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QOTD : Enhance "Manic Miner"

3rd May 2009

I don't think you can do much to it other than give it a bit of a polish. Andy Noble's version is perfect in my opinion (and made with BlitzBasic). Exactly how you remember it... only its not!
He increased the resolution and gave it a full colour make-ove*snip*


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

3rd May 2009

5 Years? Crikey! But then I must have been here for a year and a half by now.
I've drifted a long way since then and drifted back for a bit and now I can't remember the last time I was here! I guess the coding bug isn't a very strong one in me but it come*snip*


Free Meshs Animator

2nd November 2008

Looks useful to me thanks :)
Just in time to revive and tweak the Xmas game I abandoned (sorry, put on the back burner) last year. I made my elf and was happy with him until he failed to animate in Blitz. I was probably doing something very basic wrong bu*snip*


#172 - The Maze Challenge

10th October 2008

Sorry, I don't know if anyone was actually waiting for this but I forgot all about it!
I've stripped it right back to a demo that will just generate a random maze. If you leave the demo variable as True then you can watch what it is doing, setting it to F*snip*


#172 - The Maze Challenge

7th October 2008

Is it really a year ago that I made my Halloween maze game? Blimey, time flies!
I may resurrect the maze-generation code and try something different... Or I could post it raw and let everyone else use it if they want...


Getting a file's creation date

29th September 2008

[quote=Phoenix]I now realize that the name is a bit off since it actually checks for the date when it was last updated, but I can't be arsed changing that now.[/quote]
Actually, that should be enough... if not better than the creation date.
Thanks guys :*snip*


Getting a file's creation date

28th September 2008

I'm expecting this to be a kernel32.dll type thing since I can't see anything within Blitz itself...
Simple question really, how do I determine how old a file is?
Based around the idea of keeping a list up to date and grabbing the latest edition online i*snip*


#170 - The Stickman Challenge

24th September 2008

(front page still shows "The Afro Challenge")


QOTD : Incorrect grammar

11th September 2008

Pronouncing words wrong isn't really grammar but "ask" should be pronounced "ar-ss-k" or, if you insist on being northern, "ah-ss-k" not "ar-x"
In written form, mis-use of apostrophes and incorrect there/their/they're and your/you're (and Yaw I guess :D) *snip*


QOTD : Oh yeah! Duh!!

9th September 2008

Not especially cool but I was using a For...Next loop and If Mid$() to search for commas within a string... iterating through a CSV...
Then discovered Instr()


Floods in Wales

5th September 2008

Sympathies and empathies to anyone flooded today.
I just got back in from helping my parents. We're in the South of England (near Portsmouth) and their house is at the lowest point in the drainage system of their road. Yes it goes up from them in both dir*snip*


Afro's 3D Models

5th September 2008

Max renders with alpha channels so the background will always be transparent if possible (unless you tell it not to)
A guitar would be surprisingly easy, you just need to know how to do it, although experience may be required to get it looking any good :D*snip*


QOTD : What else can it do?

5th September 2008

I think it must be Vista because it doesn't do it for me in XP. I installed a little widget that adds "Open Command Window Here" the the menu when you right-click on a folder because it was something I really wanted to do a few months ago. MS obviously too*snip*



29th August 2008

Aaaah, that makes sense. Unfortunately, just posting it in English with no explanation just killed it. Translated jokes rarely work where language is the key to the humour anyway though.
Having said that, if a joke needs an explanation it kills it anyway.*snip*


Red Dwarf...

28th August 2008

Not actually a new series then ... "four 30-minute specials that will combine new material with classic footage" what exactly does that mean? Sounds like highlights shows you get at the end of a season when the budget is gone and the ideas have dried up...*snip*


WM011 - Olympics

14th August 2008

If you have FireFox and go to Tools/Page Info on the Media tab you'll see that those round button like images are actually all one image... you'd have to figure out which is which though :p


Music Software

10th August 2008

I've recently discovered (Linkage) which is free and impressed me very quickly. I don't play a lot of music on my PC though, to be fair, but I downloaded it for it's MP3 handling and ability to find and add relevant artwork to them. I found it could edit *snip*


QOTD : Taking Ages

5th August 2008

I tried searching for the code... I thought I found it a couple of times then downloaded the file they had with it and it was completely different :( (either that or it's nothing like I remember it :p )
There's one site with a dozen magazines listed and e*snip*


QOTD : Taking Ages

5th August 2008

The quick 5 minute jobs always take 3 times as long. It's new Health And Safety At Work Regulations from the EU :D
Following the recent Black & White Workshop challenge, I decided to dig out the old Spectrum tape that had the original game that I found my*snip*


QOTD : What else can it do?

5th August 2008

I recently discovered that MP3 files can also contain all manner of extras including lyrics and cover art. There are designated segments for things like front cover, rear cover, Band photo, Life photo, and various other photo possibilities.
So it's not so*snip*


QOTD : What else can it do?

3rd August 2008

Win+E technicallybrings up Explorer but that's just being picky.
You can also use Win+M for the desk top but the clever thing is, it doesn't just show the desktop, it Minimises all windows and you can reverse it with Win+Shift+M :)
One that was never rea*snip*


Red Dwarf...

2nd August 2008

I'm too excited to speculate... just in case :p


Red Dwarf...

2nd August 2008

A little more from the official Red Dwarf site...
[quote] Thing is, we can't yet tell you what he's referring to. We'd love to, we're aching to, and it's been on the cards since the website relaunch but... nope, you're just going to have to wait *snip*


#160 - The Black and White Challenge

22nd July 2008

On the other end of the monochromatic spectrum (not sure that pun really worked...)
I started this waaaaaay too late to do anything beyond a seed of an idea but here it is. The graphics are thrown together roughly and it's all very stodgy but...


ImagesCollide gives a MAV!!?

21st July 2008

I used to be good with those numbers from my early days with Spectrum... mostly working with graphics converting 8 x 8 character blocks into decimal values. It threw me for a while later though because the top value was always 255 rather than 256 (because *snip*

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