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Socoder -> Blitz Max -> BMax book

Tue, 17 Oct 2006, 17:38
Always good to have more books

Book section added. I just created a single Entertainment/Books area, since I figured it probably wouldn't be used that much.

I also added Entertainment/Film+TV, and Entertainment/Music

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 17 Oct 2006, 19:06
yeah i heard about it but i am not going to get it for hte price they want, just wait awhile and i can find it on ebay for less

what i really want are some books on linux distros and customizing linux and those books on the intel proccessor that someone posted on devcrunch

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 18 Oct 2006, 13:49
I just got my copy today and it's HUGE... A4 sized and an inch or two thick. Takes it very slow so anyone should be able to follow it and get into coding using this book. I love that the focus is on Retrogames too, as that is my cup of tea.

Here's a pic of me reading it. LOL

Linko Booko NotScrewUpTheWidtho

Wed, 18 Oct 2006, 18:45
agent smith i look forward to reading your review
Wed, 29 Nov 2006, 18:51
power mousey

agent smith,

are you going to give us some in depth reviews?...like in a blog or two about the Blitz book.
I'm just waiting for Mark Sibly and company to come out with the BMax 3d for it.

the power mousey
Wed, 29 Nov 2006, 19:44
i really want ion seeing as i have BMax

and almsot anythign would be better than Pure's default 3D engine. i hope ion3D will use DX7, for my crappy computers to run it

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 02:27
That's not that massize. It's not small, but most text books are that big. My copy of Objects First looks around 50% thicker, and isn't too far short of A4.

You should see the Java reference volumes you can get, now their big.
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 11:43
power mousey

hi Diablos,

hey talk about thick books. I have a few that are over 1200 pages long. Even this one science fiction paperback by Orson Scott Card...'Enders Game'...is very thick and long too.
That Hydra book is 900 pages long too. And thank gosh I have Andres' updated book on 'Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus' in ebook format.

talking about just Ion...I still want to try out the demo for Cobra. But yes I admit I'm more interested in this Ion and for Pure Basic. I have Pure Basic anyway. I don't like that Ogre3d too.

mousey power

Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 11:49
i have one on the win32 API that is about 1500 pages long. i am probably not going to finish it anytime soon

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 11:53
power mousey


is that one from Micosoft thats the comprehensive API reference guide? If not, it sounds like it would some comprehensive one.

With 1500 pages...that would take me probably years to read and study.

power mousey

Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 12:01
it is the one from microsoft, the author is Charles Petzold.

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 12:05
power mousey


thats the one. I was going to download it...or certain sections of this book by permission from the author..when downloading some programming language.
I can't remember the programming language....but the download for the win32 api reference was really long too.
I um cancelled the download.

power mousey

Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 12:10
the examples are in C or C++. not sure
Fri, 02 Mar 2007, 14:33
The book looks good. Many of these coding sites are overlooking B3D for some reason.

Sat, 03 Mar 2007, 00:29
That's because it's far less known and used when compared to a lot of free languages.

My programming lecturer has never heard of Blitz Basic. He had heard of AMOS.