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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Rant: Chuggers!

Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 08:01
Just had a chugger knock on my door (it's a wonder the door is still there, with the way that she knocked it!). First thing I say, "before you go any further, I don't do donations by Direct-Debit!". After that, she still stands there rambling "but it's a safe way to do it!". Well it's OK to say that it will only cost about 17p a day, but with the amount of chuggers that knock on my door, if I did regualar monthly payments I would be paying about £100 a month by now!

I don't mind putting a few quid in a collection box when I can, but charities that are badgering people for bank details, well that's just wrong. If you offer them cash then they just say, "we're not insured for that!". Well if they are not insured for carrying cash, then they're bloody-well not insured to carry people's bank details and credit/debit card details!

What's wrong with carrying pots around, it always worked before. Money can be stolen with bank and card details, just as much as a charity box can be stolen!
Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 08:45
agree 500%

although, never heard the term Chuggers before!!

For the record, if it were Cheggers, he wouldn't be getting my bank details, either.

And my door slam would be less nice..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 08:54
I've started pretending I'm 17 so that they stop talking to me immediately for legal reasons.

If it was a collection tin, fine! But there's no way I can afford a monthly direct debit!

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Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 08:55
Jayenkai never heard the term Chuggers before!!

You have now! LOL
Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 09:02
It would be good if I could pretend to be 17, but I don't think they would believe me though.

I'm a slightly vulnerable adult and have been told be my councellor not to sign anything alone or without guidance, but they just try to exploit me due to this, so I now just tell them bluntly, "I don't do Direct-Debit". They seem to think that vulnerable adult means thick adult, they couldn't be further from the truth though, I've probably got more brains in one of my big toes than they've got in their head!
Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 18:22
I hope that the "slightly vulnerable adult" bit in my previous post hasn't changed anyone's view of me, I'm not a special case, I'm just as clued-up as anyone else, and I'm still quite independant in many ways such as shopping, driving the car etc. I just have some minor problems, that's all!
Mon, 13 Jun 2011, 23:29
I've never had anyone come to my door asking for donations. I'm jealous.
Tue, 14 Jun 2011, 03:03
What is worse is that most charities do not receive the first year and half of payments. This is because they hire people to collect money on their behalf, to sign people up to direct debits, and this money is to pay off their commission.
Tue, 14 Jun 2011, 05:09
That's an interesting and valid point Joe!.

She tried this one at the door, stating that it happens with most other charities, but then told me that her lot only get paid the once and then the rest of it going to the charity. That's a load of cobblers, in my opinion!

|edit| I just wish I had a video camera handy at the time, so that you could hear some of the crap she was coming out with![.edit]

|edit| She even tried telling me that all the other neighbors in my road have signed Direct-Debit forms, and that I must do so too. I think she started to get the message though, once she realised that she was starting to piss me off! |edit|