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Socoder -> Health Matters -> How's things?

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Thu, 07 May 2020, 08:59
I have been remixing a lot of old amiga tunes with the ipad!

Wed, 27 May 2020, 10:08
How's everyone doing?

No status change here, just sitting and coding as per usual.
Mum's going nuts stuck indoors, and is now rearranging bits of the garden, and building little ornamental things out of random bits of wood!!

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Wed, 27 May 2020, 12:47
After 9? weeks of the pandemic, work finally offered us frontline staff a swab test. I proved Negative for Covid-19. Or I was, I might have caught it 2 mins after taking the test, so a bit pointless really.
Wed, 27 May 2020, 14:34
I'm seemingly a-okay, but very much looking forward to when everything is back to normal.

Hoping the world will realise this social distancing malarkey is overhyped, not practical in a lot of situations (e.g. airports, pubs, clubs, the entertainment / tourism sides of the economy in general) and that saner minds will come back to the forefront, hopefully reign in the media and what not.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 27 May 2020, 15:39
Until we get some kind of functional immunisation/vaccine, the social distancing should probably be a priority.
I know it's a fucking pain, but the whole point of doing that was to avoid overwhelming the heath service, and that's still a risk.

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Wed, 27 May 2020, 16:06
I disagree, but I'll speak no more about that to keep things civil

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 27 May 2020, 16:58
Herd Immunity is important, I'll totally agree with that. It's why parents throw kids together when one of them has Chicken Pox.
Totally, 100%

But the symptoms here are far too dangerous to do that, right now. You need only look at the death-toll around the world to see that.
Slow and steady wins the race.

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Wed, 27 May 2020, 21:25
The more we learn more about the virus, the fewer the future death toll will be.

We've only just discovered recently that many of the deaths were due to blood clots and blood issues - apparently Covid-19 does some real strange shit with our blood. However, now that we know about the clotting etc. patients are being put onto blood thinners to seemingly good effect; the number of deaths has gone down at a higher rate than the rate of infections.

The problem here though isn't the symptoms - it's that so many people are/were asymptomatic; it spreads much quicker than expected, because unlike flu patients, many never knew they had it and unwittingly passed it on. Experts predicted a 1 to 3 spread (like flu). Covid-19 told the scientists to hold their beers and infected at a rate 1 to 10.

As to when we should be easing lockdown: That's the billion dollar question. The more information we have about the virus and how it does what it does, the more able we will be to deal with it.

|edit| The other thing I don't understand is the Track & Trace app.

Surely if you know you've got Covid-19, either by your/family's symptoms or with a positive test, then you shouldn't be going out to mingle with the masses anyway. If you don't think you're ill, you're not going to say you are in the app and if you are ill and intent on going out, you're not going to tell the app you're not well either. :/

It will only be as good as the data put into it. And if you've ever watched House (with Hugh Laury), you'll know that "everybody lies."
Thu, 28 May 2020, 04:24
I learned yesterday from the news that children are hit hard wordwide. They said 300.000 children died so far with the backlash of the covid outbreak.

I have been doing extra hours of sports starting last week. Trying to double the hours on the rower. Getting to around 20 hours of sports every week. I have been trying to keep the (practising)pixeling hours above 10 hours a week. No programming so far lately.

A lot of time has been spend in minecraft. I started a new settlement. A large field of wheat and sugarcane and a couple of tree farm places. Also lots of cows and sheep and a mine down to diamond level. Every settlement I start with building a 10+/- floor building filled with ovens and chests that I fill up over the next couple of months.

I have a bag full of empty batteries from the last couple of years. Those Xbox controllers are not that efficient I think.
Thu, 28 May 2020, 04:31
What you want to do, is bring those pixelart skills to Minecraft, and start building giant statuesque models!

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Mon, 01 Jun 2020, 14:40
The start of week 11, and as the morons start to open things up without official guidelines to say its safe to do so, a whole other shitstorm takes hold. Because, if Trump wasn't going to get his war with China/Iraq/Britain/Europe/WHO, then he'll sure as hell make sure he gets one at home..

I hope you're all safe.
I hope you all continue to be safe.

*Safety hugs*

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Thu, 09 Jul 2020, 15:02
Week of somewhat depressed/exhausted mental blockage on my end. Not sure why, but am getting through it.
Mum's had a couple of down days, too. She's had a massive migraine for a couple of days, and spent most of yesterday in bed.
Gawd.. The feels in the house, this week.


How've you all been keeping?
Everyone ok?

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Thu, 09 Jul 2020, 15:44
It's been a okay, I've been jogging the 7.5km into work 4 times a week instead of walking in, which is a lot quicker.

Seen the kids on Saturday after a longer 13km jog then walking the rest of the way over, passed out from possibly over exertion.

Been doing a bit of weight training in the evenings.

Work has been very busy for me, lots of new features for projects to be rolled out, re-jigging the stock control system so it's more universal as well a the usual daily requests.

Tomorrow will be day 8 of my jogs into work, hoping to make it 12 weeks in a row so I'll be 1/6th of the way come tomorrow.

The 15km walk back from seeing the kids is a pain in the arse mind, but it's keeping me fit. Lost 2kg last week and that's pretty good going.

