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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Bought your tent?

Mon, 13 Nov 2006, 14:46
power mousey

hi everyone,

bought your tent yet?? well, in case of floods,storms, earthquakes and for survival living techniques. And also for camping and hiking out in the woods and great outdoors too.

But, mostly for to sit and wait for the long awaited release of both the PS3 and Nintendo Wii.

I already see some people camping out and waiting at Walmart. Maybe..its the wrong Walmart.

power mousey
Mon, 13 Nov 2006, 14:57
My Wii's on a Home Delivery thing, so no camping for me.
I do have to wait till the later UK release date, and knowing the damn postal/courier services round here, it'll be a couple of extra days till I get mine....

But I'll be patient.

I'll go freeze myself

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 13 Nov 2006, 19:12
I've not pre-ordered my Wii or packed my camping equipment. My plan is to get up early Sunday morning, and drive like crazy to every store in my area in hopes of snagging the very last one. Not good...

My Twitter
Mon, 13 Nov 2006, 19:40
i will see if any have some Wiis on launch day and if not then i will order it off amazon

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 13 Nov 2006, 19:59
i really really want one, however i want to see if there are any bugs and the such before i buy it, plus, i might get one for christmas! i would buy one right away except im not made of money, so until i get a job i will keep comeing up with excuses not to get one!

Stuff... Yeah...
Tue, 14 Nov 2006, 07:01
I don't exactly plan on getting one. I don't own very many game consoles. I think we have a PS2 and a Nintendo 64.

Quit posting and try Google.
Tue, 14 Nov 2006, 12:04
remember, I am selling a Wii on ebay
Tue, 14 Nov 2006, 15:15
I do not plan on buying a Wii for > $1000.
Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 09:07
power mousey

hey happy campers,

today is the day. time to break camp...and track and hunt down the PS3.

I'll be in the lodge myself, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace, sleeping some, and watchin a movie or two. Also,
call in for a bucket of Pioneer Chicken, Delicious!

power mousey
Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 09:19
i am going hunting at walmart at 8 pm on saturday to get mine or buy one off amazon

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 13:17
sorry to double post but i just got clearence from my mom to go camp out at walmart

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 13:41
Have fun. Take a picture.
Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 14:30
oh i will and i will try to get my friends to come with me. go back to my house and play for awhile and then crash so we have energy for gamage all day

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 15:37
power mousey


but hey, I like the word.

in a little while, I have to expend some gamage and check this PS3 out at both Target and Walmart too. I have to go pay a bill anyway, and also check out some DVDs over at Tower Records.....hopefully, more sales clearance before there big store shutdowns.

but hey hyrule save a lot of your energy for this Sunday for the real console revolution...viva la Wii.

power mousey

Wed, 15 Nov 2006, 17:07
actualy i may go to camp out on friday because my mom saw some people waiting for the PS3 at walmart and the lady at walmart said they where there since at least tuesday or monday

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 16 Nov 2006, 03:05
power mousey

Hero of Hyrule were you victorius in the hunt?

some of those Walmart shoppers can be pretty rough...like Roller Derby skaters. Like the Bay Bombers, Texas Outlaws and the L.A. Thunderbirds too.

power skater mousey
Thu, 16 Nov 2006, 10:16
unfortunately my parents said no when they found out i would have to be there on thursday till sunday to get one.

they never let me do anything fun. they crush my social life at every turn and even when i tried to explain to them that it will be almost impossible to get one for the next 2 months with the holiday rush and tried to compromise with them they said they will not get me one till january.

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 16 Nov 2006, 13:07
power mousey
I'm sorry to hear that...and especially you cannot get one
until January.
What will you do in the meantime?

May I suggest the book...and for only sixty bucks... of Game Programming with the Propeller Powered Hydra?? The book will be sold separately as well over at Parallax.com and also eventually the Xgamestation site. true.

*-->you can use and port over information on programming and especially game programming to other languages such as Blitz 3d, Pure Basic, C#,Java, and other languages too.

power mousey
Thu, 16 Nov 2006, 14:59
i convinced them to get me one in a week or 2. i just don't want to fight the crowds during the holidays.

also i am not getting the hydra anytime soon, no money after wii games and saving for a MacMini

i like green haired girls...
Fri, 17 Nov 2006, 05:21
power mousey
I went to Walmart....yesterday(thursday). I had to buy some stuff, including some tools and a few clothes.
Some friends from work spotted me in the electronics section...as I was checking up on recent and current DVD movies. Gilbert asked if I came to pick up my PS3.
haha!! I told him no way! for that overpriced game console
and with the average price of games going to be 40 dollars or more.
I told him that I'm getting the Hydra computer soon. Also, I told him a little bit about it. Curious thing about this...other shoppers were coming up to us and listening in. A whole big crowd formed. Gilbert and I looked around, surprised, but kept talking about the Hydra and a few other things too.

I did take some peeks or looks at it. Looks like an oversized Playstation 2. If and when the Playstation 2 drops in price again...then, I'll probably buy a Playstation 2.

power mousey
Fri, 17 Nov 2006, 10:03
the price of PS2s will go down very fast now. probably to $50 in less than a year

i like green haired girls...
Fri, 17 Nov 2006, 14:52
i doubt it will be $50, at least not in under a year. mabey over a few years, but that will be for used ps2's. any way, if everything gose according to plan, wich is unlikely, i might be getting a wii!!!!! wiiiiiiiiiii!

Stuff... Yeah...
Sun, 19 Nov 2006, 03:48
So, Wii day (US).. Who got one?
Sun, 19 Nov 2006, 12:20
i wish i got one, but i didnt, i could probibly go and get one right now if i wanted to, but i am cheap, i only have $1000 + dollars laying around.

Stuff... Yeah...
Thu, 23 Nov 2006, 09:18
power mousey

sheesh!!! magicman,

you have more than me right now.

and hey...with all that cash...why don't you spend some on yourself or that special someone, or even splurge at the mall. true.


I like the dude in the mountain man outfit. He is so cool and sort of Grizzly Adams style and wear.

power mousey