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Socoder -> Misc Gaming    

Sun, 19 Oct 2014, 11:24
Boulder Dash - 30th Anniversary Edition. iOS and otherwise

This is how my experience went..

*Installed App*

Level One : Swipe right to move right.
Level Two : Swipe down to move down, left to move left or up to move up!!!

*Deleted App*

If you want to celebrate 30 years of something, and want 30+ year olds to join in with your celebration, try NOT acting like your target audience is a bunch of fucking two year olds...

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 19 Oct 2014, 13:26
I love Boulderdash. My forum name, as you might have guessed, is based on the player character. As is my avatar.

However, that is purely based on my love of the 8bit games. The recent updates have ALL been FUCKING SHITE.

I downloaded the demo of the last version on the OUYA and deleted it after just one game. Every version I've played from the GBA version onwards (including the XBox360 one etc. etc. has been absolute crap).

How on earth they can continually fuck up the game to such a degree is beyond me. I've seen countless remakes (including my own) that are a thousand times better than the godawful shit they are pumping out under the same name.

It makes my blood boil and then run cold. Awful stuff. Let poor Rockford rest in peace. Or bury him under a rock. Just let him die with dignity.

Here's an image from the Full Collection on OUYA

There isn't a word close enough to "FUCK OFF WITH THIS SHIT!" that I can muster. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr