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Socoder -> Wednesday Workshop -> #126 - The 2 Hour Challenge

Tue, 20 Nov 2007, 16:27
Wednesday Workshop #126 : The 2 Hour Challenge
Time until Deadline

Week : 21 November 2007
The Reason : Because I'm mean!

The Challenge : You know the drill! Cut an hour off your time, and see if you can do it again.

Extra Info
Keep your eye on the time, and don't cheat
As always, you can use pre-made gfx and sounds if you need.

Weekly Rules/How to Enter
You have until Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning 00:00 BST to submit your levels. ^ See Deadline Link! ^

Wed.Workshop is at SoCoder.co.nr. If you can read this, you're probably already there!

Stick your entry underneath this post, leaving a link to your zip or the source of your game, or whatever. (I really should get round to that Upload thing, shouldn't I!)

If you can't figure it out, or have a really rubbish server, send it to Jayenkai@Gmail.com and I'll stick it straight onto the SoCoder (Official Wed.Workshop) site.

Entries will be collected during the week, and then entered into the next week's voting. (If there are any entries..)

Please try to keep all entries within small file sizes. 2Mb is the average maximum for files.
Additional Rules are available at the SoCoder (Official Wed.Workshop) site, under the list of previous workshops.

Last Week's Games
Last week there 5 (FIVE!) entries!
Jayenkai's silly Type-In simulator, Mole's Box Bashing, Hobo's game that would probably run on my system, if only Ubuntu would, Magicman's game about thrusting and Phoenix's entry about making things darker.
You can download them all at the Wednesday Workshop page. Make sure to comment and leave a vote!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 20 Nov 2007, 17:15
Damn! I forgot about the 3 hr! Pressures really on this time then

I have some time off too...

Come rain or shine...
Wed, 21 Nov 2007, 10:29
On another forum that I frequent, I played a game called Avoider. I think I'm going to remake that.
Wed, 21 Nov 2007, 13:09
Here is the exciting link to a game that actually doesn't look like (complete) junk.

It took me 1:42

The game (Avoider: Extreme) is so damn exciting I can't keep my hat straight when I even just think of the game.

You are a red block. The enemies are not red. The enemies are enemies. Avoid the enemies.

- S > This changes speed/direction of enemies. Quite useful, seeing as the blocks increase in speed every frame!!!!
- P > A quick 350 points. Easy as.

Score increments every frame, as well.

Its a pretty awesome game.

My hiscore is 6518.
Sat, 24 Nov 2007, 03:27
Oooh. I might have a go at this! 'Cuz...

(1) I've got two hours spare this afternoon
(2) Amazingly, I have an idea for something doable in 2 hours!
(3) There is no third reason.

Sat, 24 Nov 2007, 09:35
Ok, here's MixNMatch, coded using almost every second of the allowed 2 hours (about 117 minutes, excluding packaging time) If I hadn't made some stupid, stupid mistakes on the colouring code I could've knocked out 20 minutes from that... but oh well.

MixNMatch (EXE plus BMax source) 318 KB

A 6x6 grid of tiles hides 18 pairs of symbols. Click around and find two matching symbols - when you do, they'll stay uncovered. Reveal the whole grid to win

Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 16:42
It feels like AGES since I did a Closing Up for a W.Workshop.
Mostly because I've not had to announce actual results for quite a while!

Workshop 125 had five whole entries.
Since no-one can be bothered to comment/vote, the winner was between two of those entries.
Phoenix's blue entry gained 8 whole comments, thus making it the winner of the "Most Comments" prize.
But Magicman's shitty lander game gained slightly more votes, and thus wins the "Most Votes" prize.

The prizes are...
> Reveal 🔎

Well done to all entrants.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 27 Nov 2007, 18:27
Ah crap! I keep thinking these things end on Wednesday (ie Wednesday night) One idea was never going to happen in the time and another one refused to work to start with, I was going to try something else tomorrow...

I've clearly got no chance in just 60 minutes

Come rain or shine...