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Socoder -> Health Matters -> How's things?

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Tue, 21 Jul 2020, 15:45
Had a pretty torrid day at work today, narrowly dodged a panic attack after craziness this morning, glad I've got tomorrow off.

It's hard but worth it, although my knees are hurting a bit today.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 21 Jul 2020, 15:48
Wed, 22 Jul 2020, 13:35
Mum took a trip out to nearby Radcliffe, today. She walked the way there, but on the way back caught a bus, with people on it! OMG!!
She wore a mask the whole time, and enjoyed her day out.
That's three places she's now been. There, last week to the local Garden Centre, and also got driven to Liverpool and back by one of my sister's friends, so they could (finally) see my sister for the first time since her Cancer treatment.

Everyone thankfully seems to be fairing well, here.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 22 Jul 2020, 14:55
Sounds good all round. Fingers crossed that it just keeps getting betterer(tm).
Wed, 22 Jul 2020, 15:05
Glad things are on the up Jay
Wed, 22 Jul 2020, 16:04
Today was pretty good over here, although things didn't exactly follow my original plan, ended up tidying up my place, did a lil bit of coding but nothing significant, some food shopping and of course, found my old flap happy notes.

Spent a fair bit of the day playing Roblox with Layla over t'internet which was nice, I had her on speaker phone also as my internet is pretty janky at times.

Back to the jogging tomorrow again, possibly in my support socks just to prevent bad stuff like shin splints happening.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 15:33
Apologies if this is tunring into a diary but hey, here we go again.
Had a decent jog into work today, the support socks really helped me out, I had to work on other admin stuff and the usual editing requests from peeps which was okay, until I received a phone call from Triston informing me that Julie was ill and she described a couple of symptoms that were a bit worrying.

Kept in contact with Triston while everything was going on and he kept pretty cool about it, made sure that he could make some sandwiches and stuff for him and Layla for dinneri f needed, offered to get them a takeaway delivery if needed also.

Thankfully I got to talk to the kids later on in the evening after they'd had some dinner over at their nannys house, I couldn't get over there in any real time but thankfully, both the kids sounded fine and told me that Julie was feeling a little bit better now.

I had to explain to them that I couldn't see them this weekend though, just to be certain that I wouldn't catch and then pass on the beer virus to everyone at work. I know it's a less than 1% chance and we've only had 1 case down here in the last 6 weeks but I can't afford to go down for 14 days of self isolation either.

Made my final trip to the shops today, picked up some supplies, ordered food for the 31st and got a delivery coming tomorrow. Gonna phone the kids up early morning to check in on them before I decide whether or not to go to work tomorrow.

Gonna play with them a lot on-line with the phone line over the weekend to try and keep in contact as best as possible, Hopefully it's nothing more than a stomach bug, I'm 99% sure it's just that.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 15:53
*fingers crossed it's nothing*
Let's hope it was just a down day.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 16:08
Yup, all seemed well come Friday evening and I managed to get a lift there and back on Saturday which was nice, spent some good time with the kids although the weather wasn't great outside so we were stuck to indoors stuff.

The kids SSD turned up home when I got back and I spent a fair chunk of today installing kubuntu on the system along with steam, wine and a few games. Then testing it out to see how well it faired.

A lot better than I expected to be fair.

Kubuntu was quick to install and boot, Team Fortress 2 ran perfectly out of the box and the specs for the kids pc came in as follows:

    Base PC (Mobo, Athlon X3 435 (3 cores @ 2.5GHz), PSU, Monitor 4GB of 533MHz RAM and a deathly slow IDE hard drive) £10

    Speakers, Mouse and Keyboard : £15

    RAM upgrade to 8GB of 667Mhz DDR2 RAM...yup, slow but this is an old old system - £15

    Upgrade to HD5750 from onboard GPU - FREE (spare card I had from my old PC)

    Upgrade 240 GB SSD - £28

    Phenom 945 (3GHz, 4 cores) - £20

Total build price comes in at £88

The system seems pretty stable and I might at some point bung another identical SSD in there to dupe windows 10 across onto, mostly for Roblox as the kids are both into that but I really wanted to use it as a system for Linux also, what with it being free and stuff, also interesting to compare how well things run in Linux compared to Win 10.

Gonna try and bung Photoshop 7 and probably Flash 7, etc on there using WINE, see how far down the rabbit hole I can go.

Also, made enough spag bol for me to live off until Wednesday evening, all in all a pretty good day!

Hope everyone had a great weekend

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 16:19
Mmm, cheap!
Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 14:57
I've managed to save up a grand and still can't decide what parts to get for building my next PC.
Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 15:07
Do you need a new PC?
If it's an upgrade for gaming purposes, the PS5 and Xbxoxbxixbbxixbxbixbxibxbxibbxxbxxxxxxxxx X are just around the corner.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 17:21
Do you need a new PC?