Made a lot of tasty meals in the house also, including many curries with homemade chips, sushi, chilli and some spicy bean and rocket wraps for snacks.

Have you been taking any multi-vitamins Jay? Those will help out with everything in general if you're stuck inside (immune system and general happiness). Be sure to dose up on Vitamin D, C and Zinc and it'll help boost your mood a bit.

I purchased A retrron HD on ebay for £15 in the hope that it might play one of my re-made cartridges but sadly, it didn't. Gonna get some other boards with CIC (lockout) chips already in them if I'm good with my money for the next lil while. Still though, I can play most of my old NES cartridges on it, which is rather handy.

I've kicked the social media habits down a great deal over the last few weeks so you might not see anything much on my twitter, etc but I've been coding away bit by bit over here also.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 09 Jul 2020, 16:39
Sounds like you're keeping yourself fit and active. That's great!

I'm doing about 10 minutes a day on my little pedal thing, but that's about it.
I've been off and on multivitamins, and even straight-up Vit D pills, but neither seem to impact my blood stats at all. My body seems to cope well enough being stuck indoors all day!
Might just be the monotony of it all, if I'm honest. I think I need a new crazy idea, or something.

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Fri, 10 Jul 2020, 00:30
Well. I had the window open one night when the weather was not that great and got sick the next day. I was feeling sick for a day or so and stil have some cold symptoms. My mother also got sick two days ago. She did a Covid Test and the result should be in today.

Yesterday it looked like she was getting better but this night and morning she has has lost her voice.

edit : The results came in from the doctor. It is not corona.
Fri, 10 Jul 2020, 04:22

Hope you both get better, soon.
Stay in, and stay safe.

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Tue, 14 Jul 2020, 08:20
Me and Mum just had a walk around the street. It's the first I've been out for a stroll since March.
My balance is way off. Fuxake.
Need to get out more.

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Tue, 14 Jul 2020, 15:59
At least you managed to get out Jay. That's gotta be a bonus.

I'm back to work now, after a week off and I'm absolutely fucking knackered. My aches have aches. It's like having flu, but without the flu bits. And no, it's not Covid - I've had the tests!
Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 16:59
Have been keeping up with the jogging into work and walks back.

My energy level seems to be getting a bit better after 2 and a half weeks into my self imposed 12 weeks challenge.

Lost 4kg in total during it so far and for the first time in a long while am back under 14st (13st 12)

Did a mad one today so I could see the kids and made it 11k without a rest but still had to walk a bit to recover.

The walk back home was a pretty long 3 hours though, I'm surprised I'm still awake!

Work's keeping me busy with crazy things, we're about to integrate our products with wish.com which ehhhh could be interesting.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 18:08
3 hours?! Crikey!
Good to keep fit, though

And I'm sure the trip is worth it

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Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 21:12
My mother went to the doctor yesterday. She got medicine for bronchitis. She mentioned bronchitis could sometimes become permanent. It can make you really feel sick.

She is worried though as we are expecting a new member of the family any day now and she can not be there if she is sick.
Fri, 17 Jul 2020, 16:25
Hope your Mum feels better soon Pakz.

I had a failed run this morning from the heat down here, made it 6km in then had to walk the rest of the way which was fairly frustrating but I'm not too downhearted about it, I made it a good distance under a high temperature and have gone through 3 weeks of my jogging routine, that's 25% of the way through!

Gonna attempt the jog over to Paignton again tomorrow to see the kids so gotta head off fairly early if I'm going to avoid a similar fate to today, that'll be two longer jogs in one week, I don't know how my body will take that but will have a rest day on Sunday to be on the safe side of things.

The wish integration at work is going along fairly smoothly and I might have had a couple of beers tonight, to go along with my homemade curry and chips of course.

Right, I need to switch my brain off now for a few hours, speak soon y'all

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 18 Jul 2020, 02:10
Best wishes and virtual (social distanced) hugs to all of you.
Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 15:24
Had a lovely day on Saturday with the kids, worth the long jog over and everything that went along with it, including some irate person shounting "2 METRES!!" at me from the other side of the pavement. Loonies I tell ya!

Took Layla and Triston to the park and it was great weather for it, one of Laylas school friends turned up as did a local cat and much fun was had, Triston got involved also which was good to see.

I'm a bit worried about him not getting enough exercise at the moment so gotta make him active as possible when I've got time with them both.

They're both rather addicted to roblox, etc currently, like most kids are I imagine but I'm glad i had the opportunity to get them away from the screen.

My weight's down to 13st 7lb which is good, brings my BMI score down to 23 from an orginal 25.2 just before this whole palava started.

Wish is coming along nicely, integrated the ticketting system into ours and products are linked up, just need to sort out the orders and then boom! Another marketplace!!

I was visibly tired all the way through work today though but perked up towards the end of the day while walking back home so I should probably try to get a decent rest tonight.

Wednesday might be another NES coding day though I hope!! It all depends on how my headspace is working.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 16:33
That's so great that you're getting to see the kids (seemingly) more often.
That must've been so damned hard.

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Tue, 21 Jul 2020, 05:23
All good here. Things are both easing off, but strangely getting busier. The people I work with have changed, but the problems persists - even if they are different!
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