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Socoder -> Off Topic -> What Have You Done : 23rd March 2011

Wed, 23 Mar 2011, 05:46


What did you get done this week-ish.
  • Learn a new coding language
  • Write a framework for the language
  • Write a game in the language
  • Consider scrapping new language
  • Learn a new coding language
  • Start to write a framework for that language...
  • .. and in the meantime, do more Spike Dislike

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    It'd be nice if Munky was the one, but it's not there yet.
    Give it a few months, and I might feel differently. After all, that's pretty much what happened with BlitzMax.
    Initially joyous, then tried it, then cried and went back to Blitz3d!
    This time, rather than run to BMax, I'm going to quickly switch and try out GLBasic.
    No idea how well that'll work, but initial tests are strong.
    200 sprites @ 60fps on iPhing, 5000 on PC, 7500 on Mac!

    .. but ...
    .. No Android..
    ... hmmm...


    What didn't you get done?
  • Socoder stuffs

    Why not?
    This week and last, Mum's been on Jury duty!
    This has meant I've been on "The House" duty..
    Daily shopping takes it's toll on both your coding time, and the amount of money that you HAD saved to buy a new sodding language.
    Where the fuck did that go!?!?!


    What are you working on right now?
    You won't believe what I was doing yesterday!!!
    FFS, that's the third time in as many damn weeks that I've had to build a bitmap font engine.

    I'm now leaving GLBasic for a few days to concentrate on SpikeDislike, which has now developed one of those mysterious "Random Crash that refuses to happen until you're pretty damned sure it's fixed" bugs.
    .. probably due to the new menu I added the other day.

    How's that going?
    I think I've got it, but it'll take about 17,000 tests before I'm fairly sure it's gone.
    Time to play!!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
    I have NO idea!!!


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  • Thu, 24 Mar 2011, 04:26


    What did you get done this week.
  • Aced one midterm.
  • Wrote a few poems
  • Got started on my documentary
  • Fiddled with more iOS APIs. Really pleasant and fun – hopefully Mac OS ends up using the same stuff sooner or later.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Not really. Documentary feels kind of hollow, like something is missing. Poems were alright, I guess - one turned out better than I planned and one was just kind of mediocre. Going to take a shotgun to both of them and see if they look a little more interesting post-mortem.

    iOS coding has gone swell. About the only complain I have is with regard to working with Core Data, since that's kind of a huge pain in the ass. On the one hand, it simplifies a lot of the modeling work and makes it quite a bit easier to persist information. On the other hand, setting up Core Data fucking sucks. Might just go with sqlite3 instead.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Well, I still don't have my iPad in hand yet, so I guess that's not done. I would have it if I hadn't had it shipped to my parents' house, but I'll see in two days, so I guess it doesn't matter. It's just a toy, after all.
  • Would have liked to gotten more poetry done. I don't feel like I write enough, and every time I sit down to right, something comes up (usually email from a customer or a phone call or something).


    What are you working on right now?
  • More work on my documentary. Trying to collate the results of the questionnaire I handed out, see what sorts of responses I got, and try to draw a few conclusions from it. They'll have to be fairly general conclusions and not gigantic leaps of logic though, as it's a small sampling and I know jack and shit about statistics proper.
  • Preparing for another midterm. I say preparing, but this basically means not thinking about it at all. The degree to which I care about the midterm is close to nil - it's only 15% of my grade, I'm not going to worry about it, since I don't think it's possible for me to do badly enough on it for it to affect me.

    How's that going?
    Slowly. Would like it if I had more interesting things to put in my documentary, but by now I think anything interesting I found is now boring to me. Going to be hard to judge what to put in and what to leave out.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Get a "finished" draft of the documentary done.
  • Read two books.
  • Get my iPad and play the fuck out of Sword & Sworcery.

  • Thu, 24 Mar 2011, 05:04


    What did you get done this week?
  • Learnt some PHP
  • Continued a coding project
  • Recovered damaged things.
  • Work

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    I guess so, though Linoleum learning has been pushed down the priorities... Same could be said with the work.


    What didn't you get done?
  • I don't know...

    Why not?
    I've probably forgotten what they are...


    What are you working on right now?
    The mentioned PHP project. I'm trying to get some database things done.

    How's that going?
    Fine, I think.


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Work
  • Assignments