Yeah, this one's just about fucked.
Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 17:39
An, yeah, then you need a new one
Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 18:11
Dunno if I should go for another AMD or Intel.

|update| -=-=- |update|
This one's got an AMD FX-8320 in it.
Tue, 28 Jul 2020, 07:47
I've only heard good things about the Ryzen CPUs

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 29 Jul 2020, 13:02
I was considering a Ryzen, the FX-8320 Piledriver that I have ain't a bad CPU but the motherboard has loads of faults. I will be having a chat with a local PC shop about it soon because I don't want any of that PC World crap, it's better to do a build rather than a ready packaged one with tons of bloatware.
Wed, 29 Jul 2020, 15:20
Mum's been coughing a lot, the past few days.
She's blaming it on her inhaler, which the Doc decided to unceremoniously change last week.
We're hoping that's all it is, but both of us are imagining it'd be a heck of a lot worse if it was actually Covid.

All this second guessing..

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 29 Jul 2020, 17:37
I hope you both OK 'n' all.
Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 15:18
@steve_ancell Yeah, I've only had self-built Desktops since my teenage years. The store-bought ones seem to be way more unreliable over time. When I started up Refresh Creations way back when Chris insisted on me using a store bought PC. It lasted about a year and that never happened again!

@Jay, Hopefully it's just a cough /cold, speedy recovery to her.

Wish have decided to take their time getting back to us regarding our humble requests to them sadly so I'm starting off another shop integration tomorrow which should be fun, then it's off to see the kids on Saturday after what looks to be the last food delivery I'll be able to get for a while, everywhere's booked up until late August it seems.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 30 Jul 2020, 15:42
Aunt Marty popped up today, and we had a few hours with her. It was great to see her after.. however many months it's been.
Distances kept, no hugs, etc.
Mum was upset she couldn't get a hug.

She spent a few hours with us, and we had a lovely big roast beef dinner, and then it was time to leave.

As she was leaving, we all jokingly wished each other a Merry Xmas in case we don't get to see each other before then.


And it looks like that might not be too far off the mark.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 31 Jul 2020, 14:59
Oh gosh, I don't even know what to say at that point. The world has gone insane in my eyes.

Then again it could just be me that's gone insane.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 03 Aug 2020, 15:33
Wehhheellllllllllllll, Today has been quite a day.

Woek up a bit late, couldn't sleep last night and decided to start August off with a jog into work and after ~2.5k.... I.....

Fell over on the pavement during my run into work, mashed up my right hand and knee in the process, whilst attempting to avoid a mobility scooter coming the other way of all things! Shame really, I was starting my speed-up runs today also.

Thankfully nothing's broken but I was fairly shaken up for a lil while laying on the pavement trying to catch my breath back. There was a bit of blood but thankfully some people came to help me out, got the wounds cleaned up and patched up and I was somehow in good humour about the whole thing, hurting a lot but otherwise okay., nothing was hurting enough for me to not get to work still, but I was in no condition to get there, Thankfully one of the peeps who work nearby where I fell gave me a lift over into work and I was surprisingly able to walk without much pain.

The rest of the day went through okay, I was feeling pretty sleepy and got a lift back home which was a relief, I was contemplating walking back to check if I could but that might not have been a good idea.

Spoke to the kids and they're finally coming over to the house this weekend which is lovely, I think the OH realized that as I'd injured myself I might not be able to make it there and / or back so hey, there's a good side to it all.

Gonna take them to the park and the woods, all good stuff, just hope the weather's nice for it!

So, decded to continue my attempts tonight at speedrunning F-Zero, despite the hand being covered in a few plasters and got a new PB! 13:41.05, which I'm pretty pleased about, linky below.

Hoping that tomorrow will be a calmer day with less injuries though. I may have to board the bus or all things mind....

View on YouTube

Run starts at 1:26:00-ish.

Gonna try again tomorrow night all things going well.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 03 Aug 2020, 16:09
Ooof. Sounds like a doozy.
Glad it wasn't anything more substantial. Bloody hooligans in their mobility scooters..

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Mon, 03 Aug 2020, 16:17
hahahaha! I was laughing that when I fell over I was just in their way

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 05 Aug 2020, 14:50
Today was terrible

Had little sleep last night, just about stayed awake while I had a lift in to work, struggled to get up the stairs to collapse onto my desk, then proceeded to have a panic attack, visit from an ambulance, then straight back home to rest up for the next few days.

Just about holding together now but requiring a lot of rest for the next few days. Thin my intestines went into a blind panic which caused my head to return the favour, could hardly breathe and felt like collapsing.

Holding fire on returning to work until Friday at the earliest for obvious recovery reasons.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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