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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 22 September 2011

Retro Trackball...

I recently ordered a Mastersystem joypad from ebay, guess what I did when it arrived!!

That's right! I cut it up and turned into something else. That something else, was a wireless trackball! Now I can control my P from the other side of the room and look nerdy while I do it!

The insides aren't much to look at, the main steps involved were removing the original buttons, wiring then to the master system ones, rotating the photo sensor 90 degrees and running out of super glue and having to resort to electrical tape to hold the finished product together.

If you want to build a similar device, I have one small piece of advice. If people think its a crazy, stupid idea, you're probably on the right track.



Thursday, 22 September 2011, 08:07

... right, come on DD, let's see your super-crazy-kickass touchpad!
Thursday, 22 September 2011, 18:52
Spinal, you always seem to amaze me.
Friday, 23 September 2011, 01:16
It turned out a lot better than I expected. The hole for the trackball could perhaps have been a little rounder, but without 'proper' tools, I think I did ok. It was a bit thicker that I had hoped, I suppose if one of these were designed on purpose, someone could easily fit a trackball in the space.