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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> Sams C++ in 24 Hours and Borland C++ BuilderX Problems

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Mon, 22 Feb 2010, 03:51

10. Click the green 'Play' button like it says on the image!
11. A 'warning box' will appear - click 'Yes' like it says on the image!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 11 Mar 2010, 21:36
Hello, long time no chat. So any professional programmers here ?? or are you guys comp sci undegrad students? C ++ is pretty tough, and this Teach yourself C++24Hours book really stinks , vs an actual textbook. you have to fill in all the gaps . its just a skimpy little cookbook good for not much.. !!you have to know the concept in software engineering. anways.. Stuck in the Functions chapter.. maybe i better get a different book to learn C++ from .
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 03:00
I guess learning a language from zilch is a difficult idea. You do need to "GET" things as you go along, and not just "read/repeat" like you would other learning methods.

You've got a good book, but you're difficulty isn't coming from the words and the instruction, it's the thoughts, and why things are happening the way they are.

I wonder if there's a more general "programming logic" type book out there that would help?

When I started learning, that was the function that really went "Pop" in my head. That was the exact point that my head stopped looking at words on a page, and instead really understood what it was I was looking at.
Not words on a page, but a structure instead. A reason for the program's flow, and a better understanding of why.

Have you had that, yet? Or are you still typing the words?

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 05:19
So any professional programmers here ?? or are you guys comp sci undegrad students?

Durh, whatsa programmer?

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 06:05
A "professional" programmer is someone who actually does something with their life, other than writing 186 games and getting nowhere.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 07:21
I'm a professional programmer, I've been doing paid programming work for 4 years now. I am also a computer science student.
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 08:08
other than writing 186 games and getting nowhere.

It's OK Jay, you'll get somewhere someday

Just kidding J.

WARNING: Long-winded, possibly Godwin's Law-invoking rant ahead!

To answer Bubbashere's question: Yes. A good majority of us are professional programmers- However, this is a hobbyist website where we mostly seem to discuss small projects we're working on, computer-related stuff... Oh yeah, there's also Afr0... Don't know what to make of him; Keep an eye on that one.

My above post was a little sarcastic. I apologize, however! You DO NOT need a "Professional" programmer to teach you about programming. It's also bad practice to solely blame your shortcomings on your reading material. You're on the largest database of knowledge ever conceived by man- Search around! Experiment! You are not going to learn a single thing if you expect people to hold your hand throughout the entire way.

I learned C++ from Wrox Press's Beginners Guide to C++ by Oleg Yaroshenko. It's also healthy not to take everything you read at face value- I'll stress it until your skull cracks: Experiment! It's not enough to go through the motions, You have to truly understand what you're getting yourself into.

I've also noticed you've (@bubbashere) blasted messages in seemingly impatient intervals- I'll say this in modesty and utmost: STOP IT. If someone has an answer, they'll answer you accordingly. Bumping threads with "Well are you going to help?!" only shuns people away. We're all either busy with jobs, school, or other endeavors and are stretched thin. This is a small community but we usually try to help where we can- Respect this and at least give us some time to respond.

I'll also make the suggestion to please try and condense your posts into a list of problems instead of hitting back with every step. The forums also have a nice EDIT feature that allow you to add to your post if something else pops up or you forgot a thought.

I'm not trying to be a twat or anything- All of these points are just suggestions to help you improve and approach others to help you. Best of luck.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 10:18
One comment about Mog's post; you don't need a professional programmer or a lecturer to help you in order to learn to program, but typically you will learn more in less time and at a higher quality. They have already met, solved and then optimized and redone most of the problems you'll face when starting out. They typically do have good methods you can learn from (but like Mog said, never take advice at face value). It's amazing how many terrible coders are out there in the real world.

Just yesterday my brother told me he was handed some code containing a 700 line if statement.
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 12:38
Just yesterday my brother told me he was handed some code containing a 700 line if statement.

Pics please!!

Edit: Damn, I'm having problems imagining a program that would even allow you to code a 700 line if-statement (except for a horribly implemented text RPG...), let alone what kind of program would actually warrant it's implementation!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 14:06
By 700 lines I don't mean just the boolean condition, I mean the inner statements and accompanying else if's too. It was probably written with no classes or functions, just as one giant app. Like all those Blitz Basic games written as one giant 1000 line function.

Afr0 Pics please!!
Sorry, but no.
Mon, 15 Mar 2010, 22:04
i thought i could learn some programming like C ++ , java and get some paid gigs, aka , job ?? i guess how naive and whatever else of me... ;( i had pascal long time ago , but i dont even remember any of it now. maybe even i wouldnt like to be a programmer in the real world, it just a fancy idea that came one day . but those game programmers make lot of money and have fun, or ? It looks like an endless task though. never stop re-writing , debugging, etc, etc. i dont know, maybe im just going thru down days last several.
Jayenkai, you're right you got to GET it and THINK about it , not just read, but i thought that i did that/ think/get it, but im stuck now, its cool. we'll see what happens. holla !!
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