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Socoder -> Off Topic -> My Teachers photo?

Sun, 17 May 2015, 12:11
I want to make bigger and see clear on who those my Teachers in my school days...

I have Gimp 2.8 but not sure on how can I make it clear to see

Sun, 17 May 2015, 12:19
Sorry, we're not far enough in the future for that, yet.
The only real way to get a clearer image is to find the original, and scan it in at a higher DPI

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 17 May 2015, 12:55
I remember some school teachers having big sweat patches under their armpits.
Sun, 17 May 2015, 14:40
Sun, 17 May 2015, 14:42
We had a Mr Walker at Falmer High, except for he was a metal work teacher. He was tall and lanky, with a big nose, and spoke like they do in Wallace and Gromit.
Mon, 18 May 2015, 01:03
The very first day of starting secondary school everyone knew who Mr Bowen-Willams was... even though none of us had actually met him.

Spray-painted on the playground, in letters two feet tall, it said "Bo-Bill is a wanker!"

His reputation preceded him!
Mon, 18 May 2015, 04:33
Before I started at Falmer we all knew the headmaster's name, he was replaced a year later by a rather lively bloke named Mr Williams. I'm fucked if I can remember the name of the original headmaster now though, he was also a nice bloke too but a bit boring and that's probably why I don't remember his name.
Mon, 18 May 2015, 05:06
Our original headmaster was Mr Whalley.. Tee hee hee!!
Mr Whalley was friendly, and always nice to the students, but had a REALLY creepy way of suddenly "appearing" at the worst possible moment, just as a group of you are calling another teacher rotten!!!
.. That happened WAY too often. I'm sure he'd bugged all the classrooms or something!

The fourth year I was there, he was replaced by Mrs Behan, who wasn't nearly as friendly, and used to spend all her time in her office, where nobody ever saw her..
She was more your typical headteacher. ... But she was no Whalley..

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Mon, 18 May 2015, 06:48
We had a teacher named Mr Woolley, he taught both music and maths. He was a great bloke to get along with but had proper sweat patches under his brown/beige drip dry shirt, he looked like one of those whispie-bearded blokes from the classic Open University programmes.

|edit| Come to think of it he looked similar to Fred Harris |edit|
Mon, 18 May 2015, 06:53
There was also a head teacher named Mr Roberts. Again really nice guy, his nickname was Eggy due his his bad breath. I used to call him Mr Eggberts
Mon, 18 May 2015, 07:34
We had a couple for people when I was little...

Tommy Wright, had a shite, in the middle of the night, saw a ghost, eating toast, halfway up a lamp post!


Derek luthe, super star, wears frilly knickers and a see through bra, pulled a skid, killed a kid, chopped his head off with a dust bin lid! <--- note, he never actually!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 18 May 2015, 08:29
Mr Green was one of our A-Level computing teachers. Mr Ramsdale was the "practical" teacher (coding!) and Mr Green got lumped with the dull "theory" crap.

He spent the first couple of months teaching us important things such as "Computers are electric. They need power to work."

After the incredibly important stuff, like Punched Cards, he started to teach us about Binary.
A few "coding newbs" were in our class, and struggled to get to grips with the Binary, so Mr Green did what any good teacher would do, and went over it all again.
.. And again..

..and again...
At the end of our first year, we were still going over the fucking binary bollocks, and me and Dave had gotten so bored by the shit that we would walk into the class, sit and play the old pen/paper "squares" game, and generally ignore everything Greenie said.
Occasionally he'd ask us a question, knowing fully well we weren't listening, expecting to trip us up. .. But we were both code-nerds, and were easily able to immediately answer any/all questions, much to his dismay..

"Coasting" would probably be a good name for our lessons!!

When Year Two came around, Greenie was nowhere to be seen. He didn't return. I wonder if he just got so sick of me and Dave that he couldn't put up with it, any more!!!

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Mon, 18 May 2015, 14:22
We had a cookery teacher called Mrs Baker.

And we had a human concorde called Raven-Agard. Seriously, I've never seen a nose as big as hers in all my years. Can you remember that programme Jigsaw, with mr Nosey-Bonk or Roxanne, with steve Martin. Well, that was her, but without the mask or prosthetics.
Mon, 18 May 2015, 15:33
I can only imagine what nicknames I've been given...

My Twitter
Mon, 18 May 2015, 16:36