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Socoder -> Health Matters -> PIP Crap

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Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 08:58
PIP Rejected. Apparently being able to sit in one place all day, and make myself noodles, means I'm fit enough to work. Hurray.. :\

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Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 08:58
ahhhh the bastards appeal!!!
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 09:05
I got health assignment which is next week and not looking forward to it!
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 09:38
Wheels of appeals are in motion. Can take up to 8 weeks before we even hear anything. Bah!!

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Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 10:02
I will also have to face the same crap soon when they finally contact me.

|edit| They'll probably tell me that I'm fit based on the fact that I volunteer for a local charity, the dozy pricks don't take into account that volunterring part time doesn't mean that you can do it day in day out. |edit|
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 10:57
It's an awful setup, but, this doesnt surprise me... Again, its the minority taking the piss that spoils it for the ones that really do need help.

When I was with the wife, her mam and dad used to help with a charity golf day for a local cancer hospice (Willowburn), now, the golf day was held at a course called The Hobson, two of the holes (The first two on the back nine) were literally right next to each other... Here's a professionally edited picture of the setup:-

As you can see, the 10th green lies right next to the 11th tee... Now on one particular occasion, there was a few lady members on the 10th green, and someone on the 11th tee whacked the ball off and it flew straight at one of them and stotted right off her head... Ouch you may add... Well yep... There was blood everywhere, ambulance was called, bit of a fiasco going off!

She got shipped off to hospital, luckily, she was okay, no major damage done, unluckily for her though, she really really shouldnt of been playing golf, as, this particular lady member had been claiming disability benefits for years and, she was rumbled, they didnt muck about either, they ended up demanding a huge £22000 off her for the false payments she received.

And this is exactly why people who need the help of state benefits are ending up being chewed with bollocks like this... It's because of lazy greedy shit bags like her, if it wasnt for that golf ball, she would be still claiming it now, and this was something like 7 years ago or something.

And they'll be tons more like her.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 11:36
Thing is though I'm not exactly playing golf, I check white goods and appliances at a charity shop. I wouldn't have the go in me to whack golf balls. LOL
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 11:43
I have not heard from the government insurance company for my income for more then 10 years. I do get forms to send in changes in my situation. In 2000 I got set to 80-100% dissability. I did spend about 2 years in hospitals from then on in the 10 years from that point. Last time luckely was 6 years ago and I have been doing fine that time on.
In +/-2007 I was also debt free and have been able to buy and save more. Being able to invest more in books and such. I could then also help family members financially when they get into those times when they have financial setbacks.

I do spend time studying things like programming and other things in case one day they have a cure for my brain decease. (Might even get lucky before that and make a flappy bird hit myself ) In the last few decades not much progress has been made in treatment and medicine for my illness. Maybe I will remain dissabilitated until the robots start working for the humans(When they stop falling over and can open doors properly)

I have been reading(google news) that in England they really are getting hard on the sick and workless people. I hope they will not get that hard in my country(netherlands) They are starting to put younger people with dissabilties on wellfare in stead of in dissabilty income. I am keeping an eye on that.
Also they have started forcing people with wellfare to work for their wellfare doing things like cleaning the streets and parks or folding paper flowers and such.

Maybe they will get friendlier rules now the crisis is as good as over.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 11:44
They even booted my brother in law off PIP once even though he's fully crippled due to a stroke he had a few years back, it really is eveident that the powers that be are a right evil bunch of cunts. The way they are treating Jay is just plain fucking wrong, I'm sure those bastards get some sort of kick out of it.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 11:53
I, quite literally, haven't been out of the house for weeks..
Between bad head/dizziness days, and appalling weather, it's like I'm living a bloody prison.

I'm SO glad that I'm happy to exist "outside" on the internet, and can socialise with oodles of people, because otherwise I'd be one depressed little fuck, by now.


They send you a scoresheet, with your claim-rejection. Every bit of your life gets a score, and depending on your score you're awarded a level of "disability".
The Mobility section is roughly my area of expertise.
They've awarded me points because I'm unable to walk very far. "About 50 meters" is the limit suggested. I got points for being that broken.
However, in the VERY SAME SECTION, they awarded my 0 for "Planning and Following directions"
.. Sure, technically I CAN follow directions.. But I can't sodding well get there, can I!?! Not unless it's under 50 meters..

