
Let's hope it stays that way.

Picard Season 2 is (it is!!) available on Amazon Prime, and hasn't been locked behind Paramount's evil forcefield.

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Sun, 06 Mar 2022, 02:02
I tried to finish s1. 1 and a halve episode later I gave up again.
Sun, 06 Mar 2022, 03:31
No matter how good Picard Series 2 may be, the first series put me off completely.
Sun, 06 Mar 2022, 03:38
To be fair, the first series also started off fairly well, it just got into grumpy dull chatty sessions right in the middle for no good reason.
I'm crossing my fingers that this series doesn't do that, too... .. But .. .. yeah.. :/

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Sun, 03 Apr 2022, 15:22
I've Really been enjoying Season 2, so far.
It's been a much more consistent pace. Hopefully that continues.


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Strange New Worlds isn't looking too bad. Though, right now, nobody's got a clue how it'll be broadcast in the uk..!

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Sun, 03 Apr 2022, 20:04
Not sure if I wil try to watch Picard again. The newer movies are on another level. That wil have to do.

The Lord of the Rings series looks like it has some problems in the production. People on the set getting removed and such. That could mean it is a stinker.
Mon, 04 Apr 2022, 09:03
I'm happy to see the Picard series.
Wed, 06 Apr 2022, 15:50

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Season 2 isn't done yet, but here's something to look forward to from Picard Season 3. (Which has apparently already finished filming.)

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Fri, 29 Apr 2022, 07:48
I was just watching a review(angry joe) of a latest episode of Picard s2. Giving it the lowest score they have ever given anything. 0/10.

Complaints that they are ruining the franchise with their stories and how they spin elements from the st universe.
Fri, 29 Apr 2022, 10:38
Still having trouble with "Picard is a robot" and "Picard can pass as human during a brain scan and have someone connect to him psychically even though he doesn't actually have a brain"

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 29 Apr 2022, 11:53
He got Androided ...

I think it is fine. Recalling that he always loved Data, now even he became synthetic.
Fri, 29 Apr 2022, 12:18
Hmm, thinking about it ...

Picard became synthetic at the end of seson 1.

They switched the reality in S2.

Seven is not a borg ... but why is picard still android ?
Fri, 29 Apr 2022, 13:02
It's all a bit of a mess, just like how we're going to be watching Strange New Worlds next week..

FYI : I have enjoyed this season more than the first.
It all rides on how much they cock up the ending.

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Sat, 30 Apr 2022, 02:44
I'm sooooooooooo glad I gave up in Series 1. Sounds absolute shite!
Sat, 30 Apr 2022, 03:02
I SO hope that Strange New World goes back to episodic. I think trying to string out story-arcs is greatly hurting the franchise.
I mean, before when you had "the inevitably shit episode in the middle of a series", it didn't end up making the entire series look like shit. And I think that's what's happening in recent Treks.

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Fri, 06 May 2022, 11:59
A decent ending with at least one "oh!" moment in it.
Now the wait for the ability to watch Strange New Worlds..

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Sat, 07 May 2022, 04:14
There was a interview/article about the show recently. Patrick Steward mentioned he wanted to act like himself and not as Jean Luke Picard. On the video where they are talking about the ending. They mention this is Patrick Stewards Vanity project.
Seems he had some demands and had a hand in the bombing of the show.

New worlds seems to be better they mention. Though I think it wil get bad halfway in again. If it does get good. It needs to be at the level of hype of that dragon series, before I get a account.
Sat, 07 May 2022, 04:27
I don't think it's Patrick's fault. He might've requested some of the more heartfelt scenes, especially in the last episode, but the lacklustre middle where barely anything happened for 3 or 4 episodes wasn't really anything to do with that.
The problem is stretching a 2-part Trek episode out to 10 episodes, and trying desperately to pad it out with filler.
It just doesn't work, and 2 seasons of that, and 4 of Discovery doing the same thing, is more than enough to fill me with dread when it comes to the next season of either.

I do hope New World is episodic.
.. No spoilers, though, please.

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Sat, 07 May 2022, 05:00
I'm looking forward to New Worlds and I hope they don't mess it up.

This series of Picard started promising but each episode was like that drawing game you play... you know, where you get a piece of A4 paper and fold in into several even strips. Each person takes it in turns to draw a part of the body on their strip with no one else watching, eg: starting with the head, then the torso and arms, the legs and then the feet... you know the one right? The only rule is you must leave indicators where your bit ends so the next person knows where to start. When you get to the end you unfold the paper to see the end result and everyone laughs!

I suspect this is what happened with Picard series 2. They had a different writer for each episode and when they'd done their bit they'd tell the next writer how their part ended and they would start blindly writing theirs. Mrs H gave up on watching a couple of episodes back as it was getting too silly. I'm sticking with it just cause I don't like stopping before the end and I've not watched the last episode yet ... I hope it ends better than the mess that preceded it but I suspect no one will be laughing at the end. Disappointing.

Andy H
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