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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 27 July 2013
System : Cross Platform

One Year Later


July 27th 2012.
Important for two reasons.

1. London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony.
2. I got home, after about 5 months stuck in a sodding hospital.


Today marks a year since I got home, and have managed to stay out of there!!
True, I've visited a few times for scans and checkups, but other than that, I'm FREE!!!

A whole year ago. Good grief, that's flown by, especially when you consider that I've not f'ing GONE anywhere..
A whole entire year sitting in the same house.
It's a good job I'm doing AGameAWeek, and have other net-projects to piss about with, because otherwise I'd be going f'ing crazy by this point.

Health Gubbins
Still relatively housebound. Can't stand for long without becoming exhausted, and walking leaves me queazy.
I can stand up long enough to have a shave, but then need to sit down for about half an hour, before I'm feeling up to the next "big task".
Haven't had a shower in over a year and a half, mostly because I'm too scared to stand up in the shower for such a long time. Instead, I've been confined to the bath.
I used to prefer showers, but.. I must admit.... I've grown accustomed to baths, and I think I now prefer them.
Will have to tackle a shower, at some point, though.

Walking's ok for short distances. A brief stroll around the street is alright, but walks down into the village generally start to make me feel queazy.
In addition, my balance is TOTALLY out of whack.. As I walk, I have to keep my head looking straight ahead. If I dare look around (ie, turning to talk to someone, or looking out for oncoming vehicles!) the movement causes me to lose my balance, and then I stumble and desperately try not to fall.
Not fucking pleasant..

As such, I can't go out on my own, and always have to have my Mum walking by my side, when I attempt my short strolls.
Kinda sucks, if I'm honest, but.. .. hey, I went through a lot, and am lucky to still be here.

I'm also lucky to have my mind intact..
When they first said "Brain surgery", I can't begin to explain how scary that was.
But, although my physical health might be a bit fooked, my mental health is at least intact.

I can still code, my art style hasn't gotten any worse (thank god!) and I've recently discovered that my AL O'DARE musical talents are apparently intact, too!

Seems that all my brain-cells are still where they oughta be, and for that I'm truly thankful.

It might be taking a long time to get back on my feet, but I'm slowly getting there.
.. and it's good to be home!



Saturday, 27 July 2013, 18:07
I must admit, there was a huge sigh of relief once I knew that you were going to pull through.

On the subject of shaving, it would be handy if someone invented a gadget that just flashes the face and make the beard fall out, maybe spinal could build it from all those left over parts from his past techno hacks.
Saturday, 27 July 2013, 18:54
Balmer Shave!!
Sunday, 28 July 2013, 05:46
Or SpinaShave.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 06:11
Every now and then I consider waxing my beard, but then my fear of immense pain kicks in and I shave instead.
Surely one of those hair dissolving lotions would do the job though? it'd just be like washing your face twice in the morning.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013, 17:36
I know a Scouser that once used Veet on his beard, he didn't need to shave for a few weeks but his face looked like it had a red beard tattooed on his skin. LMAO!
Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 03:34
I'm waiting for the iShaver/iRazor. It constantly breaks down, runs out of power, shreds your face to bits but it looks oh so classy and users accept no criticism, claiming it's the best thing ever. Until next year's model or firmware obfuscation.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 17:43
iShave would be just as disposable as, well..., disposable razors.