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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Depression (Warning: Strong themes & Language)

Sat, 01 Aug 2009, 20:57
As a member of this community (or as a person, whichever is more representative), do you ever feel like you need to get out?
Do you have alot of friends? Any friends at all?
Do you have a girlfriend? Have you ever had a girlfriend? Do you wish you had a girlfriend?
Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? Have you ever been to the hospital?
Have you ever wondered if there is a purpose with your existence?
Do you believe in God (insert Allah, Buddah, Shiva and/or Satan as appropriate)?

Here's a music video that deals with alot of these questions:

View on YouTube
> Reveal 🔎

If you need to vent, here's your chance (just don't write the same thing as everyone else, so we don't get 10 pages of MicroSoft bashing)!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sun, 02 Aug 2009, 00:17
I'm exactly the type of person who would probably be a great big bag of depressed by this point in my life.
I have no big codey job, I don't rake the money in, all my friends have gone off and "got a life"*, I don't go out.

But I'm not a miserable git.

I write games for the fun of writing things, because writing games is fun.
I work in a shop surrounded by many people, with a crapload of people coming in and out all day, because I can't express how much better that is than sitting in an office doing sod all, all day.
I create music, I draw sprites/"OMG!WTF!PIXELART!", I even write odd little amusing things, be it in games, or Codas, or Computing With Green, or even the obscure reference that are literally scattered throughout random places in Socoder.

Being happy is not a set of predetermined factors.

You just need to cheer up!

*Got a proper job, got married, bought a house, had kids, got divorced, lost their job due to recession, became incredibly depressed, attempted suicide. Mmm.. Happy time..
*Had a kick-ass job at a top airline, got bored, started a computer company, got little/no interest after 3 months, got a job in a clothing store. Mmm.. Happy time..
*Had a "career", lost his parents, went off the deep end, visits the shop for beer every day, never been the same. Mmm.. Happy time..

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 02 Aug 2009, 06:44
Like Jay said, happiness is different things to different people.

Being married myself, and having a young son, I can tell you that situation presents its own difficulties. You have greater responsibilities, financially and otherwise. You worry more about your job, the economy, where you live, etc. Even when you're off from work, you can't simply come and go as you please. You can't just relax at home, either. There are chores to be done and young children need constant attention.

It's not all bad, of course. Just as with the "loner life," there are benefits as well as costs.

For what it's worth, I envy Jay for the freedom he describes. Maybe the grass really IS always greener on the other side.

In any case, I think despair/depression is often a matter of losing one's perspective, developing tunnel vision and only seeing your immediate circumstances. Things change over time. I find it helps to remember that we're standing on a rock that floats in the middle of an incomprehensibly big universe. Even the big shots are just dust in the grand scheme of things. That tends to put things in perspective.
Sun, 02 Aug 2009, 06:58
Dither Maybe the grass really IS always greener on the other side.

Indeed it is, apparently it's all to do with the angle you're looking at the grass from and the angle the light hits it that makes the grass look that little bit greener if its further away.

Back on topic though, studies have apparently shown that people who keep diaries are far more prone to depression than people who don't, this is because they constantly remind themselves of all the crap that goes on in their lives. Most people have a similar amount of problems, it's just how you deal with them that makes the difference.

You can either "have a CRAP job" or you can "HAVE A crap JOB" see, every cloud has a silver lining or whatever, always look on the bright side of life, chin up etc. etc.

Constantly talking about what makes you unhappy only serves to make you more unhappy. Find something that cheers you up and to it, then do it again. That could be anything, go for a walk, watch a brain-dead movie, go for a meal out, anything.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 02 Aug 2009, 07:07
I've had depression for many years, and I can tell you, talking about how crap life is, only makes it worse.
Sun, 02 Aug 2009, 12:59
I think everything is an argument of point of view. I know a couple people that came from the same highschool as me to this university, and they are constantly saying "there's nothing to do" "i'm so bored" "i hate it here" etc... Arguing that, if "they went to this other school..." such and such would happen. However that's not the issue, because the truth is those people would be just as unhappy going to some other school as they are at this one, because their mindset is so negative towards it.

The point is, that if you make something of the situation you're in, or at the very least, see it in a different light, you'll gain a new and happier perspective on life. A lot of shit happens, it's true, but everything's an experience and at the very least you can thank the fact that you're alive and have food on the table.

Cavemen didn't need all these "things" to be happy, those are all just modern unnecessary complications. If things happen they happen, if they don't then they don't.

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Mon, 03 Aug 2009, 08:20
I'm happy with my life for a majority of the time, but when I need help, my chocolate labrador makes me get up in the morning.

That is very true! My dog makes me get up in the morning, too.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!