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Socoder -> Off Topic -> The New iPod

Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 14:39
Now, im not a fan of the iPod, However, I do like the iPhone except for the whole ATT thing and the fact that i have to pay a monthly fee for a phone service im not going to use. But now you can get the iPhone, with out the phone! I might just get on of these, if it can play audio files that arnt iTunes that is(which is unlikely and the reason I have my Creative Zen instead of an iPod in the first place.). Of course there is always the possiblity of the GPhone...

Stuff... Yeah...
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 15:08
Hmm.. Yes. That is kinda nice!
For people like me who don't ever use a phone as a phone it'd be a neat alternative.

Honestly, though, I think my DS does all that I need it to.
I'm never out of the house long enough to make any real use out of portable MP3/Video playback.
I'll give it a miss for now.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 15:22
I want it! Because I'm shallow and am attracted to good looks.

My Twitter
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 15:23
if it can play audio files that arnt iTunes that is

I'm almost sure it can, as Apple is smart enough not to shave off such a huge user base. My 30Gig Video Ipod can play any song--It just has to be added through iTunes.

Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 15:51
if it can play audio files that arnt iTunes that is

I'm almost sure it can, as Apple is smart enough not to shave off such a huge user base. My 30Gig Video iPod can play any song--It just has to be added through iTunes.

What if you wanted to copy music from a CD; Can you do that through I tunes? It seems as if it gives the greedy buggers want a monopoly on all the music you buy.

IMHO: Apple products are sad, overpriced, consumerist crap

Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 16:14
You've always been able to import your CD music. I NEVER buy anything from the iTunes music store (DRM, 128kbps, bleh), but I still love iTunes and my iPod.

My Twitter
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 16:21
There's a plugin available for Winamp that can access iPods.
Not sure how good it is, since I've not got one, but apparently it works reasonably well.
... Actually, Winamp 5 apparently supports iPods natively now, so.. Maybe give that a go.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 17:08
I NEVER buy anything from the iTunes music store (DRM, 128kbps, bleh), but I still love iTunes and my iPod.

Same here.

Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 17:37
woohoo! I've been waiting for this!
When the iphone came out, I thought it was an ipod... and now it is!

umm there are other proggys you can use instead of itunes to upload music from your comp to your ipod. floola being one of 'em.

BlitzRSS script back online!
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 19:12
power mousey
yes magicman,

I'm shopping around for some kinda of mp3 player.
I kinda like the Creative Zen ones too.

My Sony portable walkman is still walking
still plays but its getting to be really bulky.
Even at work.....I seen a lot of people listening
to music on Ipods and a few other small music players.
Perhaps they have become assimilated as music borgs.
Resistance is futile...Ipods will be assimilated into your species.

power mousey
Wed, 05 Sep 2007, 19:36
power mousey
woa!...I didn't know that.

although, I can't afford an Iphone
but if I did buy one, I wouldn't like to be
tied down to just use one phone service provider.
Hopefully, Apple will come to some common
sense about this. That they sell the device and
the accessories...I imagine. Yet, allow and let people
pick and choice the phone service they want.

power mousey
Thu, 06 Sep 2007, 03:13
I'll stick with my original ipod 4th gen. the hard drive is bigger and theres no way I'm even considering paying $300 for a 16gig ipod.

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