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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek Progress Report

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Wed, 09 Apr 2014, 12:50
This looks great Jay

Was any part of this based upon that maze generation algorithm that was mentioned some time ago in another thread?

Wed, 09 Apr 2014, 13:33
Not really, no. As with a lot of my stuff, the origins of this game were in the challenge of creating the maze generator in the first place. Luckily it turned out quite nicely!!

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Wed, 09 Apr 2014, 17:09
Ugh.. Menus..
I'm now about 30% through organising the new menu system to cope with the various "stuffs" that I'm planning on adding.
Alongside save methods, and per-level "Next Level | Retry | Return to Menu" type crap, it's a heck of a lot of content to pop into a game that I'm desperately trying to finish off in a single week!!

.. Heck, I've hardly added any gameplay stuff, yet! At the moment it's you, pills and blocklets.
.. And yet, curiously, that already feels like a lot

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Thu, 10 Apr 2014, 14:25
Really quite amazed that I've managed to get it that far, in such a short amount of time, but.. .. there's still an awfully long way to go, yet!

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Thu, 10 Apr 2014, 16:27
It's a cross between Flicky and PacMan. Noice
Thu, 10 Apr 2014, 16:37
There's no "Keep the blocklets safe" rule, like in Flicky. Enemies won't scare them away or anything. It's just that, upon watching a recent video of someone playing "Blockman Gets More", I realised I needed a much more obvious rule than "Get this many dots"
Having four scattered blocklets and a house, seemed like the most sensible choice.

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014, 05:28
Spent the past couple of hours doodling a few world gfx sets.

Turned out alright, I think. Next up, adding different things into each world, to set them all apart.

Bloody 'ell, so much stuff.. WTF was I thinking!?!?!

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014, 15:38
Every "Blockman Gets" game, so far, has featured replenishment objects, to resurrect eaten pills.
This time, I've not yet felt the need to add them in.
It's curious to find myself thinking this, but .. It kinda works better without them..

However, I've now added spikes, ghosts and one-way pointy arrow things, and with the nice big scrolling levels, the game's feeling more like "Blockman Gets More" than other Blockmans.. (Blockmen?!)

I'm currently working on the unlocking functionality, along with the "tutorial" level.
Still so much more to do, but it's actually starting to look like a really nice functional game.

Playtesting ahoy!!

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014, 16:03
Meanwhile, on the OUYA...
My OUYA Stats currently show that Future Classics is rocketing to the top of my "Most Downloaded" app chart.
It's odd.. You hear people constantly complain that they're sick to death of "Cheap Pixel Graphics", and yet one look at my graph shows the exact opposite..
Both Future Classics and My Little Rescue Helicopter have been downloaded at an alarming rate, during their first few days, and both of these games have intentionally shitty CPC-esque graphical styles.

Really odd behaviour!!!

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Sat, 12 Apr 2014, 16:42
An entirely functional menu system!!

Artistic inabilities FTW!

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Sun, 13 Apr 2014, 05:08
Aaaarrgrgggghh!!! TUTORIAL!!!!!!

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Sun, 13 Apr 2014, 10:05
Added 3 similar-ish tracks into the mix, fixed up the main menu, and made things a little more logical. Could still do with adding some kind of "You've unlocked X/Y/Z Mode!" type notifications, though.

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Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 08:23

Bloody 'ell, that only took a week!?!


Going to have to do another f'ing game, now!!

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Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 10:04
Damn, that looks awesome! another must have for the ouya and my tablet phones, cool stuff Jayenkai!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 15:41
Uploaded to Apple. Still amazed by how much crap you have to fill in, for the iOS edition of these things. Adding GameCenter into the mix doesn't help..

And why the hell is it still complaining about Missing Icons!?

24!!! I have a folder with TWENTY FUCKING FOUR ICONS...
But, oh no, it's somehow missing one at 152x152 pixels..

It's in there, Apple.. It's bloody well in there!! It's the one labelled "Icon-76@2x.png".. LOOK.. I know you can see it, Apple!!!!

But, yeah, I uploaded that. Should only be an entire fucking week before it turns up :\

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014, 14:41
An entire fucking week later, it's turned up.

Blockman Worlds is now available on iOS.

A cracking little puzzler with over 3,000 levels to play through!

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014, 15:30
I really honestly don't know how you keep it up... Hats off fella... You are really a legend at this knocking guff out like a maniac!

Smashing stuff!


P.s. Bought it... Should keep me busy while I'm away!

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 23 Apr 2014, 15:49

Not 100% sure where this one's going. I kinda have a vague idea in mind, but I'm not sure it'll pan out the way I think it will! Only time will tell..
.. And there's not much time, either!!

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014, 16:14
Reminds me of a game where I think you launched penguins across planets to hit a checkpoint, cool!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 23 Apr 2014, 16:37
Wasn't Penguins I had in mind...

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Wed, 23 Apr 2014, 17:07
Platdudes Space Trip?
Wed, 23 Apr 2014, 17:12
"Platdude in Space!!!" is it's current title, to fit in with the whole "Platdude in...." thing I've got going on at the minute.

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Thu, 24 Apr 2014, 04:17

Definitely needs control-scheme tweaking, as it's fairly easy to get yourself killed, right now.

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