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SoCoder -> Link Home -> Just for Fun

Created : 24 August 2007

Pirate Banned From Using Linux

I just think that it's painful!



Friday, 24 August 2007, 20:04
I heard about this. Stupid if you ask me!
Friday, 24 August 2007, 20:31
power mousey
yeah, thats stupid.
even more...they should ban the third Pirates of the Carribean movie. What a stinker!
Friday, 24 August 2007, 22:30
he should just run vmware...
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 00:46
Well, the Government should really have it for Linux...

But on the other hand, none of this would have happened if he hadn't committed the crime in the first place!
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 10:02
They're taking the piss... Telling him not to use a product of his own choice, is like telling somebody with a bad farting problem to change their brand of baked beans. And what is the point of putting him under house arrest ?. The so-called crime was commited on a computer, not the street.

It's just like something that I saw earlier this week, the authorities are planning to delay driving licences for members of the Chav cultures if they commit bad behaviour on the streets. What the Nat-King-Cole bad street behaviour has to do with driving licenses, I don't bloody well know.

It just goes to show that the law and governments are ran by Chimpanzees. Na actually scrap that thought, Chimpanzees are more intellegent than the worlds authorities, and I'm willing to say that to their faces.

|edit| I think that explains why all the forrests are disappearing from the planet. The government and the law are cutting them down for themselves so that they can plant them in a secret environment and swing from them. |edit|
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 10:10
power mousey

ooooo...ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!!

new motto:
ban all smoking!!
except..give the Chimpanzees Cigars.
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 10:35
I can assure you, it's not just cigars that they smoke.
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 11:19
power mousey
hey steve,

I know and sorta understand.
But hey lighten up...I was just joking dude.
And by ligthing up some Magic Mushhrooms or some
magic dragons called Puffs.

I know there are slimey sloths, whispering weasels, fat cats, greedy gorillas and even jealous jackals in governments.

cheers bro
power mousey
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 17:55
LOL... I almost misread the joking part as smoking. Although, that would explain why you had a very expanded and interesting mind .
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 18:00
power mousey
one quick comment before I go
cause I have to work tonite and gotta get ready,Freddie.

oooooo...eeeee....ooooo...ahhh, ahhh.
ting tang wallby be bang!!

Gorilla Grodd has spoken!
The apes have taken over all the governments.
Planet of the Apes.

power mousey
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 18:32
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 18:38
Wierd, my comment disappeared when I went to fix a typo?

Hopefully it'll turn up, because I forgot what I said!

|edit| I reckon Steve posted at the same time or something, and my comment vanished. |edit|
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 21:05
They're taking the piss... Telling him not to use a product of his own choice, is like telling somebody with a bad farting problem to change their brand of baked beans.

Except that you can't run software on your baked beans, so it's really not like that at all.

I think it's perfectly fine that they're forcing him to run Windows. He broke the law, he deserves the punishment.
Saturday, 25 August 2007, 21:59
I dunno, he just uploaded a vid. I think just the 5 months jail is a bit harsh.
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 02:08
I agree with Nolan, and I think this story is also twisting the facts. You need to remember that as part of his sentence the authorities will be monitoring his PC usage. If the monitoring software is Windows only then that's his problem not theirs. He shouldn't have broken the law.
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 06:14
@ Hobo...
Wierd, my comment disappeared when I went to fix a typo?

Funny that you should say that, coz it happened in my last few posts.
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 07:02
"HoboBen" I dunno, he just uploaded a vid.

Ah, but it was an illegal vid!
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 07:25
Hoboben Wierd, my comment disappeared when I went to fix a typo?

I've moved the "Delete Comment" button so that less people click it by accident.
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 18:36
@ Jay,
Ah, maybe that's what happened! Cheers

@ Diablo, Nolan,
About deserving, there's often a lot of difference between doing something illegal and doing something immoral. And often a lot of immoral things are completely legal. Even so, I don't see why they don't just get the logs off the ISP, and skip the software method completely! I'm sure he'd figure a way around the software method if he wanted to.
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 21:08
well he was stupid enough to break the law then he should pay the price.

hobo, that is true but somethings do not take away from others. the minute you take away something from someone without premission and it costs them something it is stealing. could be a cookie, innocence, $15 or a life but it is still stealing and stealing happens to be illegal
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 21:13
Yeah, you could argue that stealing is immoral in this case. That's a fair enough view, and most would agree

I don't think something being illegal is always enough to automatically make it wrong, so I think it's okay for people to believe he deserves punishment for stealing if they think that it is what's wrong here, instead of letting the fact that he broke a law automatically decide it.

Sunday, 26 August 2007, 21:59
About deserving, there's often a lot of difference between doing something illegal and doing something immoral.

There is a difference, but this was both illegal and immoral.

I don't think something being illegal is always enough to automatically make it wrong, so I think it's okay for people to believe he deserves punishment for stealing if they think that it is what's wrong here, instead of letting the fact that he broke a law automatically decide it.

There has to be a point at which you decide that a certain action deserves a certain punishment, regardless of how moral or immoral the act may seem. The law is there to draw the line, thus avoiding the chaos that would ensue if illegality was a reflection of an individual's immorality.

In any case, I find it hard to believe that people can protest his punishment. Hell, compared to other people who have gotten caught doing the same sort of thing, he got off rather easily.
Sunday, 26 August 2007, 22:38
There is a difference, but this was both illegal and immoral.

Ok. As long as it's not immoral because it's illegal, you've got a respectable opinion

There has to be a point in which you decide that a certain action deserves a certain punishment, regardless of how moral or immoral the act may seem. The law is there to draw the line, thus avoiding the chaos that would ensue if illegality was a reflection of an individual's immorality.

Regarding this bit, I disagree - but not because you're right or wrong though. I just respectfully disagree because I feel differently.

But even if he got off comparatively easily, 5 months is still a long time to spend in a jail. He didn't cause anyone's death, damage any property or anything except cause a few million and billionaires to get a slight dent in their income. But that's very debatable, I suppose.

(I guess I have no sympathy for rich people!)