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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Critics trying to kill Ouya before it even comes out properly.

Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 07:41
They try to say that it's crap based on not being polished, aparently the controller isn't quite up to par, that's like trying to say someone has no brains based on their doofy looks. The basic looks of the controller can be revised later and may even create business for people that make after-sales controllers.

It's a low priced console so who gives a flying flounder what the thing looks like!. NES and SNES controllers were as uncomfortable as sitting on a pin-cusion but it never stopped people buying those.

I remember XBox receiving loads of critisism back in the day, based on the fact that they were a nerdy company that only appealed to geeks, but look where it is now!.

I would be geared more towards debunking high-end consoles based on the fact that they don't cost much more than the games you play on them, most Ouya games will cost a meare one or two percent of the console it'self.

TechTandoori really need to re-think about their recycled Tandoori review.

Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 09:06
You're kidding me! NES and SNES controllers are the most comfy controllers I have ever used!!

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 09:30
I'm going to be honest here, I loved the idea behind the Ouya... Was really interested in the concept before I got wind of the price compared to our US cousins!

Though, I did have a further look at the thing, I never really took much notice of what it actually was up until I thought "What actually is it for the 99 asking"...

Well, this is where it started to crumble more for me... It's Android, for... My tele.. And, I'm not quite sure I want that.

The vast majority of games will be ported to the Ouya from already existing Android code, which, have all been designed for touch screens, not controllers, how this will translate is an iffy affair, you can get away with mouse->touch very easily, but, in my mind, mouse->joy has always been cumbersome.

But, for games such as Temple Run, with it's definite "swipe" approach, this will translate well, but, will ultimately leave the game a boring affair on the tele because it'll be a simple matter of occasionally pressing left/right/up/down and thats it... What a mundane affair that will be, which brings me to my next point...

Most mobile games can get away with being a bit of a hit because generally, you only play mobile games when your bored silly and need to kill 5 mins, or the length of a bus ride... Or, the other half has some soap bollocks on and you cannot stand the misery of EastEnders so you crank the iPad up for a spot of, I dunno, Flow Free or something.

Unless they are going to get some proper console based titles on board, that has been designed for the Ouya and controller based, and not let devs port any old mobile bollocks to the system, then, maybe it has a shot...

But that does go against the grain of what it stands for... Which, could be its biggest down fall.

No doubt, we'll find out how it goes anyway, I do wish it the best of luck, but, can only see a sea of mobile based mundane!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 09:43
AGameAWeek would probably work well on it.
Do people really want to spend a hundred quid on a console to play my shitty little games once a week?!
I doubt it.

I'm with Dabz on this one..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 10:06
spinal You're kidding me! NES and SNES controllers are the most comfy controllers I have ever used!!

Was a bit uncomfortable for me but then again all controllers are, due to me having Rhumatoid Arthritis.

Dabz The vast majority of games will be ported to the Ouya from already existing Android code, which, have all been designed for touch screens, not controllers, how this will translate is an iffy affair, you can get away with mouse->touch very easily, but, in my mind, mouse->joy has always been cumbersome.

The joys of SoCoder, there's plenty of talent on here to remedy that.

Jayenkai Do people really want to spend a hundred quid on a console to play my shitty little games once a week?!

I would. ... And who says your games are shitty?, I like playing your games!.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 10:11
Was a bit uncomfortable for me but then again all controllers are, due to me having Rhumatoid Arthritis.

That'll be too much Daley Thomson based Joystick Waggling!

.. Either that or the wanking..

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 10:13
There ya go, a potential new title for the Ouya: "Advanced Wanking Simulator".

|edit| The characters could be based on polititians. |edit|
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 10:37

AGameAWeek would probably work well on it.

Ironically, retro console emulators will probably work very well on it too... If there was a handful of decent emulators for it which harnessed the Ouya controller... Then, that would prick my ears up again!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 11:12
I will buy one as it is small and can do Emulator games on it too
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 12:51
NES and SNES controllers are the most comfy controllers I have ever used!!

