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Collision problem...

14th June 2007

I think you need to set the EntityRadius of the house. Collisions are allways sphere-to-something. By default, it is one.
It is strange that you can't use PositionEntity on the house? If you can move it using MoveEntity, you should be able to use Position*snip*


How do I make collision detection between with Cube and Camera?

13th June 2007

The 'classic' way is like this: you can setup collisions between the camera and the cube with the EntityType, EntityRadius and Collisions commands:
Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
light = CreateLight()
;create camera
cam = Cre*snip*


face parts....

4th June 2007

I found these .. not sure if they're useful, though .. (Linkage)
I was searching for these picture that the police used to make these old 'wanted' posters. I believe it is called an 'identikit'


capturing windows?

12th May 2007

You would need the hwnd for the window you want to capture then. For instance, with Api_FindWindow you can retreive the hwnd for specific windows. If the window is active, you could use Api_GetForeGroundWindow. In the code above I used Api_GetDesktopWindow*snip*


I... hate... this....

12th May 2007

Hmm, I think the problem could be that for instance Chr$(0) breaks the line. If that is the trouble, then it would be best keeping the tile's index number 32 or above. (32=space ascii number) Maybe try adding 32 to it when writing to the file: Chr$(map(bla*snip*


capturing windows?

12th May 2007

Yes, it seems to be possible. I'm not sure if it will work on every system. MarkCW wrote functions that can capture the screen to the clipboard and also a function that converts the clipboard to an image:


I... hate... this....

12th May 2007

And also, in the Load routine, after "For saverx=0 To dimen", you need to reset 'place' to zero.


I... hate... this....

12th May 2007

You could try replacing writestring with writeline ? I've had some trouble with that a while back.


Hi socoders (=

7th May 2007



Hello There Coders

5th May 2007



The affect of achohol on RGB values

5th May 2007

Looks cool, this


Curiosity has overtaken me

29th April 2007

:) nice .. you can flip the image using:
ScaleImage wwwimg, 1, -1
HandleImage wwwimg, 0, 0
Also, I think the r,b and g are reversed somehow.
But, it seems to work, so good job! Now all you need is a host for the picutres, right? Maybe you could try usi*snip*


Curiosity has overtaken me

29th April 2007

(edit) Ah .. okay .. you solved it .. Nice work !


Script Execution

29th April 2007

For the programming language for my program, I made a system that converts the original (text-based) commands into integers before executing them. That works quite fast. Also it helped to try and limit the amount of data that needs to be processed at runti*snip*


Curiosity has overtaken me

29th April 2007

Here, this is what I got so far .. it downloads a .bmp from somewhere (files from imageho.st didn't work :( ) and draws it onto the screen with writepixelfast:
; ID: 24
; Author: BlitzSupport
; Date: 2001-09-03 00:34:48
; Title: BlitzGet Deluxe*snip*


Curiosity has overtaken me

29th April 2007

@Paul, try the BlitzGet function. I seem to be able to download the file with it. The link is in the second post of this thread.
@Blitz3Dman, maybe I don't understand the problem correctly, but if you upload a bitmap to that page, right-click on the pictu*snip*


Curiosity has overtaken me

28th April 2007

Ow .. ah, I didn't see that .. I have b3d, so I suppose they mean that.


Curiosity has overtaken me

28th April 2007

No, the demo can't load images.
In the manual it says:
[quote]The demo version of Blitz Basic supports BMP files; the full retail version of Blitz Basic supports JPG and PNG format as well[/quote]
However, this host:
allows for .bmp


Curiosity has overtaken me

28th April 2007

I seem to be able to download it. For some reason, you need to remove the http part from the server when creating the stream.
Then you should check if the stream <> 0, instead of checking if it is one, because when it is valid, "tcp" contains a handle to *snip*


Curiosity has overtaken me

28th April 2007

You could use the BlitzGet function. I tried it once, however I don't remember which version. So if this version doesn't work, try searching for 'blitzget' in google.
It downloads the data first, after that, you can open it.


Cats Mewsic :-)

26th April 2007

That's weird :)


'lo again all

24th April 2007

Hi Mog, nice to see you!



17th April 2007

program for making games


Gravity and Slopes

10th January 2007

(edit: this is a bit better, but it doesn't work completely right:)
TFormPoint 0, 10, 0, tank, 0
x1# = TFormedX()
y1# = TFormedY()
z1# = TFormedZ()
TFormPoint 0, -1000, 0, tank, 0
x2# = TFormedX() - x1
y2# = TFormedY() - y1
z2# = TFormedZ()*snip*


My Shroom is as slow as a Snail...

6th January 2007

It is difficult to optimize the program, because it runs fairly okay on my system. I tried ReadPixel instead and removed the timer. I don't know if it helps:
Global black
Graphics 800,600,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSe*snip*

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