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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 27 June 2007
Edited : 27 June 2007


I promised myself I'd never create a MySpace...so I got a facebook.

If you'd like to join me in the social networking goodness, my profile is here:

Nick's Profile



Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 21:46
I to shall never create a MySpace and i probibly should never have created a facebook. At least its better than myspace though. I have added you to my freinds! mabey we should start a socoder group...hmm...tempting.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 22:02
That'd be fun, if enough people would join it! But then again, why would we need a SoCoder group for all the SoCoder members when we already have...SoCoder!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 23:22
Hmm, thats a good point.
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 07:19
MySpace is dumb.
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 15:26
I have both a Myspace and a Facebook. I enjoy them both.

Myspace is only dumb if you make it dumb. Personally, I think it's rather fun to talk to people through Myspace, comment pictures, view videos, etc...
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 16:48
I don't really have the time for either (I had a brief few months with Bebo.com, until they turned popular and I deleted my account) but I do enjoy the reading about the hype and over-analysis of it all. Apparently the "The goodie two shoes, jocks, athletes, or other “good” kids are now going to Facebook" and MySpace is for those lower on the class ladder...

I just think it's piss funny that someone did a class analysis of Myspace and Facebook.

|edit| So, I guess Blanko getting a Facebook and snubbing MySpace makes him one of those posh upper class, eh? |edit|
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 17:10
I agree with Nolan, MySpace is a fun environment. You can totally mess with your profile, message friends back and forth, then comment each other, play with your top friends, post videos, you can post bulletins which starts messaging conversations, change your display name, etc..

Facebook seems to have a more professional environment. You can do some of the stuff on Facebook as you can on MySpace, but to me it lacks some sorta fun factor.


MySpace does break a lot, but thats no reason to say the site sucks. The site has become very popular. And the level of traffic MySpace gets (I think it was like a million hits every second, please don't quote me on that though) its very impressive that they handle it that well.
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 17:29
Trooper David
LOL, Im not sure about myspace. On one hand, I have a few friends there, so its ok. But my 11 yr old nephew says hes a 28 year old drill sgt from the army. So its not ok (and he was punished). I hate but like myspace. Facebook, I dont have much contact with, but a 12 year old kid died from another kid here somewhere, and his friends have a site at facebook. So does it stink? I guess its how you look at it.
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 17:36
I guess that's one way to look at it, but if you only imagine the worst that can happen on a site, you end up losing the good that comes with it.

I mean, if we look at the worst possible thing here..
Assume that Andrew Soltan (ex-member, got banned) killed (somehow) Shroom_Monk.
The two know each other from school. But if it was in the papers, would it be "School kid kills school kid" or would it be "Members of sick online gaming site in murder death horror!!"

So, don't ever put a site down because of the actions of an idiotic member.

Personally, although I'm a member of Myspace, I rarely visit it. No point, really. Everyone's here! I did notice that they've recently added a "Your School Friends" section, so it's nice to have that feature without having to pay for it over at Friends Reunited!
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 20:29
What's this I hear? Jayenkai.... has a myspace? I'm pleasantly surprised.
Thursday, 28 June 2007, 21:26
I refuse to be in the posh, upper class! How dare you!

I like facebook because, like Stealth said, has a more professional feel to it.

And also, the site isn't really about getting as many friends as possible. It's more about keeping in touch with a local network. Although, I do have a few internet friends on there as well.
Friday, 29 June 2007, 02:15
power mousey
um....YIKES!! I joined up.
I must be upper class too.
The top slices of the Bread...
not the crusts nor crumbs.

But I don't want to be known nor considered
upper or lower, richer and poorer...but a little more
I'm just the power mousey. ^^


|edit| and I don't have a lot of time either for all
of these networks, chats, and other sites. Just my family, a few friends, some at work, and Socoder and a potential chat being developed. |edit|

Saturday, 30 June 2007, 06:11
I have both a FaceBook and a MySpace. However I never joined. On both occasions I was pushed into signing up, with a girl making my FaceBook account for me.

I haven't used the MySpace account in years, and I only go on FaceBook in response to real-life friends adding me. The only problem with MySpace is the people. If you got rid of them it would be perfect. In contrast I hate logging into my FaceBook account. The site is way too confusing to navigate.
Monday, 02 July 2007, 11:52
Hahaha, I did the same thing blanko, took the words right out of my mouth