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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Pu2213 Sw4p ThreeDeeEss

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Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 10:09
I don't want SoCoder to get swamped with 3-D-S friend requests, but I've been playing Pu22le Sw4p for months now and while I've completed 2 pictures (New Super Mario Bros Wii and Kirby) I have every normal piece for every other puzzle that I have -

Star Fox 64
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Mario Tennis Open
Kirby 20th Anniversary
New Super Mario Bros 2

However, I am missing all the pink/purple pieces except one from Star Fox.

I understand that you can get these from StreetPass and SpotPass. Seeing as there's a few of us on here with 3DSssss could we try to meet up online at a set time and try to get some of the missing pieces from each other?

I found out today that there are loads of different puzzles too, including two Zelda ones and Super Mario Kart. Does anyone have puzzles that I don't?

What do you think? Do you use/play at the Plaza?
Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 10:16
Got tired of nobody where I live having a 3DS or more likely, not setting up their wifi settings, so have a bunch of half finished puzzles. How do you do about swapping online?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 11:02
That'd be great if we can get it going

It's just trying to get together on line at the same time that'll be the problem
Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 12:51
I don't think it works online, does it? I thought it was just Street Pass?

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 13:42
Apparently you can - See Here

I remember getting the message about it, hence why I posted.
Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 14:33
Cool. ..can't remember the last time I touched my 3ds, to be honest. It's been lit up for quite a while!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 03 Nov 2012, 15:56
My dad is pretty intense about collecting all of the pieces, so I have every piece of all but a couple of puzzles. I'll see what I can do about getting it set up.
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:04
It's all about timing. According to the log at the top Spinal and Jay are online now (10:00am) - although whether they are looking at SoCoder or just have their machines on is another matter...

If they could turn on their 3 D Sssssss perhaps we could see if we can gain some pieces by meeting up in Pu2213 Sw4p.

BTW with a lot of faffing about on my son's 3 D S I managed to get a couple of pink pieces for DKR!
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:17
tut tut. Stealing puzzle pieces from your own son!!!

Oh, alright, I'll go upstairs and grab mine. If I'm sick from all the 3D-ness, I'm blaming you!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:26
... OK, Now What?>
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:30
Via the "Who's online" in the Friends but I can see jay is online and in Mii Plaza, but I can;t see him when I'm in there.

I wonder how we can send puzzle pieces to each other then?

Have you closed your 3 D S Jay?

I can only see my son when both lids are closed. The LED on top glows green and then open up and we can meet in the Plaza.
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:35
Nintendo have a lot to learn about online gaming!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:36
It's pretty poor, isn't it?
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:38
Nowt's happening, here, is it!? Nintendo, you suck out loud!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:42
It looks like you can only get puzzle pieces from special Nintendo characters on SpotPass (or if Nintendo sends them directly) or via StreetPass and ACTUALLY meeting. So meeting online doesn't seem to be possible. What's the point of that? Why make an online capable machine and NOT allow you to meet online in one of the most obvious places to meet?

I hope the Wii U does a better job of online stuff.

Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:44
Don't worry, it won't!
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:44
Oh well, it was worth a try.
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 03:56
Damnit, now I'm fingernail-tapping my iPad again!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 05:39
/me reads the thread hours too late...
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 06:10
It's ok, you didn't miss much!
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 06:12
You didn't miss anything, other than proving that Nintendo sucks at getting people together.
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 07:14
I'm pretty sure that Nintendo 'Wii' is supposed to symbolise getting people together but after what I'm reading here it seems more like it should be called Nintendo 'They'.
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 08:01
I'm sure I read somewhere that people have gained puzzle pieces from people they obtained while playing mariokart online.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 12:55
Unfortunately I don't have MarioKart to test that theory.

Does anyone else here have it?
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 13:10
I have Mariokart 7, but my 3ds isn't charged right now.
Sun, 04 Nov 2012, 13:49
I do, but I'm switching to TV time now
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