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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Screen Burn of the Mind

Sun, 19 May 2013, 08:06
What does this nutjob expect us all to do?, get rid of tech and become Amish!. I believe I learned a lot more in 13 years of internet use than I learned in the 26 years leading upto that.
Sun, 19 May 2013, 08:06
Comparible to the early stages of global warming indeed!.

|edit| For want of a better phrase, I would be urged to replace "indeed!" with "my arse!". |edit|
Sun, 19 May 2013, 09:29
I agree that the constant narcissistic "social" yammering is bad, but people were doing that before Facebook. Not as many, to be sure, but we all knew of someone who was on their cellular phone seemingly 24/7 blathering emptiness to the other end.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 19 May 2013, 10:01
It's incredibly easy to pull together any "evidence" you want to back up any claim/hypothesis nowadays. You just need time to search for it by spending long periods in front of a screen. Oh... self fulfilling prophecy!
Mon, 20 May 2013, 04:03
this argument goes around in different forms, did your parents ever tell you you would get square eyes from sitting too close to the TV?

I understand the point about social media taking over, and people think to tweet about a fire THEN exit the building!

But the screen itself causing this is just ridiculous, people have had screens for a long time.

What really annoys me is parents says "little Johnny can only go on his PC for an hour" I ask them why then explain my up-bringing and my career I have out of it. Most the time they do not understand that gaming is good for all kinds of things especially on-line gaming, not just for calling someone a faggot. There are a number of articles that show decision making and reaction times are significantly improved from playing on line FPSs, even simple strategy and "tycoon" style gaming teaches resource management.

Its just old folk not having a clue as usual

Mon, 20 May 2013, 08:33
I would add that multi-player online gaming encourages interaction, competition, camaraderie, companionship, problem solving and a feeling of belonging amongst other things. How many people sitting at home can say that when viewing the tv?

I really have no time for these crackpot, quackshot bullshit studies.
Mon, 20 May 2013, 10:14
My point is that she brought up the subject, if she brought it up then I see it as a campaign to encourage everyone to stop using social media and the devices that they socialise on. I see it as trolling in an attempt to make us all live like the Amish.

Without the technology we have now, we would still be ing the dark ages. A lot of stuff is developed by teams of people that communicate over very long distances, you can pool together a lot of mind power by using social media, we are doing it now on SoCoder and any other forums, many of us have learned a lot because of that.
Mon, 20 May 2013, 12:31
As a campaign, it's not going to get very far (if that's her intention) and it'll fall on mainly deaf ears. In a year's time nobody will know who she is.

There's a reason people use social media - she clearly states that she doesn't use it, so obviously she either doesn't get it or feel the need to use it. That's fine. Others do however.

It's interestingly ironic that social media is actually spreading the word about her work though...
Mon, 20 May 2013, 12:38
rockford It's interestingly ironic that social media is actually spreading the word about her work though...

Yeah, I was thinking that too.
Mon, 20 May 2013, 23:36

It's interestingly ironic that social media is actually spreading the word about her work though...

On(ish) topic... But the thing I have noticed for a while about social networking, and it was pretty evident when I went for a meal in the pub on Saturday... Is that there were couples, families etc sitting in the pub and if they were under the age of 40 more often then not, they we're sitting, gawking into their phones and being totally, well, unsociable, in fact I look over and wonder if they are actually going to strike up a proper conversion before their food comes!

My wife is nailed to Twitter and Facebook, but, when we are out for a meal or anywhere, I've banned her from using her phone, lol, I generally think it's a bit pig ignorant, even when out with a few of my mates for a drink and one or two of them is glued to their handheld, sitting with their phone tapping away and not saying out, I usually go "If we're boring you, just say and we'll fuck off"... It's enough for them to put their phone down like.

Dont get me wrong, I can understand people putting pictures up on Facebook of where they are when out and about or posting something thats just happened... But to sit their in company, and trawl through other peoples profiles is a piss take IMO, and, it peeve's the life out of me!



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 21 May 2013, 02:31
Indeed. I think it might be, in some way, linked to how I imagine most of us having grown up, sat unsocially in front of screens full of code, constantly being nagged at by mum&dad to "join in", and "go out".
We learned to deal with both, together, but now an entire generation is suddenly experiencing this without having learned to "put the computer away!!". Seeing family with phones and iPhings, at the dinner table, is really damn frustrating!!
I'm turning into my mum!.. ... And complaining to my Mum!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 21 May 2013, 03:13
It is indeed saddening to see families and friends ignoring each other while looking into tech gear or chatting away on mobiles.