I hate them both. Always have. The Xbox360 is my fave controller, but I did love the N64 and the GameCube controllers.

As far as the OUYA goes - As a dev I'm interested. As a consumer, not so much.

It's still early days though. And I'm a sucker for fringe hardware (GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo, Pandora etc. etc.)
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 14:15
That Techtandoori article was horrible. FFS, they blamed OUYA for the software issues - as though OUYA has anything to do with it.

Biggest OUYA problems I've gleaned so far:
By Far BIGGEST #1 Problem) The software isn't programmed for the hardware, just quick-ported from phones.
Well, expect to see a lot more of that, and worse. Expect to see 150 versions of Pong and 350 minor Breakout variations. Expect to see "My First Program" from 80 different people. Expect to see Spike Dislike for the third time unchanged except for the title graphic. In the first year.
This is non-curated, pure Indie, folks. With an emphasis on try your hand and put it out there.
If you view this as a PROBLEM and not WHAT YOU EXPECTED TO SEE IN THE FIRST PLACE, then you will hate the OUYA. Back away slowly and spend your $100 on the next Halo Collector Edition like a good little mainstream drone.

Problem #2) The controller faceplate that is designed to come off comes off, and this makes me think the entire controller is going to disintegrate.

Problem #3) Controller lag. Now, this could be a real problem...or it could be a bunch of nothing. Lag where?
Everywhere all the time? Bad.
In the console menus? Ever played an X360?
In specific software titles? I get touchscreen input lag in specific software titles on my phone, and that's not even using Bluetooth.

Problem #4) The console menus suck. Again, ever played an X360?

So, to sum up, a bunch of overblown non-problems - unless you're a fool who thinks $99 is going to buy you the Second Coming in an Android box.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 14:27
lol@Dabz because a MAJOR draw to the OUYA for me is the likelihood of an abundance of short-session gameplay-driven arcade-style titles rather than the mire of drek takes-forever-to-do-anything story-driven "proper console titles" the world is currently sunk in.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 15:06

lol@Dabz because a MAJOR draw to the OUYA for me is the likelihood of an abundance of short-session gameplay-driven arcade-style titles.

Fair do's, but all I can imagine is whats in the Google Marketplace now, granted, some nice little gems in there, for touch, mostly though, the place is packed with crap, which will inevitably be ported, and will be just as crap!

If you view this as a PROBLEM and not WHAT YOU EXPECTED TO SEE IN THE FIRST PLACE, then you will hate the OUYA. Back away slowly and spend your $100 on the next Halo Collector Edition like a good little mainstream drone.

I dont play AAA games, they bored me, like 98% of whats on mobile app stores... I'm a picky gamer nowadays see!

unless you're a fool who thinks $99 is going to buy you the Second Coming in an Android box.

It the UK, that will roll in in your money as $152 roughly, not exactly the same as $99, if it was 65 english snots ($99), then aye, worth a punt, and you'd be right!

Again, I have no real problems with the machine itself, theyve done well, they have, no arguements there.

Listen, I'm all ears, instead of lol'ing, why dont you point me in the direction of these short-session gameplay-driven arcade-style titles that I should be taking notice off, and why they will be better on the tele then on a Galaxy S3, which, I can pick up for free on a moderate phone contract?


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 15:42
It would be interesting to see a similar console, but with it's own tageted OS instead of using a ready made OS like Android. Not saying Android is a bad thing but it does mean we will be flooded with thousands of phone port just as Dabz said above.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 16:01
Well, to start off with, on tele vs tiny screen and with controller vs touch = automatically better (assuming actual controller support)
And since the vast majority of phone games that I've seen wodge in a control-pad overlay rather than making any attempt to design the game for touch, it only makes sense that anyone with a brain would drop in some code for an actual controller were one widely used (and this is getting more common since Sony Xperia Play, hacked-in console controllers, hacked-in iPple controllers, the MOGA and others)

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 16:08
Would be good to see some new games though rather than ports.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 16:28
I'm sure there will be new games, but given that it's an Android box who wouldn't cross market them?

