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Socoder -> Off Topic -> spectrum 128k

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Fri, 21 Aug 2015, 22:17
Eeeeee fond memories... The CPC light pen was proper pap too, lol, you couldnt draw diddly squat with it, but it was fun!

The best peripheral for the Amstrad I'd seen was actually one me and a mate modded up, it was an Atari paddle, one of these:-

We modded it so you could use it as a controller on the Amstrad, we also had a couple of pedals from some knitting machines, all wrapped up into one package and it was perfect...

Chase HQ and Outrun were never the same with a joystick after that, in fact, I would use the setup now!

Happy days


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 21 Aug 2015, 22:40
I'm sitting here thinking of all the crap we used to get up too back in the day, surprised we never killed ourselves, some of the more fond memories:-

Soldered a wire to a lightbulb, connected a plug to it, plugged it to a 240v socket, switched it on... It blew up in a blinding flash, we couldnt see for 30 mins, his mam going mental

Tried to make explosive crystals via instructions from the Jolly Rodgers Cook book, which resulted in us sitting in a basement of a derelict boxing club, huge pan of bleach bubbling away for ages, eyes watering like a good'un, we give up after the fumes were becoming too much... Think it didnt work because we bought cheap bleach, and I still havent told my mam where her big pan went!

Homebrewing wine on the sly, then trying to distill the alcohol off it by putting a demijohn full of it on an oven ring, couldnt keep the temperature stable enough for the booze to evaporate into a tube at the top, lifted said demijohn off the oven and the bottom fell out of it, 8 bottles of wine... Everywhere!

Brewed a bin of Barley wine, drank about 7-8 pints each, I ended up in hospital, he ended up tripping over and knocking himself out behind the doctors surgery... Parents going absolutely ballistic... Mind, it was actually a school night! Hehehe

Built a cart out of pallet wood, proper setup, the thing had a roof and everything, box on wheels, two of us could get in it, Openshaw being the tallest he had to sit, and I sorta straddled his shoulders... We decided to take it to the biggest hill we could find because it was too heavy to push... Result, well, because he was tall and sitting down, his feet poked out of the bottom of the front door, so naturally, we utilized the setup and his feet did the steering, so, we pushed it to the top of the hill, jumped in, within 10 seconds of departure, he broke his leg!

There's tons more we got up too, to many... I'm surprised we've made it up to our late 30's if I'm honest!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
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