Bah, humbug.

"Up to 8 weeks" was the given timeframe for shorter reassessment, and if I'm still unhappy, we have to go through the whole gumf to get a complete reassessment, which will no doubt take until mid-July or thereabouts..

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Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 11:59
I hope that David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith die a very slow and painful death, and I really fucking do mean it.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 12:17
In the late ninetees when I got more ill I reported myself ill. I had to go to a government job dokter and told him about what was happening to me. He listened and told me that I should find a job as soon as possible. Not mentioning anything about my symptons. It was only a year or so later that I was taken into a hospital and had specialists looking at me that they where able to put a label on it.
I then was unfit for work officially and they did not get that hard on me anymore.
It did take a couple of months in a hospital to get the diagnose and medicine. The regular government docters must think that everybody is lying about what they have.

A lot of people are getting treated really bad, so much so that they get more ill becourse of it.

It seems you need to get a laywer and specialists and sue the govenment and win before they start changing things.

If you can not do much compared to a healthy person, how do they expect you to compete on the job market with them? Bad/incomplete government programming code it is.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 12:31
I'll tell you how bad the DWP can be. When I started my volunteering the jobcentre were over the moon and supportive about it, the DWP however put me through hell and back by accusing me of doing paid work whilst claiming. It took fucking ages to sort that mess out and even then the DWP still never apologised for their fuck-up even though my support worker and the charity shop supervisor provided shitloads of proof that I'm doing charitable work.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 12:38

Thing is though I'm not exactly playing golf, I check white goods and appliances at a charity shop. I wouldn't have the go in me to whack golf balls. LOL

I know me auld fruit, I'm just stating why it is what it is...

I mean, £22000 for one person who doesnt deserve it, times that by thousands and your talking a serious amount of money, and if these people stayed legit, instead of bleeding the country so they can go swanning off to golf courses, or to sit in their local all day everyday (I know people that do it), then things would be different...

But as long as you have these spongers, unfortunately, legit people like you and Jay who SHOULD have all the help you's need, are just going to get caught in the battle between the paymasters and the pretenders!!!

I can belatedly relate, come 25th Feb, after operation bot carve, I wont be able to work for a fortnight, though it will take from anywhere between 6 weeks and three months to heal completely, now I have two options, both are shit, but, thats all I have, now the first one is I can go on the sick, which means I'll have to be off for three days (Unpayed) before I'm eligible for a massive £85 or something a week sick pay, which is, lets be fair, pap!

Or, I can use holidays, I can sod the sick note right off and use 2 weeks of my entitled holiday allowance to cover my pay over the period and fucking hope and pray I'll be alright to get back to work afterwards, and be thankful for a day out in shitty Redcar for my summer holidays!

This is how it's handled in the private sector... Now, if I was public service (Regardless of government or PM or who was in charge of Work and Pensions), I would've been entitled to full pay for the whole term of my sick leave (For the first three month [I might be wrong, it could be six], then it's halved or something, which is still significantly higher then £85 a bloody week)... AND... I will probably still be eligible for all my holidays as well!

I know it's not exactly the same as your two... But, I am going to be penalised in some way or another for being ill as well!

It shit, but its the way it spins!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 15:38
The trouble with the whole benefits system is that it can be all too easy for people to claim money that they are not entitled to and those that should be claiming don't know their rights or even know when they are entitled.

Good, decent, honest people are being denied help by people who are deliberately and fraudulently claiming benefits.

A close family member (who has worked all their life) was diagnosed with cancer a good few years back (thankfully the NHS worked wonders and she was "cured" (by removal)) - however, at no time were they offered support - either financially, emotionally or advice about possible benefits and other entitlements - like prosthetics and clothing.

They only found out certain benefits existed years after they were required. It wasn't the NHS fault, but they should have had adequate information to inform the patient that such benefits and entitlements are available if they wanted to claim. Details could have been provided by the DWP too - if the laws of confidentiality allowed the NHS to contact them on behalf of such patients...

