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Socoder -> Weather Threads -> UK Snow - Febrrrrrary 2018

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Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 04:32
Its snowing like a mad bastard here.
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 04:32
It’s been off and on, here, since yesterday.

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Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 04:38
We had blizzard-type conditions on Monday for an hour or so, but it's been much lighter ever since. It's pretty much regular, but brief, light flurries for the most part.
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 05:09
Been a little heavier here today. Wouldn't want to drive anywhere, but walking is plenty possible at the moment.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 06:02
We had it on and off yesterday... about an inch or so. Then it all kicked off late on last night and didn't stop til about an hour ago.

There's about 5 inches or so down, now, with more to come the rest of the day and tonight.

Daughter's school, strangely, is still open, when every other school in the area is closed. They sent a text message at 8:15 saying it was open, but "might close later if the situation worsens". So I just didn't bother taking her in, having seen what was happening outside the window at the time.
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 07:00
Me, landed at Newcastle about an hour ago... T-Shirt and a pair of shorts... aye!!! Climate shock... much!?!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 07:16
Will you be building a snowman for the grandkid, GfK?

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Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 07:18
Fuck, no.
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 07:35
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 09:42

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Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 10:00
Sod all here apart from the odd flurry that didn't do anything other than float around aimlessly. We've pretty much had wall to wall sunshine and blue skies.

Mind you, probably a good job because Surrey are shit at gritting the roads!
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 13:50
Decided to walk to the further away, cheaper shops this morning. On the way back, it got a bit more intense, loved it!

It was Laylas first taste of proper snow later on also snowball fights!!!

The kids have got tomorrow off school as well the lucky blighters!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 14:47
Snowed here last night and the night before. Class was cancelled yesterday, went there today, got a text stating they're shutting the college tomorrow and possibly Friday. I'm gonna be mega bored to buggery.
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 15:03
Why, what classes are you doing?
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 16:34
Graphic Design

|update| -=-=- |update|
It's a short term course, my work coach set it up for me. Proper enjoying myself.
Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 16:47
This is from last night, I left the car out on the road to make it easier to get out if need be. Plus I didn't want to slide sideways into my mate next door's car that's on the drive in these shots.

|edit| I know that space on the driveport looks narrow, but you'll be surprised with the spaces I can get that Megane into, even with its ridiculously long doors. |edit|

Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 02:26
Our pipes have frozen, so no shower this morning; I'll have to double lag them methinks. First time this has ever happened. And our NEW Everest front door froze shut too. Had to go out the back and kick the door from the front to open it. That's not good.

Some light continuous snow flurries, but nothing really significant. We've got barely a couple of cms in parts where snow has drifted. The paths when walking the dogs this morning were pretty clear and no slippage.
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 04:44
Don’t say that! We’re getting new Everest Windows, next week!! (Assuming the weather's cleared up enough for that to happen..)

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Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 05:07
Down to -6C (-13C with wind chill) last night. Some roads around us are under 2-3ft of snow this morning cos of the wind/snowdrifts. Every main road is blocked somewhere. Road by us was shut at 6 this morning cos a lorry jacknifed, and further down the road was blocked with deep snow and 20+ stranded lorries.

Council doing fuck all as usual. Local farmers are out with tractors trying to clear roads and getting folk out.

It's all went a bit mental really.


As a guide, the hedges on that road are about 4ft high.
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 05:43
Awesome!!! Get Snow-building!!!
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 05:43
We've got about 2-3inches now. More in drifts. Thankfully that's inches, not feet!
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 05:55
Aaand the warehouse roof is leaking

emergency stock rescue of joy...

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 07:05
and all the roads are blocked #noexits
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 07:11
Dig through the hole in the roof, then sit up there and wave your arms until the chopper arrives!

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Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 09:17
nahh, just hole up here til tomorrow probably
Thu, 01 Mar 2018, 09:21
Still need to take my old dashcam back to Maplin. Would have gone earlier in the week, but weather happened. Then the fuckers went bust yesterday.

Probably shit out of luck, there...
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