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The mystery of Norway

25th February 2010

The Wallstreet Journal tries to figure out why Norway is so successful in the Olympics!


Steam Beta Update!!!

24th February 2010

Now using a WebKit based rendering engine for the client and in-game overlay web browsing components (replacing Internet Explorer)
Also includes a clock in the in-game overlay.... HELL YEAH!!!


Pure CSS 3D Coke Can

24th February 2010

With a visualiser to see how it works here


Firefox 3.6 - reset tab behaviour

20th February 2010

''In Firefox 3.6, links opened from a web page (middle-clicking on them or from the context menu) open to the right of the current page to keep related content closer by default. To restore the previous behavior, access the advanced preferences by visi*snip*


Cover your webcam!

19th February 2010

Student spied on via webcam... (possibly..)
Follow up


Was it 'shopped? Image Error Level Analyser

18th February 2010

[quote]Error level analysis can help you work out if a photo has been digitally altered. Photos in a jpeg file format actually lose quality each time they are resaved. We can take advantage of this to try and work out if an image has been digitally manipul*snip*


Steganography with a Deck of Cards! Hide a message by ordering 52 cards...

17th February 2010

There are 52! unique ways to put 52 playing cards in order. By establishing a mathematical correspondence between an order of letters and the order of cards, we can hide a message in the deck of cards by simply putting them in the correct order.


Windows Live Mesh

16th February 2010

syncronise and backup 5gb folders for FREE!


Opera for iPhone

15th February 2010

Opera does ''all the rendering on the server - Opera’s servers actually run web browsers - and sending what are essentially pictures to the phone. These “pictures” look and act like regular web pages, only they are 90% smaller.''
Bloody hell*snip*


gedit.... for windows!!!

15th February 2010

gedit text editor... now on windows!


Better or worse?

13th February 2010

We Are The World 25


A Fitting End

12th February 2010

A fitting end to something that deserved no better


The future of Web Design

11th February 2010

Title says it all...


The future of Augmented Reality

10th February 2010

It's the kitchen of tomorrow!


Sublime Text

9th February 2010

Snazzy text editor FTW


Walt Whitman's ''Song of Myself''

8th February 2010

I personally recommend people read this poem. In particular, I recommended it to dna and Afr0, but I think anyone can appreciate it.


Cambridge Face Memory Test

6th February 2010

Test your facial recognition skills.
The average person with normal face recognition was able to recognize about 80% of the faces. If you correctly identified less than 65% of the faces, this may indicate face recognition difficulties.
I got 61%... worry*snip*


Wipe your ass with your boss's memos!

6th February 2010

Oh yeah.


Look around you

5th February 2010

A short mockumentary on Maths in the everyday world


Sonic's New Job

4th February 2010

Sonic meets Mario at his brand new Job!


Yeay! Chesney Hawkes!

3rd February 2010

Apologies for the link to argh Myspace, but.. Look, Chesney Hawkes!! ;)
Tony Hawks (Vending Machine) has inexplicably managed to get Chesney Hawkes singing again, and they've put together a bunch of tracks, along with Ash Alexander.


Stop motion pictures!

3rd February 2010

This is quite neat. 6000+ printed images, all shot with a digital cam, then clumped together without any magical processing involved.
Afr0, this is your next animation challenge ;)


Obama Shuts Down Moon Missions

1st February 2010

That's it. Looks like NASA's not taking us back to the moon, or mars for that matter. I'm sure they'll change their mind when Russia, India, China and Japan finish their lunar bases.


More Swedish Jazz!

1st February 2010



Roadkill UV Tool

31st January 2010

Fast, powerful and easy to use UV unwrapper. Just fly round the model and select the edges to cut up, and it does it automatically.

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