Nursing staff don't have any real understanding of benefits and don't have time to go through them or to hand out advice. That's not what they are for anyway. Let's face it what do you want a nurse to do - heal you or just give advice.

The whole benefit system should be a safety net and not a way of life. Tax payers should not be funding a lifestyle where people don't want to work (not people who can't work). Taxpayers should not be footing the bill to foreigners that have never contributed to the state in any way, wasters, drunkards, junkies and feckless parents with hundreds of kids that just use the system to get houses rent free adn funding their lifestyle choice while honest (perhaps genuinely ill) people either have to work hard or are completely fucked over.

The whole system definitely needs a radical overhaul where genuine claimants get what they have paid for and deserve.
Mon, 25 Jan 2016, 16:38
I've met one of these, thankfully rare bastards who are playing the system. a friend of mine noticed some files in their computer whilst performing routine fixes, one marked "myrichmasterplan.doc" outlining how he intended to get onto as many benefits for as long as possible.

Utter shithead, attempts violence in order to get discounts on everything, threatens to sue people, but won't be seen without an entourage of larger people, to prevent anything happening to him.

I'm glad I've only seen them on a rare couple of times, hope they get what they deserve! (N.B. This person was clearly very able bodied and, ohh gosh, I hope they get caught for what they're up to..)

Sorry, had to rant about that there, not a fan of jerks.

Hoping you get swiftly placed back in the proper bracket Jay bud.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 00:58
Dabz I know me auld fruit, I'm just stating why it is what it is.

I know you know M8, I just needed to put that into perspective. Paranoia and the need to justify myself a lot is just part of my mental going-ons, which can be a pain in the arse at times.

I've brushed shoulders with plenty of people that milk it left right and centre, they got full blown DLA with full mobility and get a brand new car every 3 years. Those people have also had the cheek to accuse me of fiddling the system when they are as fit as a fiddle and far more able bodied physically and mentally than myself. They just need to think themselve's lucky that I'm not a grass.
Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 02:50
In my opinion, anyone claiming any sort of jobseekers benefit, that is, nothing wrong with them just just don't have a job, should not be allowed to claim in total anything near (part time - 16-20 hours) national minimum wage in benefits. Why should someone who is unemployed for no good reason be bringing in more money than someone who works 35 hours every week. And don't get me started on the people who have 15 kids and claim three times my wage in support. If you can't afford to have kids, don't have kids. Fair enough help with the first born and to some extent with the second, but you shouldn't be bringing a life into the world if you are not financially equipped to look after it.

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Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 03:17
Depends entirely on WHY they're suddenly jobless.
Lots of business closures and things like that. Kinda sneaks up on people, sometimes, and especially has a knack of happening around Xmas time, just after you've spent a fortune on presents, "knowing" you can currently afford it!!

Although, FWIW : JobSeekers is currently only about £80 a week, so it's not exactly a mountain of cash!

The "benefit" of benefits is that because you're unemployed, you get a mountain of other stuff to go with it. Things like free prescriptions, your council rent paid, and things of that nature.
That's the main pitfall, because as soon as you then try to find a job, you need to start paying all of that stuff again, and by that point it's "cheaper" to stay on benefits.

It's a crazy cycle that a lot of folk can't find an easy way out of.

If you can find a "fresh" job that'll pay for ALL of that, from day one, then you're a lucky man. And so the spiral continues!

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Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 05:08
To be fair, I should have made it clear that I was talking about those people who are straight out of school, or are obviously not making an effort to get into full time employment. Some people just aren't taught any sort of work ethic at any point in their lives and are more than happy to sit around doing nothing.

I remember when I got my first 'real' job. I was intending to stay at that job for a couple of months while I kept job hunting because the idea of working in a warehouse really didn't interest me much. Then nine years later when the company went bust, the few weeks it took me to find a new job was driving me insane. Suddenly having nothing to do all day was far worse than any lack of money. It's this idea that bugs me about the idea that some people would rather sit around doing nothing and live off handouts than go out and do ANYTHING. Then there are those (probably the same people) who are complaining about plans to make the long term unemployed (just plain unemployed, not disabled etc.) do 'voluntary' work to keep their skills up and pay back a little to society. I tell you, if I knew I could do something like that, 1. I might not have driven Helen up the wall with my constant miserable whining about not having a job, but it would have padded my CV out a bit and made me a little more appealing to prospective employers.
Then of course there are those on the various 'news' programs complaining that their 25k benefits will be cut down to 'only' 18k and how outrageous it is, when someone on minimum wage would have to work 80 hours a week to get that kind of money drives me insane. Which of course brings me back to, people on unemployment benefits should not bring in more than hard working people with full time jobs. If you can't afford your house without 20k a year handouts, go live somewhere cheaper.

