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Socoder -> Off Topic -> What's everyone up to?

Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 15:30
Bit quiet again, lately, so I thought I'd start one of those "Projects!!" topics.
But, not just projects. If there's other things going on, feel free to list those, too!

Currently I'm working on a few little bits and pieces.
1. I've started RetroRaider on the DS. I'm currently up to the point where I'm adding objects into the level, so it's about time to start working in that In-Game editor thing.
I'm not too sure how I can do that, yet, but I'm fiddling away!

2. Puzzobomb DS. Work was being done to it, the other day, but then I found out that someone else has grabbed the same damn Vexed levels, and is making his own.
And it looks fairly decent next to mine, too.
Double Bugger!

3. DSBrew, a site I half assed started to build some time last year, then gave up.
I've restarted it with a simple machines forum script, instead. Sod it, it does the job.
The rule of DSBrew is that instead of going "Oooh, new DS Brew!" and then having games fall by the wayside after an hour, I'll be concentrating on older games. Pick the best, show them off, let people play them and rate them properly.. That kinda thing.
At the minute it's a half-built shell, with 3 whole games listed!
I'm taking a few days to play through some homebrew, make a list of all the crap (lots) and set aside the good (few), and then I'll make myself some sort of schedule so's I don't run out of games in a week's time!


4. Codas. The more I think of Codas, the more I loved the script format. It worked. Maybe the adventure game isn't such a good idea after all.

5. And I'm still in that "Getting over the flu, can't really be bothered to do much coding" mood!

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 16:06
Orion Pax
Im just working on my game. Finally getting some where. So glad I got the player database working.

Had to bury my unborn neice today. I just fount out that my sister was pregnant 3 weeks ago. The placenta came loose from her uterus and she had a blood clot so that prevented them from doing a C-section as the baby was still alive when she went to the emergency room. She was 8 months along.

Other than that I havent been doing anything else. Aside from spending time with the family, either it be playing games out side or inside, or just watching movies....

Oh and work. That just about covers it.
Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 16:51
I'm waiting on a receipt printer so I can get this pos system that I have been working on up and running.

Appart from that I have nearly finished a small-commerce site; Need to sort out responses form paypal and add stuff to the db. I'm also woking on a small site to dump my crap since sitesled kept deleting my old account. atm its still a wip. Guess maybe i should fix all the broken links I posted here too.
Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 16:53
Related to coding, I'm working on a puzzle game of my own creation. Other than that...

I just graduated about two-three weeks ago. Already, I'm forgetting what day it is, and my sleeping schedule has pretty much flipped to where I'm up till three-four in the morning, and waking up no earlier than noon. No real need for a job, because the graduation money just keeps pouring in. But I think I'll get one anyways, as it'll probably do me good.

As for this very moment, I'm about to start coding some more. I'm also listening to some records.

I'd say all things are pretty normal right now for a geek my age. Thanks for asking.

PS. Sorry to hear about your niece Orion. Send my condolences to your sister for me. It must be pretty hard.

My Twitter
Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 17:02
I'm really sorry to hear the bad news, Orion.
Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 17:06
I've been working on a 2-week contract constructing a SharePoint-based web portal for my old high school. I've invested most of my time into constructing a brand new Parent section, and implementing my custom calendar aggregation code. The week's been hectic, doing 8 hours of strait coding, but I'm ahead of schedule, so things are alright. Today ended the first week of that work, one week to go, and only 8 days till I start college!

here's a link to the portal "entrance": www.cat.pinellas.k12.fl.us/ParentPortal/

Accounts have to be approved, so any account made won't do much as of now! especially since most of the functionality is based on the parent having students that use the portal as well, and since none of you have students there... I'll post screenies some time this week so you guys can take a look at it.

orion: my condolences to your sister, i hope better times come her way

mike_g: that site is looking good! I'd like to see the small-commerce site too at some point, and would be interested in how all the paypal and stuff works, as i've never done anything with online payment before.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Fri, 13 Jun 2008, 23:58
Paranox, trying to get the server working in a linux environment.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Sat, 14 Jun 2008, 01:35
Coding-wise, I have various ideas for projects, and I've also been trying to learn C++. Unfortunately, due to various distractions, I haven't got very far. Still, three day weekend to get back into it and make some progress...

As for real life, now in the last few weeks of school, the last little bit of exams just finished, and yeah, that's about it.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 14 Jun 2008, 07:19
Well, having just reinstalled windows and spent a whole day trying to get a specific version devkitpro to play nice with my modded version of palib, im not to lazy to do my current project.

1. Remaking DSision, now using 3D textures instead of 2D sprites, it looks nicer i think, but there are still limitations to the system that I need to work around, but like I said, it means rewriting a nice chunk of the code and I'm too lazy right now.

2. Looking at the possibility of modding the palib jpg loader to dither the loaded image, rather than just stepping down the colour.

3. There is no 3.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 14 Jun 2008, 10:18
I'm at my cousins' place in Tromsø, currently.
Coding wise, I'm hoping my entry for 'The Most Difficult Challenge' is uploaded. I'm gonna try to remember to go check that later today.
Also, I finally got Java to work on my EEE (sort of, I can't get the 'java' command to work from bash yet, so I'm sticking to running things from NetBeans, currently), and I'm using my spare time here to make jWoW, a lightweight, ultraportable WoW emu in Java. Hopefully, if I get anywhere with it, I'll add support for WOTLK as well, if I can be arsed to download it.
Other than that, I'm just going around waiting for some kind of miracle to happen to me regarding girls, even though I know it won't.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 14 Jun 2008, 10:58
Orion Pax
This is the second time this has happened in my family. This time it happend to my middle sister. The first one was my youngest sister. This one was going to be her first little girl as she allready has 3 boys. Up until yesterday I was REALLY pissed off at the hospital as I could not figure out why that they did not do a c-section on her to save the baby. We fount out yesterday that my sister has a blood clot and that is what prevented the operation. Dunno exactly why but I can think of several reasons why it would be unsafe to operate on some one that has a blood clot. So I am feeling better knowing that they had reason for doing what they did. Now its just a matter of time.
Sat, 14 Jun 2008, 13:53
Orion, sorry to hear about your neice, but at least your sisters ok. Thats the main thing I guess.

Instinct, thanks. I'll chuck you a link when the sites online. Like i said I still have to figure out how to deal with the returned stuff. Maybe i'll make a short article on it when I'm done.
Mon, 16 Jun 2008, 13:01
Well for the longest time I've been working on Garbage Invaders, my spaceship RPG game. But I've started to drift away from it, and working on an older project, Cobras Challenge (multiplayer snakes game), which I've finally gotten a nice arena background working.

And now I'm drifting away from that to play Diablo II. I have a character modder program and I'm playing around with character upgrades in a rules sort of fashion. Instead of just making any sort of weapons or items, the character has to pay 5000 gold to _move_ a magical property from one item to another. I've also decided that, since the Necromancer's skills become quite limited at high levels, I'll allow my character to gain skills from other classes whenever it levels up. So, this could be quite interesting after a while.

Vesuvius web game