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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Dr Jay

Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 02:40
I wasn't sure whether to post this waffling diary over at AGameAWeek, keep it on Facebook, annoy the CWF folk with it, cram it onto that CriticallyTriangular blog I appear to have already disowned, or just pop it on here.
.. In the end, I realised that you guys are missing out on all the recovery-progress waffling, so you might be interested in what's currently going on.

.. Yes, I realise you don't give a Munky's, but I feel the need to type it somewhere, so you're all going to have to put up with it!!!

General Progress

My mind is intact. This is the most important aspect of things, given the severity of events. I'm lucky to have come through it, and happy to know that I can at least still manage AGameAWeek.
There ARE, however, a couple of issues.

Issue 1. I'm half blind in my right eye.
I've not really mentioned this, much, online, because its not really all that big of a deal, but it's something that became apparent almost immediately after the first op.
The bottom left corner of my right eye has a massive "blind spot" in it. Acting much like a normal blind spot, but bigger, and more apparent.
Example, if I shut my left eye whilst looking squarely at the iPad, the bottom left of the keyboard from about A to B (!) becomes a grey blur.
This isn't good! It also makes the Windows Start button vanish into a puff of nothingness!
But I have my left eye, and I typically don't code with one eye shut, so all can currently continue without any kinds of interruption.

Issue 2. The sickness
I started being sick in April. Each morning I'd wake up, and be a little bit sick. Through the day, if I move too much, this would get progressively worse.
So the docs did what any other docs would do. They pumped me full of anti-sickness drugs, and hoped it'd go away.
It's ten months later, and my recent visit to see the neurosurgeon resulted in the following..
"Well, your scans are fine, your brain seems healthy. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with you. I don't know why you're being sick. *shrugs*"
Hmm.... Thanks, Doc..

And so, this is where Dr Jay takes over.
My actual docs have done all they can, so it's my turn now.
Each week, I'll be evicting one housemate tablet, giving myself a few days, and seeing what does/doesn't happen.
I have a Blood Pressure Monitor that hooks up to my iPad, so I can keep an eye on things. (add me on Facebook if you want daily Blood Pressure reports..!!!)

This week's Tablet Eviction

Domperidone : The Anti-Sickness drug

You're probably thinking "Hang on, Jay, I thought you said you were being sick? Surely you NEED that?" And you'd be right to think it, but since the first anti-sickness drug, I've felt the things have been next to useless.
Over the course of the past ten months I've had three significantly different anti-sickness drugs, as well as anti-sickness injections and even an anti-sickness patch.

Through all of this, I was still being sick each morning. To me, the anti-sickness remedies were in fact doing absolutely sod all. I was still being sick, they weren't helping.
So on Friday, I took my last anti-sickness tablet.
I've been feeling terribly queazy since then, but then I've been feeling terribly queazy since April.. In all honesty, there's been no significant change to my sickness.
Today, I woke up, came downstairs, and have finished my first brew of the day, all without being sick. Today is a "good" day! And to be having a good day, without any anti-sickness, feels great!

It's a long, long, long road to recovery, but it feels like I'm on the right track.

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 02:46
Well, I hope that your "good day" expands into a "good week" then a "good month" and then...
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 06:01
As a computer scientist, I'd normally recommend that you toss out half the tablets for a week or so, and see what happens, and then just do a binary search from there.

Probably not a good idea, though, because it seems like you need some of those tablets...
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 06:20
Jayenkai Yes, I realise you don't give a Munky's, but I feel the need to type it somewhere, so you're all going to have to put up with it!!!

We're always interested to hear what you're saying, we're all like one big family on here. Just be careful.
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 08:15
Good to see your on the right track Jay... When you get fighting fit, we should do a socodercon and have a knees up!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 09:33
Status Update

My sister decided to make some kind of crappy stir-fry thing for her dinner.
Lots of onions in it.
Smelt bloody awful.

A couple of weeks ago, the smell alone would've knocked me sick.

Today, she sat in the living room, eating it.
I managed to put up with the smell without being sick at all!
Success!! And that's without the Anti-Sickness tablets! woot!!

... she watched last night's "Take Me Out" ... nnnnngghhghhghg... I had to sit here, coding, whilst that crap was on.

.. and that didn't make me throw up, either, so that's a good sign!

More anti-sickness tales, tomorrow!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 09:39
I occasionally go partially to mostly blind in one or both eyes as (I think...best guess from all the research I've done)a migraine symptom. (I don't get the headache, though.)
I know how jarring and annoying losing a chunk of your field of vision is. I've been lucky enough to always get mine back, so far.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 09:52
Yeah, the "blind spot migraine" is quite common. I used to have those all the time.
Since the Op, my migraines have decreased, and are now simply filed as "bad days", but they no longer cause any kinds of typically migraine-related symptoms.

I no longer get extra blind-spot gubbins, the twinkly star effect isn't there, and I can hardly feel the migraines at all. The only reason I know I have one is I spend most of the day being sick!!

woot! The ultimate migraine cure.. Grow a tumour!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 17 Feb 2013, 10:40
I've been lucky so far, when I get migraine I just get coloured flashes and blobby patterns in my vision. All I have to do is take some painkillers, burry my head in my pillow and pull the covers over to block out any light, I'm usually OK after about 4 or 5 hours.

|edit| Although I get a thumping head during a migraine, I only chunder if I get a really bad one. |edit|
Mon, 18 Feb 2013, 05:05
thought this was relevant.
