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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Summer Days - Can't Stand 'em

Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 14:18
One of the hottest days of the year so far, and the inconsiderate fuckers across the way have got a bonfire going in their garden so everybody else has to sit with the fucking windows shut!
Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 14:18
No Bonfire here, but it sure is fucking noisy. A little bit of heat, and all the crazies appear.

View on YouTube

(Note : She's shit at singing this, live!!)

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Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 14:22
I don't like hot weather. Do not see the fun in sat down doing nowt, and still sweating like a glassblower's arse.


1. Knobheads on motorbikes.
2. Barbecues and pissed people who don't know the volume of their own fucking voice.
3. Other people's shit music.
4. Daylight at 4am.
5. That shitty yellow plant stuff that grows in fields and makes you sneeze when you as much as look at it.
6. Bees and flies.

Seriously... what's to like?
Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 16:00
I was making noise sporadically today with my tiny 30quid saw laying wooding flooring. I WAS so knackered by mid afternoon I'd a 5 min knap that lasted 50 mins.

Happy coding!
Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 18:23
Just gone to bed, still 30°C up here at almost 1:30am. FFS....
Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 19:29
Sat, 17 Jun 2017, 07:33
I've just discovered that its way too hot to be outside mowing the lawns. Sweating like Rolf Harris on a school bus, sneezing like a bastard. I'm dying.
Sun, 18 Jun 2017, 09:16
Thermometer outside showing over 40°C in direct sunlight. Inside one says 31°C.

Back to work tomorrow, with same weather, plus a 165°C heat press to contend with.

Fuck this crazy shit! :/
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 03:04
Wow that is getting a bit warm!

Which part of the country you in Dave?
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 03:10
All over the country! We're in the middle of a crazy heat-wave!
Today's quite a bit cooler, though. We're currently at 24, here in Manchester, but it's meant to be back up to 27 again, later.

Bloody heat! Rawr!!!

The weather in Britain is warm again.
It traditionally never stops raining.
But now that it's hot, the country has stopped.
And we're all sitting round and complaining.

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Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 03:35
I've been here too long now... anything below 20C feels cold!

When I first came over I was still wearing t-shirts and shorts in Winter!
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 03:41
I'm in South Lincs, Steve.

The "official" peak temperature was 29C yesterday. Today it's apparently only going to get to 28C. Running the press is a killer, though. When you consider your house radiators are about 60C, I have to stand next to something that's almost three times hotter at 165C.

The press is going on now. I am NOT looking forward to this... oh, and I've ran out of Pepsi. :/
Mon, 19 Jun 2017, 04:03
Moved the hamster into the spare room, it's a little cooler in there. Hopefully he's smart enough to drink enough water.

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