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Socoder -> Cobra -> Woo! Cobra updates

Mon, 02 Oct 2006, 14:31
Check the site.

Yay, Cobra2D for christmas, and Cobra3D for my birthday (hopes!)

Now, will Angelo3D complete my erotic nerdish fantasy of software packages, and also arrive sometime soon?

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 02 Oct 2006, 15:11
Cobra 2D for Xmas would be nice, but I have a feeling it's going to take me that amount of time to actually start my DS Coding..

I really don't like C++!
Then again, by that time, I'm sure I'll have Stringy Things working, just about, on my DS. Then my mum will nick the DS to play it, and I'll never see it again.

So yeah, Cobra would be nice..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 02 Oct 2006, 15:13
lol, yay for nerdish fantasies! I have one for when the 16-core processors begin to come out.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Mon, 02 Oct 2006, 17:52
i am busy learn C++, i jsut got a book today, it is outdated but it will help to get the basics of C++. i am already through the basic maths and variable declaration, input is next and then i will make some text based games before moving on to directX or OpenGL

i also got a book of 3D modelling

cobra looks pretty good but i think BMAX, linux, my project to hook up as many computers as i can to one set of devices and C++ will take up too much of my time for cobra till at least next year

unless my family buys me it as a gift

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 09 Oct 2006, 21:27
now that i have been looking into it more, i think i will buy cobra or ION to go with BMAX

oh the possibilities ION + BMAX + my own C++ code

*insert evil nerdy laugh*

i like green haired girls...
Wed, 08 Nov 2006, 21:49
power mousey

I won't have time for this...cause in the past, it took to much time.

so...no evil green Cobra snakes for me!

I'll take the bigger multiheaded serpents.

power mousey

Sat, 11 Nov 2006, 02:42
power mousey

hey all,

although I will be really busy and into the Hydra when it rears its 8 serpentine cogs and also a little into Blitz3d, I'll give Cobra2d and this Ion Engine a try. But only if demo trial versions are available to download.

power mousey

Sat, 11 Nov 2006, 03:51
Yeah, I think that's probably all the far that I'll get, too. With DS and Workshops and still more to the site to be done, Cobra will have to take at least 4th place.

So, it'll be a demo for me, too.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 11 Nov 2006, 03:55
As well as Java I am learning C++ too with the book 'Accelerated C++'. I noticed in the library whilst admiring their large reference books of the Java libraries (they really were huge).

After trailing through some DirectX examples from the DirectX SDK too I've come to the position of thinking it ain't all as hard to learn as people seem to presume and make out, which leads me to wondering something else. Why would people pay for Cobra or Blitz Max? A serious point and not meant as something to put down Cobra or Blitz Max and create any superstitious negative aspects of either. But when there are so many great free ones with more or as much support, it just makes me wonder you consider the price.
Sat, 11 Nov 2006, 04:12
BlitzMax is an odd product.

Blitz 2D+3D+Plus are all nice easy Basic-like products. But when you look at them they're actually more like a C++ structure than they are a Basic one. Hence why it's easier to switch from Blitz to C than it is, say, DarkBasic, with it's Amos-esque structure.

Max is even more C'ish, and I think the reason it was developed was to get current Blitz users another step closer to proper C development. In many ways it is a great idea.. But.. Like you say, Dev-CPP is free, and comes with a complete OpenGL dev kit. So. That's cheaper!
In fact, the whole DS Dev thing is free, too.

But then you've always got a plus point for everything, and BlitzMax's is this..

Your game will work on loads of systems.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 11 Nov 2006, 04:49
I don't think that is much of a plus. Linux and Mac users don't really play games, they state it when you point out the lack of games. Plus Mac and especially Linux users are in the minority of home PC's.

Although I have heard of problems with compiling the same code to different systems, it can be done and I cannot think of any free language that isn't available for multiple OS'. I can however think of several paid ones. Plus interpreted languages such as Java and Ruby are more compatible then Blitz Max since they need to be run on the virtual machine, not a specific list of OS, whilst the VM instead is available for multiple OS'. Ruby is available for more OS then Blitz Max, and although I cannot say for certain I'd be highly surprised if Java was available for less then Ruby.

As a side point whilst researching my previous statement I've read something worrying over at Wikipedia. The Blitz page may be up for deletion!
Sat, 11 Nov 2006, 07:04
Hey wiki users, look! blitz community here, here, and here. btw stealthspc and devcrunch are in the history.

I've been trying to learn a little C#, but I mean for me there's no point yet because I know blitz but the only thing I've really made yet worth mentioning is that water balloon game. I wanna at least make a few things in blitz before I move on to something lower level. I still have that Wac a Pac thing that I've been talking about since the cw forum opened, but I haven't done much with it yet...

Oh well, definitely looking forward to Cobra, tho.

What if this were not a hypothetical question?
Wed, 20 Dec 2006, 08:17
power mousey

I saw some of the code posted from some snippets of demo programs. Looks really cool! I wonder when Cobra Grahamk Creator will release the demo version and also the full version to the whole world??

I'm still going to try the demo. If I like..then I will purchase it. Same goes for the Ion engines too.

power mousey