If you're perfectly happy tapping and smudging your sprites across a wee screen, the OUYA probably won't make any major difference to you. If that doesn't feel like playing games to you, the OUYA might be up your street.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 16:33
As to price, I've already mentioned that you can pay from $99 to $299 for TV add-on boxes that don't do half as much.
In addition, every other planned Android box for TV I've seen announced weighs in far higher.

I can see not having any use for a OUYA at any price, but I can't see it not being a bargain. Yes, stupid foreign-money mark-up rip-off - but it's been in practice with every other console made and I'd assume all the other boxes I mention, so the OUYA is still just as much of a comparative bargain.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 19:27
Early days yet though, let's see what happens. I remember the Raspberry Pi getting loads of critisism like it was going to fail to launch etc, look how wrong they were!.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013, 19:29
They should point out that it is also of educational value, due to the fact that kids can program and make their own games on it. It was that very fact that got the Raspberry Pi out of the oven.
Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 01:05

I can see not having any use for a OUYA at any price, but I can't see it not being a bargain. Yes, stupid foreign-money mark-up rip-off - but it's been in practice with every other console made and I'd assume all the other boxes I mention, so the OUYA is still just as much of a comparative bargain.

Yeah... Suppose its all down the end-user, this end user isnt as much keen as he was, but, I wont abandon the idea of getting one all together, I'll just keep my peeps on it, see what comes out and how it gathers pace!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 05:32
Dabz I'll just keep my peeps on it, see what comes out and how it gathers pace!

Same here, I will just wait for about 6 months.
Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 12:12
I personally have no interest in the Ouya. It's bad phone hardware in a tiny box pretending to be a console, and it's doing a lousy job of hiding it since all the games are bad ports of Android phone games. The fact that they went with Android for the OS is also troubling, seeing as it's a performance death-trap (partly due to it all being run on a VM and partly because of the amount of hackery you have to do to get around the flaws in having what is essentially a poor man's JVM). The controller is apparently kind of crummy, but then that's true of the 360 as well and people still play with that. I'd have said the Wii, but nobody who bought a Wii really plays it.

Their plans for hardware changes over time are also going to pose a problem since the appeal of consoles was that you buy one and never need to upgrade it. In other words, you don't need to do the PC thing, you just play games. The Ouya isn't doing that. They'll apparently be putting out regular hardware updates and it'll probably go one of two ways. Either the people with the new hardware won't get anything good because everyone's targeting the old hardware or people will get burnt out on paying $100 every year because developers target new hardware and their games feel crummy running on old hardware.

Ultimately, to me, it's dead on arrival. It won't have any games I couldn't get on my Nexus 7, it won't do anything I care about, and developing for it would be prohibitively difficult due to it requiring Java. Again, Android was a bad choice when it's the odd man out on programming languages while all other platforms continue to stick with C/C++ (and Obj-C on iOS and OS X, though you don't have to touch them except to create a window and set up a graphics context). So, I see no reason to buy one, no reason to develop for one, and just no reason to like it in general.

To be honest, if I were going to pick a console to aim for these days, it'd be the Playstation 4. The hardware is familiar and Sony seems to be lightening up with its approach to independent developers (possibly learning from Steam, though it remains to be seen where all this will go and if it's good or bad). If I were picking a mobile device, it'd be the iPhone and iPad. If I were picking a desktop, well, still Windows and Mac OS, obviously. Probably Linux as an afterthought. Either way, Ouya wouldn't fit in anywhere since it's in a weird, useless sort of corner.
Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 16:15
Cower To be honest, if I were going to pick a console to aim for these days, it'd be the Playstation 4.

That's OK if you don't mind splashing out huge amounts of cash for the games.
Sun, 14 Apr 2013, 17:09
iPple device adoption is slowing, Android device adoption continues to rise. Weird and useless FTW!

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.