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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> huge array lookup?

Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 12:44
Hi guys, I am currently attempting to replace an equation in my program with a lookup table, however,I don't seem to be getting back the results I expect Have I done something stupid in the following code?

I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong? could it be the way I am filling the array?

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Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 13:30
Your replacing an add, a multiply and a right shift:

with 2 adds, 2 multiplies and a memory lookup:

That's why it's slower.

But you could try replacing the power of two multiplies with left-shifts:

... that should be faster then your current approach, but I'd be skeptical it'll be faster then the original (at least not by much if it is).

You could also make the function 'inline', but compilers today should be able to inline anyway if appropriate.
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 13:42
"wrong" not slower! The wrong is the alpha*256..


''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 13:57
Really? but he's doing more work! How can that not be slower???
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 14:10
It probably is slower.. But I'm guessing this is for something pallette based that'll be outputted for reuse later..
I'm only guessing that, mind! Spinal does a lot of imagey stuff... This could, quite frankly, be ANYTHING!!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 14:34
I might not have been very clear with the initial question...

I currently have this -

int mix(int back, int front, int alpha)
return back+(((front-back)*(255-alpha))>>8);

Which I am using to calculate a mixture of two colours. Currently I am calculating this 3 times per rendered pixel (r,g,b), as part of my bitmap routine, which could easily be called a lot more than 49152 times per frame, depending on how many images I am drawing.

I figured as my 3 inputs are maxed at 32,32,255, it would be quicker to calculate the whole lot at the start, then just look up the values for each pixel instead of calculating them.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 15:03
Ah, then yeah, DDs is quicker. Just do the maths on the fly.
Otherwise you're doing different maths, AND a lookup. It'd be marginally quicker to just do the maths on it's own.

I figured you'd be doing your usual number juggling stuff!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 16:08
First, none of us really know if it's faster or slower. You can only find that out by profiling your code! Unless you do this you won't get any real speed-ups!

There is this:

that I just found on Stack Overflow. It works by calculating two colors at once, allowing you to make it a little faster.

I've also just dusted down my own fast alpha routine from one of my first Blitz Basic projects! Turns out I'm doing very similar:

Finally if you can represent the pixels different (so it's optimized to make the lookup calculation as fast as possible) then the lookup method could be faster. But again, you'll only know if you profile your code!
Sun, 13 Mar 2011, 16:23
You could also try:

There I'm performing 2 bitwise shifts and 2 bitwise or's to calculate the location of the pixel. But with the lookup, I still don't know if it would be faster or slower.