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Socoder -> Blitz

Cipher/Decipher Testing (with Xor)
Started by Dan
Last post by Krakatomato on Sat 12:28, 04-04-20
[BUG] Loading Images after (multiple) Graphics change
Started by Dan
Last post by Dan on Wed 04:53, 06-11-19
finding font widths?
Started by spinal
Last post by Dan on Mon 05:09, 04-11-19
Finding day's name?
Started by spinal
Last post by TomToad on Tue 02:11, 16-04-19
Eggings - Very old project
Started by steve_ancell
Last post by spinal on Sat 04:15, 02-02-19
Know your Language - Bug or Feature
Started by Dan
Last post by Dan on Sun 10:39, 11-11-18
Steam vs Blitz
Started by spinal
Last post by therevillsgames on Thu 19:29, 26-07-18
Extracting Frames
Started by spinal
Last post by spinal on Thu 12:03, 05-07-18
Dan's never to be released code collection
Started by Dan
Last post by Dan on Sat 13:41, 30-06-18
Sound with Blitz without external media ?
Started by Dan
Last post by Dan on Wed 08:10, 30-05-18
TinyBasic (TinyBBasic)
Started by Dan
Last post by Dan on Sun 03:05, 27-05-18
Whats up here?
Started by spinal
Last post by therevillsgames on Thu 15:24, 26-04-18
Started by Dabz
Last post by Dabz on Mon 13:33, 16-04-18
Started by steve_ancell
Last post by Jayenkai on Thu 11:11, 12-04-18
Move Window with api
Started by Dan
Last post by Jayenkai on Sat 11:32, 10-03-18
Good way to handle sprites?
Started by Charles
Last post by Charles on Sun 19:13, 14-01-18
Looks like someone's up to something...
Started by steve_ancell
Last post by GfK on Thu 17:50, 02-11-17
Blitz3d - Grayscale to texture map
Started by Moon
Last post by Moon on Mon 06:56, 02-10-17
3D Mouse X?
Started by Caton
Last post by Caton on Tue 18:10, 22-08-17
BlitzBasic.com Closure
Started by Jayenkai
Last post by Jayenkai on Mon 03:54, 24-07-17
Music App
Started by hardcoal22
Last post by hardcoal22 on Tue 13:27, 27-06-17
Update All Objects in Array?
Started by Caton
Last post by Jayenkai on Tue 06:00, 27-06-17
2D Array?
Started by Caton
Last post by Jayenkai on Sat 03:29, 24-06-17
dec 2 hex?
Started by spinal
Last post by Jayenkai on Tue 15:02, 13-06-17
Killer Cats in GPS Fun Runner 3D
Started by zzoom
Last post by zzoom on Wed 22:58, 21-09-16
First Person Mouse code request :)
Started by Pakz
Last post by Jayenkai on Fri 03:02, 01-07-16