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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD : The Lost Art of...

Thu, 04 Jun 2009, 05:04
I realised something today.
As a child I learned an important skill.
More important than coding, infinitely more useful that painting die-cast models, and a hundred times more show-offy than anything else at the time.

There wasn't a kid in my street who could pause the video during an ad-break like I could!

QOTD : What skills are you probably never going to use, ever again, for the rest of your life?

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Jun 2009, 05:32
The geometry I'll be forced to learn in the coming years. Why do we need to learn geometry past 4th grade? All we need to know is what a circle is. Why would you ever need to find the area of a circle? (heh, and if I ever needed to, I wrote a php script last year to do it for me XD)
Thu, 04 Jun 2009, 05:48
I agree with maths, triganometry seems pointless at school but I use it almost daily now.
Thu, 04 Jun 2009, 06:00
As much as I hate math and suck at it because of a disability I have, I really wish I knew more of it.
Math is to [graphics] programming what salt and pepper is to cooking.

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Thu, 04 Jun 2009, 09:32
I hate to sound like the person that says "oh you know you'll need math to be good at this stuff" like seriously, math is *that* important. Stick with it. Everything comes together when you take calculus. Matrix math, trigonometry and linear algebra will become invaluable to you as a programmer. I know that I have become much better with 3D code event though I haven't done it with any seriousness for a couple years, just because I understand all the math behind what I'm doing.

It's easy to loose sight of how necessary math is nowadays, but really, it can be so helpful for you, and open up so many doors for different and better ways to go about doing things in code and in real life.

Right now I'm taking multidimensional calculus (3+ dims) and physics w/calc, and all the vector manipulations, etc. are incredibly useful for game mechanics.

The stuff I did in discrete math with DFA's, set theory, relations, has helped me with the understanding of how to program FPGA's and micro controllers for autonomous robots.

Trust me, stick with it. In the end, you won't regret it.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Thu, 04 Jun 2009, 11:29
I agree with Instin...Scherererererererererer. Math is important, but you don't realize it now. Even for someone like me who doesn't do 3D programming or anything mathematically involved, I still find uses for a good majority of what I've learned through years.

My useless talent - solving a rubik's cube in 1:30. ...Although, it's still good with parties.

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Fri, 05 Jun 2009, 09:42
1:30? That's faster than me I think I managed 1:50 a couple of years ago, but then I stopped.

Apart from that, I can't think of any useless talents. I know that I'm a master at maneuvering the remote control with my feet when it's on the table, but that's actually useful
Wed, 01 Jul 2009, 19:20
I think my useless talent is climbing trees. When I was young there were quite a few trees in my neighborhood which me and my friends climbed on quite a bit. I can still climb trees very easily, if the branches are right so I can get into it, but I never have a need to. I never fell out of a tree, I had a few rules I always followed: move slowly, and never trust a dead branch.

Vesuvius web game
Thu, 02 Jul 2009, 07:08
Ah yes. Being able to do a rubik's cube in 2 minutes... The one and only thing that ever made me "popular" XDXD
Thu, 02 Jul 2009, 09:48
I wish I could climb trees. I get nervous on the second or third branch up.

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