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Socoder -> Hardware and Technology -> Jay Buys Another Bloody iPad

Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 04:27

Jay Buys Another Bloody iPad

Over the past couple of weeks, the battery on my iPad's been getting progressively worse.
It's now at the point where, during the course of typing a Tweet, I can watch the battery percentage drop by 2 or 3 percent.
Not good!!
It also inexplicably seems to crap out when it hits around about 30%, shutting down all of a susdden, and needing to be plugged in.

Yep. I think I've killed it.

Looking back over the 3+ years I've had it (Nov 2014) and it's no surprise that it's failed to keep up.
Over 1,180 Daily Platdude Pixelarts, sprites and logos for over 50 games, around about 375 released pieces of music (and many unreleased failures), as well as blog posts, SoCoder posts, Tweets, Facebookages and pretty much all of my consumed media (TV, Movies, Podcasts, Radio, Music) over the course of 3 and a bit years.

A few days ago, I was cursing the fact that "The bloody Apple thing is fucking up, like every fucking Apple thing does.." But when I thought about how much use it's had over the years, I decided it's probably been used WAY more than an iPad is intended to be used.

I've thought about replacing it with an Android tablet, and in fact I have one sitting on my bookshelf unused, but ... No SpriteSomething for my Daily Platdude Pixelart, and no KORG Gadget for my ALChoons.
.. Not sure I can cope without those two apps!!

So, I've done the backups, ordered a new one, and it'll be here (hopefully) within the next few hours.
Yes, it's more money to "bloody Apple, grrr!" but.. I think, given my usage, it's probably worth it.

As for what I'm replacing it with... Exactly the bloomin' same! Albeit with twice the space.
The iPad Air 2 (9.5") is still the current "iPad Classic". There's also the iPad Pro 10", but the low end model of that is almost twice the price of the high end iPad Air 2, and honestly that's just fucking stupid Apple pricing at work, as per usual..

This "dead'ish" iPad will be handed to Uncle Jimmy, who may or may not be able to fix it. He's never attempted to fix an iPad Air 2, before, so it may go horribly horribly wrong!!


Oh, and GfK suggested I could've bought a decent desktop for the price.
Yes, I could've.
But it'd be as unused as my MacMini.

You haven't seen "aversion to sitting at a desk" until you've seen me sat in my bed, next to my desk, using my laptop on my knee, to Remote Desktop to the Mac, which is sat on the desk right beside me.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 04:37
If they're doing it with iPhones (which they are, because they said so), then they're almost certainly doing the same thing with iPads. And they'll keep doing it for as long as we're lining their already overstuffed pockets. Probably the same reason they make it a proper bitch of a job for the consumer to replace the battery. If we could do that, then we wouldn't need a new iPad. Or iPhone.

Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 04:40
No, that's the opposite.
There, they're reducing performance so the battery appears to last longer.

Here, the battery ain't doing shit!!!
Whilst sending a message to Uncle Jimmy, just now, I literally watched as the battery fell from 89% to 81%!!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 04:44
Either way.... if you could replace the battery*, you wouldn't need to replace the iPad.

* without a fair-to-middling chance of you writing off the iPad.
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 04:46
Yeah, but I doubt that's going to change any time soon :\

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 06:05
Old iPad
*Restore to factory settings*
"OK, Downloading iOS 11.2.6 to install onto the iPad : 2.5Gb : Please wait"

*restores iPad to factory settings*

Plugs in New iPad
*Restore my backup"
"OK, but first let me download iOS 11.2.6 to install onto the iPad : 2.5Gb : Please wait"

Fucking iTunes, I swear to god...

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 06:16
I wanna buy something... But I dont know what!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 06:17
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 06:21

.... FFS!!!

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Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 07:22
@dabz: https://www.fanatec.com/eu-en/
Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 09:39
Lol, I’m not really into racing games, but I must say like, some of that gear is great like... I’d of been all over that as a kid!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 13:54
Erm... is this your new iPad? Or are you obsolete already?

Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 14:36
The new ipad 2018 is 1.70% faster (a10 fusion) than my ipad 2017 (a9) now.
Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 14:40
Cor... if that's not worth another four hundred quid, then I don't know what is!
Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 15:22
I'll take TEN!
Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 15:24
Yeah, I judged that ok, I reckon!
The new specs are essentially "we put the A10 in instead of the A9".
The one I got has the A9, and I’m ok with that, as the A9 will happily run KORG gadget, and that’s pretty much as processor intensive as I get.

Didn’t expect they’d have lowered the price a bit, though..
The price difference is about £30 lower from what it was a few days ago.

... but I didn’t buy mine from the Apple store. I got mine £50 cheaper than Apple, on Amazon!!
So, screw you, Apple, I still saved £20 on the new price!! Mua-ha-haaa!!!

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Tue, 27 Mar 2018, 16:06
Only a madman would buy direct from Apple.

If Apple can sell to Amazon, and Amazon can sell to you £50 cheaper than if you'd brought from Apple AND still turn a profit, then Apple are clearly making a bastard fortune by selling direct at the MSRP.
Thu, 29 Mar 2018, 09:09
The old ipad mini is broken here also since today. Without being used the battery went from fully charged to empty overnight. I wil try to see if there is anything that can be done. But this never happened before.
Thu, 29 Mar 2018, 09:25
Yeah, at first I was worried it might’ve been the Meltdown Fix that cause the battery life to plummet.
But then it started dying with 20% left on the battery display.
.. then 30%
.... then one day it crashed at 40%, and I decided that was definitely not normal!

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Thu, 28 Jun 2018, 13:49


The last I heard of the old iPad, Uncle Jimmy had apparently successfully got it up to fully working condition, and was supposed to have given it to Uncle David.
Today, Uncle David got in touch, asking if I knew the best place to get an iPad.

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Sat, 13 Jul 2019, 04:42
Seems I might be getting another Budget Ipad this year. Apple registered 5 new models. No mention what type but the pro was expected next year and the budget models had no update this year yet.

They might be announced as soon as next week.

The old ipad mini 1(now used by my mom) is stil working!