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Socoder -> Off Topic -> The Prestigious Power Mousey

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Sat, 24 Feb 2007, 21:43
i must say stealth, in every pic i see of you, you always look a little different. and as for a pic of me, hmm, i dont photograph well, in fact i photograph very poorly, but there is one not to bad pic of me, i would post it but in to lazy to do so. and as for the pic of mr. mousey, i think the shield fits you well.

Stuff... Yeah...
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 03:05
power mousey


you look like a talk radio show host.
Or even a tv newscaster. true.


serious you look cool and awesome. true.
have you ever seriously considered acting??
maybe a stint on America Idol or equivalent.


I like that shirt you're wearing.
You look like a rock star.


alright. yeah, could be a standard place holder
for webcams and pocket digital cameras. I have a Aiptek
pocket digital camera. Although, it sounds better and I want to say Apitek instead.
Its a digital camera, movie camera and webcam all in one.

and hey everybody,

still waiting for a picture from the Pieman.
I made a dare and challenge to him. Cause he thought he was having an epileptic fit when he first saw my picture.
So Pieman...can you please post a picture of yourself.
And I'm also curious too. Or are you all but just talk??


power mousey

and by the way.....


are you the one in the back contemplating
or even going ask a question about Ruby. haha
And hey computing at Kent. true.

cheers again,

the power mousey

Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 07:52
Mousey wrote... "you look like a talk radio show host.
Or even a tv newscaster."

If I lose a bit more hair, I can have Fred Dinenage's job as newscaster at Meridian TV, when he decides to retire. LOL
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 11:34
Okay, I will post a bunch of pics to give you an idea of how I look..

From those, use your imagination. I'll admit my look varies a little every day.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 11:56
power mousey
hey stealth,

you are awesome, dude. true

and...still the rock star. my gosh!!,
especially in pic#2. Dude!, get those posters
printed and the album cover made out. Seriously.
We're talking serious bread and molah moo.
Cash cows here. t-shirst, mugs, posters, pictures.
stealth, let your imagination run. And run with the possibilites. true.

by the way, is that you and some of your band members?
if so what does the little girl play. does she do the drums or the bass guitar? just joking dude. -

in the fourth pic, the guy or your friend in the back.
whoa!! he uses the same or similar hand expression I use when thinking or contemplating about something. true.

cheers stealth,

new edit: you got it. the style, the charisma, the pizzaz.
go for it. cash in those cows, dude.

Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 12:11
Ha.. I wish I was in a band..

The girl is my half sister. Yup..

I'll get working on those t-shirts.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 12:23
power mousey
yes, cool.

and hey, thats your little half sister.
okay, she looks like the lil darling sis.

that last pic would be good for one too.
maybe sorta some kind of caption
like...in the fashion of 'In Your Face'
or 'Here I AM' type of saying.

yeah, Here I AM.

ahhhhhhh.....AM for both as you are. Like Here I am
but also for AM , like you are waking up in the moring. Its AM.
hey, you're first shirt.

Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 17:11
Is there a bigger version of that audience picture, mousey? I can't really see it.

Me playing with my snake 0.o

My Twitter
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 17:58
How the peeking duck can you hold one of those things ?. Snakes... balalalala, I try not to get too near to them.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 18:03
Ah c'mon...it's just a lil garter snake. They're cute, like really long, legless hamsters.

My Twitter
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 18:07
But hamsters are fluffy.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 19:22
Thin, furry, and long?

That sounds wrong and creapy.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 19:27
Is there a bigger version of that audience picture, mousey? I can't really see it.

Presumably there is a bigger picture somewhere, but I don't have it. That's partly why I linked to it, because it's so small. There is a more recent photo floating around on the internet, although I don't like it much. I might take with my mobile.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 19:31
Oh wait, you're not mousey! You're Diablos Devil. What the hell are you doing with that avatar. You confused me.

My Twitter
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 19:33
I will be changing it back in a few days. No one comes close to Columbo.
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 19:51
Blanko, where did you get that shirt? I love it!
Sun, 25 Feb 2007, 20:01
Take a guess...or just go to store.mozilla.org

My Twitter
Mon, 26 Feb 2007, 15:43
ah, now i have a good idea of what you look like.
Tue, 27 Feb 2007, 09:01
power mousey


I like that shirt you have on. and thank you too
for providing the link to purchase that shirt and other things. I think I might be one. Yes, true.

and hey, you're so cool.
Blanko, the mysterious. Mystical and mighty...with thin, long, fluffy and furless hamster-like critters with long fork tongues.
that pet snake you have. He is so cute and cool. I think I want one too.

But I think I know where you get your power and skills.
Its from wearing the Magical Mozilla shirt. Yes!, thats it
dude. Right?

awesome cheers

power mousey

Tue, 27 Feb 2007, 09:47
Mousey!, how can you like that overgrown worm ?. Snakes are horrible.
Tue, 27 Feb 2007, 10:12
power mousey

Well, I have and am learning Cobra.

Even though a lot of people are scared or cautious
with snakes...consciously and sub-consciously. It could
be the latent and built-in fear of the ancient and antediluvian fear and hatred of them as the fallen Light-bearer Lucifer took a form of a 'shining one'
to get back at the Lord and hurt Him and cause mankind misery and suffering.

I like certain snakes. And this lil garter snake is so cute. I have a friend named Joe Tercia. He had a pet scorpion. He let it crawl on over his body. yuck!!!
He even clip the scorpion onto his leather necklace too.
Fortunately and of course, the scorpion was declawed and de-stinge too.
My sister used to have a pet hermit crab. His name was Hermy. I used to have some fish myself and in this cool ecosphere.

Speaking of which....



power mousey

Tue, 27 Feb 2007, 13:42
But snakes eat mouses.
Wed, 28 Feb 2007, 16:29
power mousey

yes snakes eat mouses,mice,and rats too.

But not the Mousey of Power!

yet, don't those eco-spheres look really cool?
I think I'm going to get another one.

power mousey

Wed, 28 Feb 2007, 16:55
I want one!
Wed, 28 Feb 2007, 16:59
Balalala... Handbags and shoes.

|edit| I forgot to add "scientific experiments" |edit|
Wed, 28 Feb 2007, 17:14
power mousey


I got an ecosphere a couple of years ago
as a Birthday gift from my brother Mark.
They are supposed to last up to 5 years
for the smaller spheres.
The bigger ones can last many, many years.

If you do get one....remember to put them in sunlight
or even lights in the house for a few hours. Then,
aftwerwards put them in a dark,cool place. Or without a lot of light.
Low maintennance and easy to care for them. My two little fish got together and made another itty bitty one.
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