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Socoder -> Misc Gaming -> Hydra ordering...

Sat, 18 Nov 2006, 03:19
power mousey
hey everybody,

and especially to agent smith and Flying Cucco:

I tried to talk with Andre to have custom confiqurable ordering of only what you need. No such luck.
It's his creation and system and is considered a whole complete computer package...since it is a computer, the Hydra computer.
sorry, that he decided not to have custom configurable orders. I was just concerned for you guys who live overseas.... the hefty shipping and handling costs for the Hydra package to be sent.

my dilemma is a little different. since I have been talking with my family about the Hydra a lot...they have decided to get me a Hydra computer for my major and early Christmas present. yay!!
Yet, for various reasons they cannot send out the funds for purchasing until the second week of December to order the Hydra for me.
Now, I have waited this long for the Hyda to come out and it certainly has, plus the units according to Andre LaMothe are selling like hotcakes. This could be true and as well as for advertising hype.
I just don't want to miss out on getting a Hydra.

first solution: I contacted both Andre and especially Parallax about if they will still have stock on hand in the weeks of December and before Christmas. And, even when will the stock be replenished too. I even told them if they are willing to hold some for special reserve order...in which I'm willing to pay a fee too.

second solution: talk to my family about this situation of product availability. Or just go ahead and swipe down some plastic for now for the Hydra computer. And just have my family buy some Hydra acessories for me.
I'll wait next week and check the Hydra out and for ordering on the Xgamestation site.

power mousey

Sat, 18 Nov 2006, 09:04
power mousey
you know, agent smith
(and others too )

I like Andre LaMothe and as well as he is a very smart and creative designer and genius as well..
but, I sense something weird or not quite right. Maybe its just me, him, both of us, or just plain old human nature in general.
Andre is also a user over at the Parallax discussion forums. When he announced to them over there that the Hydra computer is out as well as the book...and to be sold separately as well...some of the users asked questions and explained that they will be only getting the book and explained their reasons. Also, they asked questions about the availibility of the product.
However and in my case, when I told Andre over at Xgamestation about my predicament and also asked some questions...he replied to hurry up and order or get yours fast. I felt and sensed he was pushing me and hyping on me to buy one.
I know he is also a business partner and entrepreneur. And the business is advertising and selling. Yet, I did not like the way he was trying to hype on me to go out and buy the Hydra.
I could also grasp and hint indirectly that there will be some more stock and even replenished stock at his site and over at Parallax too....from his responses to you,others and me too.

Coming back down to reality, using common sense, and also thru prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit:

for now, I'm just going to purchase the book. I will forgive Andre and trying to push me to buy the Hydra, and also send him an email and talk and share about my plan for the Hydra.
I will eventually receive the Hydra computer...and from my family. But at least I'll have the book for reading.

sorry for all the enthused and overly excitable energies in me. and lambasting this site and other sites for my enthusiasm for the Hydra. I'm still going to get and focus on the Hydra....but this Spartan must step back and calm down.

power mousey

Sun, 19 Nov 2006, 08:45
power mousey

the power of mousey!


power mousey
Wed, 22 Nov 2006, 08:19
power mousey
Dang!!...sorry about that.

honestly, I don't know what to say...agent smith :/

hopefully in the future....and it will definitely take time...that physical stores in other countries such as Australia, Germany, Britain, other countries will offer the Hydra for purchase and at around the same price or so.

hopefully in the future, and with future products such as the Hydra 2...with quad propeller chips... and also the XGS 2 cube computer Andre will think more and open up more distribution and physical markets worldwide. true!

what can I say! but yes, you're right on this. and squeaks!!

power mousey