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Socoder -> Retro Coding -> Qbasic on the forum

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Sat, 04 Nov 2006, 14:48
Can we Upload Qbasic Programs as showcases? Jay?
Sat, 04 Nov 2006, 14:54
Absolutely. There's no real reason why you shouldn't

Set the Language to "Other" or "N/A" for now, and I'll add a "Older Basic" option in later, for coping with most stuff, from Locomotive Basic, through STBasic, and onwards.

For system, just shove that to None Specified for the meantime, too.

I'll add a Dos option in the morning.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 04 Nov 2006, 15:00
Now Where are my rubbish Programs...

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Sat, 04 Nov 2006, 15:03
Awesome! I'd love to see some QBasic programs again.

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 04 Nov 2006, 16:23
I've never tried QBasic, but judging by the comments... it sound's like fun.
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 06:53
The annoying thing about Q-basic is that you have to open the editor to run a program and it's a bit temperamental.
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 06:58
Yeah, it's a shame that it doesn't compile, but it's a huge part of my childhood, so I'll always be fond of it.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 08:32
power mousey

hey Jay,

well that...cough cough!! include Hydra Basic too??
I mean when the Hydra comes out and with an option showcase
to include Hydra Basic, Spin and assembly language for the propeller chip??

cog within a cog,
power 'Ezekiel' mousey
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 08:55
I'm going to simplify this question for all of you.
If you programmed it, you can put it on the showcase.*
If you drew it, you can put it on the showcase.
If you modelled it, you can put it on the showcase.
If you composed it, you can put it on the showcase.

*Note : By "Programmed" I don't mean "Here is a X mod for Y game", I mean something you actually programmed..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 09:01
power mousey

all right.


soon...very soon, this Spartan Soldier will venture on his campaign and quest for the Hydra. Any other argonaunts ready to join up?

good fortunes and booty,
Spartan mousey Soldier
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 10:32
QBasic 4.5 could compile. Only the version that came with DOS couldn't. So if you have old QBasic programs that you want to be compiled, you can send them to me.
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 11:54
Err.. bram, you seem to have posted twice. Not that you did it deliberatly... Jay...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 12:22
I didn't realise QBasic 4.5 could - I used to have that, but I've lost the download link since and I'm stuck on 4.0

I'll definatly have another hunt around for that, then!

Thank you!

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 12:28
i just have QBasic that comes with DOS v5, i think i will look up how to use it sometime

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 13:25
I also have QBASIC, both on my old, constantly crashing, completly useless Windoze 98 and by not so useless but still really old Windoze 3.1 .

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 13:53
Sorry for double posting, removed one. Ah, so it seems you can download QB45 from here: https://www.geocities.com/muratelic/qb45.htm
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 14:56
Hmm.. I thought I'd stopped Double-Posting. Guess not, I'll have a play later.

I have some old QBasic stuff, which I occasionally shove online.
I'll have a play with some of it later, and see which bits work, and which don't.
Although I have all my .bas files from college, I seem to have lost all the .plt (Platdude levels) files, along with my .col(our palette) and .spr(ite) files that JNKPlat 2 used.

Which is a shame, since JNKPlat2 had over 100 levels! (I spent a lot of time sitting in the computer room )

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 15:10
QBasic 4.5 download link corrupt... I'll look at google.

@ Smith... Well, I would not seriously use QBasic for games now-a-days, but for good memories, I like to sit and stare at the IDE!

I will check out FreeBASIC though.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 06 Nov 2006, 15:13
Plus, it's fun to see terrible QBasic code
Especially when it's full of GET's and PUT's all over the place.

Messy!! But fun!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 07 Nov 2006, 15:51
QuickStart QBasic Guide

Install Programmers Notepad

Shove QBasic on your HD somewhere.
(Ensure the "ye-olde-shortcut" parameters allow it to "Close on Exit" : Rightclick/properties/program/close on exit)

Associate .bas with PN2 using your favourite method. (I chose to double click it, then Open With PN2)

Go into PN2's Options, and under Tools, check that "Scheme" is set to "Visual Basic"
Click Add.
Name : QBasic
Command : c:\dos\qbasic.exe
Folder : %d
Parameters : /RUN %d%f /B/H/G
Shortcut : F5
Save : Current File

You're now ready to run QBasic games! (Although the editor will be showing Visual Basic keywords, and not QBasic ones.)

Things to be aware of..
To exit a program properly, use the command "SYSTEM", otherwise it escapes back to the QBasic screen.
If you are stuck in QBasic-Land, hit Alt+F X to exit.
Ctrl-Break (Pause!) should quit any program you're running. If not, Alt+Tab, and kill it that way.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 08 Nov 2006, 21:24
power mousey

whoa!! Jay.

that program reminds me and brings me back to the days of both Apple IIe Basic and especially of Trs-80 Basic level 2.
but I could do more with assembly language of the Z-80 on the TRS....and in short order and with less code too.

nostalgic coding,
power mousey
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 01:43
I know, but it was pretty much the only thing I could find that didn't run at 7,000,000 frames a sec!

Well, actually, it DOES run at 7,000,000 a sec, but it's not noticable

Oh, and, for the record, at that point in time I didn't have a clue how to work QBasic properly, since I'd just started College, and it was my first contact with using PC's (other than "Round your mate's house, ooh look at the games").. So, I was kinda fiddling, trying out loads of odd stuff!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 09:46
power mousey

I wrote bad things and I mean really bad awful stuff in Fortran 4 and Fortran 5....even with punched cards and then on computer crt terminals in the engineering room at San Jose State. Printouts were on paper that was thinner and cheaper than those paper towels in the bathroom.
One thing I did like and enjoy was programming and manipulating a robotic arm at college and using Z-80 assembly language on the Trs-80. Unlike the one I had at home, this one at school had level 2 Basic, a whopping 64k of ram, and a Lobo 5.25 inch disk drive. Yay!!
Dad kept telling to save my money for the Trs-80 color computer that was coming out. I never got one...cause thats when I got the Apple IIe home computer instead.

power mousey
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