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Socoder -> Music -> KorgGadget to Ableton

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Thu, 08 Sep 2022, 17:56

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Ableton doesn't have a Strummer..
FruityLoops had a Strummer way way back in, like, v3 or something?! And that was about 2 decades ago.
Shame on you, Ableton, for not having a Strummer..

I made use of the Arp effect, the Note Length setting, and the Random tool, to generate a faux strummer.

It's "good enough" I think, so I've bundled the settings into a Group, and have uploaded it here.
2022/36/Jay_Strum_adg (.zip)
You can give it a go, if you have Ableton!

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Wed, 14 Sep 2022, 14:06

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I'm not happy with this tune, but the week's over, and with everything going on, Musicalling took a back seat.
This is as good as it gets, this week, I'm afraid.
No time for lyrics, no time for better mixing, just one of those "Make something sound half-decent and fling it out" tracks.
Bah, humbug.
This week sucks!!!

Lazily done.
95% of the melody was generated using the Strum thing, above. Reducing the note-time down to 1/12th notes generated a nice "piano plinky plonky" arpeggio effect, though.. I know it's not the best!!!
The video was done by asking DallE to generate some geometric pastel shapes, then spinning them around with different blending and a kaleidoscope effect on top.

Very rapidly made, this week.
Very lazy.
*slaps wrist*

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Wed, 21 Sep 2022, 13:26

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Much better, this week!

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Wed, 28 Sep 2022, 15:31

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"Variable Mdidnighty? That's an odd name," I hear you cry.
Yes, it is..
I asked NightCafe to generate "Midnight in synthpop" in this is what it came up with, so the name stuck!

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Wed, 05 Oct 2022, 08:09

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Had this choon more or less done on Sunday, but struggled to add lyrics.
This morning, I asked OpenAI to write a story about nebulae and aliens.
That worked out alright, so I then got this generator to read it. The voice of choice was under the Microsoft set, and is English US, Female, Ana.

Then I sat and drew all the little pictures, and strung it all together in Apple Motion.

Job's a good'un!

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Wed, 12 Oct 2022, 13:36

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Aaaargh! Time is ticking away.
Switching to Ableton, adding lyrics, trying to do videos.. It's all taking it's toll, and I'm seriously struggling to keep up with things!

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Wed, 12 Oct 2022, 14:32
I think the voice reminds me of I think it was Depeche Mode.
Tue, 18 Oct 2022, 04:19

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Ableton released a sort of light daw for ios. I think I heard something about being 'able' to exchange between desktop app and ios.
Tue, 18 Oct 2022, 05:06
I've actually been using Korg Gadget for that. It has Ableton export.

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Wed, 19 Oct 2022, 12:48

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Couldn't get the word "Power" out of my head..
Was going to write some kind of lyrics about power cuts, but thought that may be too political for AL.
Was then going to write some kind of lyrics about being in power, but also thought that may be too political for AL.
Gave up.

No lyrics this week.

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Wed, 26 Oct 2022, 03:13

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Oooooh, spooky! Or at least, as spooky as AL could muster.

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Wed, 02 Nov 2022, 17:04

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Doing lyrics and videos each week is really taking it out of me.
Good grief..
I'm not sure I'll continue adding lyrics, next year!!

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Tue, 08 Nov 2022, 17:30

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Couldn't come up with anything for the video this week, except a static picture of a phone..
Instead, I used VidGen.
I really oughta bulk up VidGen's capabilities some more, huh...?

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Tue, 15 Nov 2022, 17:43

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When I started this choon it was spacey and cosmic, but somewhere along the way, it ended up as a witches cauldron and a random mix of ingredients..
... Go figure!
Must still be in a Halloweeny mood.

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Wed, 23 Nov 2022, 13:00

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It's been a stressful week, over at JayHQ. Time to chill...

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Wed, 30 Nov 2022, 15:25

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Poor AL's feeling it, this week.

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Wed, 07 Dec 2022, 11:00

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I didn't intend to have this be the weekly ALChoon, but .. No time to make anything else!!!

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Wed, 14 Dec 2022, 08:21

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Merry Xmas, from AL O'Dare!

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Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 13:25

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Didn't have time to do anything more impressive than simple waves, I'm afraid.. And I feel like I've done this several times, recently..
Definitely need to find new and imaginative ways to make videos!

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Wed, 28 Dec 2022, 16:38

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The year is done, and this ALBum is, too.
Next week, another ALBum to do.

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