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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Codersworkshop news

Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 05:51
Check CW site for a belated update!

So it's losing the forums, and coming back as a resource centre. Fair enough.

Though they reccomend devcrunch, I prefer it here. It's easier to use and already has more features. Saying that, I'll probably use both anyway.

What are your thoughts on the latest CW update? I think that dropping the forums is all that they can do right now, and it's the best move that they can take.

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 06:20
I agree, maybe sometime in the future they'll reintroduce the forums, but they were getting kinda nasty. They need to refocus on their products because i don't think they were getting much revenue from that site.

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Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 11:15
i thought the hole point of cw was the fourm! and yes, i think that they should have mentioned here instead of devcrunch, or both. sure we dont have that many people, but if we had more i think this would be going rather nicely.

Stuff... Yeah...
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 12:47
i like this place better but devcrunch already has the bulk of experienced coders from CW there

this place is so much easier to use and already has showcases and such, even if they are not as organized as old BC ones where it is still good

and it feels so much like BC with the BC skin, much better then the one at CW

i like green haired girls...
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 15:25
Let Idigicon do what they wish.

DevCrunch, lets face it, is a whole lot more professional. If I were to categorize the two sites, I'd say DevCrunch is the type of site that will become popular, whilst this one stays open as a backdoor community. It's kinda like BlitzBasic.com vs BlitzCoder.com, but without having to put up with the people over at BB.com being all uppity, all the time.

And thank fuck they finally announced that there's no more forum!! For starters, I no longer need to keep pretending to keep a secret, and now people will be more willing to start logging in elsewhere, instead of "Waiting for CW to come back"

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 15:27
In what way would you think of DevCrunch as more professional? It's based on the "Nosebleed" free forum design.

I'm not saying that I nessesarily disagree or see that as a bad thing, but I don't know why people really think that DevCrunch is the more professional one.

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 15:34
I meant in the way that I don't really mind what goes on here, whereas DevCrunch moderators locked a topic with a picture of a bunny in it..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 15:47
I like the layed backness of this site vs the uptightness of DevCrunch.

Quit posting and try Google.
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 15:51
that and gosse will never stop plugging his nSprite2 product

it is really annoying

also they have the power to ban anyone suspected of warezing anytime they want, that is not nice!!! they have no real proof

i like green haired girls...
Sat, 30 Sep 2006, 22:14
need to get the socoder name out! tell that guy that wrote the book game programing for teens, put it in you sig on other fourms, or somthing. the crunchy dev is ok, but, i like it here better.

Stuff... Yeah...
Sun, 01 Oct 2006, 04:49
For the record, I also have the power to ban anyone suspected of warezing.. I just won't use it until I'm 100% sure that they are. (well, probably 75%)

See Warez Policy.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 01 Oct 2006, 07:41
Devcrunch has a lot of veteran coders, many people i haven't seen since the BC days. I think i'll keep up with both, devcrunch because of the veterans, and here because of the feel. Heck, i've got both open in seperate tabs as i type this. Plus i've already got two good badges here so i think i'm doing pretty good ;P.

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Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Sun, 01 Oct 2006, 12:55
jay yes i know warezing is wrong but devcrunch will ban anyone they suspect of warezing even if it is only a hunch and no real proof to back it up

if he outright said he was warezing then you ban him or if he won't give you the info that proves he bought BMAX or some other product

having a lot of music on his computer and has no CDs does not make him a warezer, he could have used Itunes or soemthing

i like green haired girls...