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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 02 June 2016
Edited : 31 December 1969

#267 - Life on Accordion

; Life on Accordion

#267 - Friday 03rd June, 2016

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter


Every Friday, Wondering why...?


An odd thing just happened.
I normally upload AL's videos with Firefox and My videos with Chrome, to keep the accouns in different browsers, and so I don't (hopefully) bugger things up and start posting AL's stuff into my account, and vice versa.
But for some reason YouTube isn't letting me use Firefox, tonight.
I keep getting a "Unable to serve data" or somesuch error, whenever I try to start the upload.
Logging into AL's account using Chrome, the upload went without a hitch, so I can only assume that either Firefox is broke, or..

A lot of old threads resurrected, this week. Not sure why that is.
Maybe we just don't have anything new going on!?

New Top Gear finally launched

Windows 10's getting more stable, but ever more forceful in it's installing.

And Rychan has fun in a pub with a GameBoy

OUYA Endings

Over at OUYAHQ, the guys are preparing to sign off on the OUYA's adventure.
This month, (around about the 27th) they'll be ending new-submissions for OUYA games.
If you have older games, you can still submit updates and the like, but from here on they're hoping that people target the Razer devices.

Meanwhile, Ninjinister is having a hell of a time getting any kind of response from their review team.

Gawd.. You make one mention of being a bricky, and suddenly everyone wants DIY advice!
Sorry, Dabz!!!

; Brick Skip

How many Bricks would a Brick Skip skip if a Brick Skip could skip Bricks?

; Wind of the Toilet

The wind doth blow. Will the toilet flush!?


; Breadbox

Spinal's finished (for now) with his 3DS based C64 emulator.
All seems good to go, and if you've a Homebrew-Ready 3DS, this is your chance to get a decent copy of Bruce Lee* running on it!
(*other C64 games are available)

; MonkeyRoids

TheRevillsGames is creating some kind of Assteroids-alike using Monkey.
Vectory is Fine!!!
Pakz Snippets

; Dungeon Creation

Pakz has been busy building a little level builder.
Rooms, Walls and Doors.. What more do you need, to get you started!

He's also made a similar bit of code available for MonkeyX, although I haven't checked to see if they do the same thing.
..Monkey's a right pain in the arse for testing code snippets, isn't it!?


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; Ukulele

One of these ukulele players is not like the other.

View on YouTube

; Pimp My Telly

LGR pimps his TV, with super HDMI abilities

; Mini Projects

Three mini home DIY projects from Mist8k

; Space Shooters

A Star Wars dogfight.

; Pervert?

An old man shows off how his springy worm expands.

; Win!

Win your Parent's lives!

70s Remix Corner

View on YouTube
VGRemix Corner

View on YouTube

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