Rant over.... probably.

However, back on tpoic, I hope your appeal goes well Jay.

£80 a week.... It was £42 last time I 'needed' it I think.

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Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 05:22
Yeah, maybe it is only £40.. Uncle Dave suggested it was about £80, but that might've been every fortnight when it got paid into his account. *shrugs*

The world of benefits is grossly skewed to those who "play the game", and it's folk who actually need it that end up getting screwed over.
Needs some sort of overhaul, methinks, but .. Whatever happens, a lot of people will inevitably get screwed over.

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Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 05:44
spinal To be fair, I should have made it clear that I was talking about those people who are straight out of school

I kind of guessed that's probably what you meant.

It pisses me off that a lot of school leavers have opportunities that I could only dream about simply thrown at them, and the buggers take it for granted and turn it all down. If they were to start offering computer science and programmy stuff free to adults like they do to school leavers, I would be the first in the door.

Another thing that pisses me off too. I had to do a lot of donkey work to get help from a support worker because I wasn't getting any joy from Jobcentre Plus, unlike some JSA clamimants I wasn't "called in". Some of those JSA claimants whinge like fuck just because they have to prove that they looked through the papers for jobs, well it ain't fucking hard is it!, and then they whinge even more because they get put on training courses that cost them absolutely fuck all.

JSA claimants get offered "FREE" training cousrse that can potentially get them high paid jobs, if you're on DLA or Incapacity Benefit they only offer those shitty Skills For Life courses for free. If I wanted to get a qualification in computer programming then I would have to pay a college fucktons of dosh.
Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 07:30
My son was a school leaver last year. He has applied to loads of jobs and apprenticeships and most didn't even bother to respond. He's been to loads of interviews too - including for big companies, who afterwards don't even tell him how he got on. How can that be right? Someone who has taken their own time and money to get to an interview doesn't even get a "No thankyou" of any sort - email or letter? That's fucking disgusting.

Thankfully he does have a job right now (that really affects us as he needs us to drop and collect him in the wee small hours). He's still looking for something better though. The thing is, when he started his college course he was promised an apprenticeship based on what he was doing - which didn't turn out to be the case at all. We believe that the college deliberately lied to him and us to get him to sign up (guaranteed job afterward Ker-Ching!!!). It wasn't until recently that he was informed that he had a Level 3 (with triple distinction Diploma) while apprenticeships only train to level 2 anyway - he was over-qualified before he even started. Why did nobody tell him?

And yeah, Steve - when my son was choosing subjects he was offered loads of courses that I would have given my right arm (and left nut) to do!
Tue, 26 Jan 2016, 07:39
My local college doesn't seem to offer a single useful it course, other than the absolute basics. I wouldn't mind a computery job

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Fri, 29 Jan 2016, 04:13
Oh, great.
Because I'm no longer "Disabled", it seems my Mum no longer counts as my Carer, so they've taken that cash off her, too.

Total income : Me £0, Mum £0.

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Fri, 29 Jan 2016, 05:02
Going through all my finances, working out what will/won't work.

Will cancel the Star Trek Starships, but keep the ArcadeBlock coming, because that's, at the very least, a new TShirt every month, and ... Sitting around the house, being a sweaty lazy fucker all day, the TShirts are certainly being used up
Netflix will be gotten rid of, as I've at least got the Amazon LoveFilmPrime thing, and that got paid for the year, just a few weeks ago.

Socoder hosting is paid up until June. .. If I'm still fucked in June, then, um.. We'll probably switch back to the cheaper "Shared" hosting, instead of "Dedicated".. .. Assuming I can afford that, come June!!!

And now begins the long trek, fighting with the government. Should be fun :\

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