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Socoder -> Blitz -> BlitzBasic.com Closure

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Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 19:41

BlitzBasic.com Closure

Seems like Mark's closing everything down, and concentrating on just Monkey2 from here on.

Facebook Link

|update| The Blitz and Monkey Forum Archives are now available. |update|


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Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 19:47
RIP Blitz
Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 19:54
I'm sitting here writing a forum, as yet another chapter of Blitz closes.
I can't help but feel like I might, actually, be the biggest Jinx in the world...

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Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 20:20
I've just downloaded every version of Blitz3D and BlitzMax to my HDD, will be picking up a spool of DVDs next time I go shopping and then burn off a few backups.

Will also be downloading Monkey-X again before that site closes.
Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 20:26
DVDs are bloody useless for archiving.
Suggest you grab a decent NAS drive instead.
Damn near every DVD I've ever burned is no longer readable.

Additionally, pop them into Dropbox, so they're available even if you lose access to your physical backups.

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Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 20:52
Or I could shove them on Google Drive.
Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 02:24
Hey. This is bad news I am going to miss those sites.

Not enough donations and patreons....
Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 09:36

Damn right it does!!!

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Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 09:40
A shame, but understandable.


Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 11:50
I did point out to Xaron that SoCoder is a sort of BlitzCoder clone, I also told him if he likes moany old gits then he'll love us.
Qube has also reopened SyntaxBomb...

Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 11:58
I foresee great fragmentation..
Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 12:19
Won't be much fragmentation, some will end up on SoCoder and some on SyntaxBomb. I was quite surprised that Xaron had never heard of SoCoder though.
Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 12:22
I really can't see this being the nail in the coffin for Blitz/BMax/Monkey, the ZX Spectrum for instance is still thriving more than 30 years so I don't see any reason that existing BRL devkits won't still be going all the time there is a fanbase and an operating system to run them on.
Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 18:24
Sad to see all the different "I made a new forum!!", "Come to my forum!!", "I backed up the forum!!" posts over there, right now.
Each one splitting the community into smaller and smaller chunks.

We did this before.
It wasn't pretty.
Somebody! Make it stop!!!

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Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 19:28
As long as we keep plugging this site on their sites, there will remain integration.
Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 19:35
Nah, that's the last thing you want to do. You'll only piss of the new admin, and that'd end up causing bad blood between the sites.

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Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 00:16
The forum of bb.com is down already. That was fast.
Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 02:31
Haha oh well, I'm in, I'm in! How could I miss that gem of a site all the time?

Sorry for my "design" comment. Actually if you get used to it it just.... well na. Never mind.
Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 03:28
Hi Xaron
Welcome to SoCoder.
To change the look and feel you can select theme of your choice at https://socoder.net/picktheme.php
Personally I love the star wars theme.
Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 03:50
But don't get too cumfy. After over a decade of looking old, I've actually been rewriting the thing for the past month or so.

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Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 06:35
Seems it's closed early.
I can only imagine this was a decision by Mark, due mostly to the number of inconsiderate folk who panicked and used site-crawlers to grab page after page after page of content.

The whole point of closing the sites was Mark couldn't afford to continue to run them. Having a sudden influx of millions of page-views certainly couldn't have helped things.

Very ashamed by that attitude.

It has, however, lead to me considering what might happen in our own future.
If SoCoder has to close for any reason (ie, me ending up with another Brain Tumour, and there being no fucking NHS left) then it might be a good idea to set up some kind of mini publicly accessible database backup. Not the whole database. Passwords, emails and other user information will have to be stripped from the database, but otherwise it'd be nice to have something, somewhere, where folk can gain access to it, in case of emergencies.

That would certainly help in extreme circumstances, but I'd be worried about clone-sites cropping up, stealing all the content.
I might set it up in preparation for such an incident, but switch it off until needed, so that if anything were to happen to me, or the site, then the database can at least live on.

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Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 16:07
While page grabbing is bad - there is a LOT of really great stuff that peeps have posted on there over the years and for it to vanish, completely is a fucking crime. It's not just the code, but the thoughts, ideas, solutions and suggestions to problems - good and not so... Losing all that, and a place to talk about all that, and more, is tragic.

I understand Mark's financial constraints, but there must be a cheap/free way to keep all that online and accessible, even if it's read-only.
Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 16:18
Mark had already organised for the user Skid to gain control of the database, and that he'd set up some sort of archive. That was made rather apparent in the thread.

People can be impatient.

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Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 16:31
I didn't have a chance to read the thread on BB. Work and all.
Fri, 09 Jun 2017, 17:19
It did happen very quickly!
Sat, 10 Jun 2017, 07:31
It says on there that a read-only version of the forum will be up in due course, as I would have always expected to happen.

I think that everyone getting in a blind panic over it and doing their own grabs of the entire site, then refusing to stop when asked, just forced Simon's hand.
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