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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Programmerific beverages

Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 10:53
I have a well-nigh unhealthy addiction to tea, but coffee also floats my boat, without milk, sugar or other nonsense. What do you drink in front of your transistor clump, if anything at all? Have you ever spilled anything on it?
Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 11:43
Tea is good, also like things like Amp. Lately i've been blurring the senses with Baileys / Kahlua mixes

Mmm creamy beige...

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Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 11:48
Usually its between diet pepsi and tea, the regular boring kind with milk. Although I heard that diet soft drinks are worse for your teeth that regular ones... meh.

Right this second though, I'm drinking a pint of lemonade with some orange in it

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Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 11:55
Tea, mostly.

Sometimes wine, which I've spilled on the keyboard numerous times.

One time milk, and I spilled it all over the keyboard. I trashed the keyboard the next day, as milk tends to become very nasty if left. Don't drink milk.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 12:38
Beer !
Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 14:04
Up until a few weeks ago it was coffee, lots of coffee. I stopped when I would need literally 2 or 3 coffees in the morning before I could get started on anything. I'd just sit there drinking.

I replaced it with hot chocolate, but it's too sweet. I'd like another alternative, something equally thick and creamy as coffee but not sweet.
Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 14:50
Coffee, coffee, coffee and more coffee..
Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 16:05
I'd like another alternative, something equally thick and creamy as coffee but not sweet.

Diet Redbull mixed with the stuff you use to make gelly. I think it's called gelatine. You can buy some in most grocery stores. Throw it in the fridge for a couple of hours if you want to mess with different results.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 16:14
Red bull and coffee make you wide wake!!!
Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 16:20
Sweet tea mainly. Occasionally a mountain dew or seltzer water will slip in there. Don't drink too many hot drinks, they're usually not the best thing living in florida.

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Sun, 03 Jan 2010, 23:14
Water, generally. We usually seem to not have any soft-drinks in the house so whenever we do I'll drink that. Otherwise, whatever juices we have (Generally orange) or sometimes I'll go to the kitchen and make myself a glass of Milo for an energy hit.

Not like I really need any energy though, all I do is sit in front of a screen, basking in the warmth, and type a lot.

Mon, 04 Jan 2010, 00:03
hmmmmmm, I might switch to orange juice.
Mon, 04 Jan 2010, 06:42
Plain old fizzy water is a great cheap alternative to beer while coding!

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Mon, 04 Jan 2010, 08:32
I usually go through 2 pots of coffee every day. Helps keep me wired and programming like a mad man.

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Mon, 04 Jan 2010, 08:58
Tue, 05 Jan 2010, 07:58
Yep, Pots. About 12 cups total!
Tue, 05 Jan 2010, 13:01
Your bathroom must get a lot of use!
Tue, 05 Jan 2010, 14:06
Yeah, and the sewer rats must be getting hypo on all that secondhand caffeine !